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Mental Health Matters: Break the Stigma Campaign

Join us in raising awareness to improve understanding, reduce stigma, and promote self-care in mental health. Learn how to support yourself and others. Let's take action together for better mental well-being.

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Mental Health Matters: Break the Stigma Campaign

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  1. Mental HealthCampaign Update

  2. background

  3. Poor mental health is a big issue 20 years On average men with severe mental illness die 20 years earlier, women die 15 years earlier 1 in 4 People will experience mental illness at some point in their lives 15% Common mental illnesses may affect up to 15% of the population at any one time 23% • Mental illnesses account for the largest burden (23%) of diseases in England • The costs of mental health problems to the economy in England have recently been estimated at £105 billion Suicide is now the leading cause of death for men aged 15–49

  4. Manifesto Commitment The Government set an ambition (Manifesto Commitment) to ‘train one million members of the public in basic mental health awareness and first aid to break the stigma of mental illness.’

  5. Audiences, from 1 in 4 4 in 4 Existing activity often focusses on the 1 in 4 Insight suggests the 2 in 4 will be most receptive

  6. Objectives Three objectives were identified by the mental health sector working group; these can be brought together in one overall campaign objective Improve understanding of how to look out for signs and symptoms of MH issues in others and how to show support Improve understanding of how to look after our own mental health and wellbeing Increase actions taken to look after our own mental health and wellbeing 1 million people with increased understanding of how to take care of their own mental health and the mental health of others

  7. Role of the campaign • The campaign is not • A remedial campaign driving people to seek medical help • A suite of diagnosis tools to use as a proxy or replacement for clinical treatment • Niche or micro-targeting specific audience groups • An advocacy campaign attempting to tackle cultural stigma • Just a hub we need to drive our audiences exclusively to • The campaign is • A preventative campaign to enable people manage their own mental health • Content designed to help people proactively manage their own mental health • Broad enough to benefit all audiences whatever their mental health status • Promoting personal understanding of mental health to drive action • Ecosystem of content that has a destination but is distributed to where our audiences are

  8. Key messages How to take care of your own mental health and the mental health of others Everyone has mental health Mental health is as important as physical health There are strategies to improve mental health (self help to external help) Take action to care for your own mental health and that of others

  9. research

  10. CONSUMER research • Knowledge • What do people currently understand about mental health and mental health problems? What terms do they use to talk about it? Do they recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health problems?Attitudes • What are existing attitudes towards mental health and mental health problems? Do people think about supporting their own mental health and others? What do they think is best to provide this support? Behaviours • What sources of information to people go to find out about mental health? What actions do people currently take to protect and improve mental health? What do people do in relation to supporting other people around mental health?Campaign development • What creative routes could resonate with the audience and drive action? What are reactions to potential creative routes? MH1M campaign workshop 6 September 2017

  11. WHAT WE LEARNED A significant section of the audience is interested in exploring more about their mental health, with an interest in what they can do for themselves and/or those they care about • Widespread awareness that mental health has become topical and important. There is support for a campaign providing practical support Existingwarmth Language • Language around mental health is still problematic (‘mental’ is alienating). Using mental health and wellbeing’ helps with repositioning Content can inspire • People are looking for content that is engaging, educational and inspirational  creating literacy, interest in the topic and building efficacy Charity pathways • Mental health charities often welcomed as first point of contact  perceived as a confidential first step, without labelling. Engaging format • Video content tested well as a format for delivering the campaign 4

  12. Who are we talking to

  13. CampaignStrategy

  14. Campaign strategy Reframe Equip Respond Provide simple steps for mental wellbeing, appealingly packaged Be there when people signal that they need us Reframe mental health improvement as relevant and desirable Implicit Need 19.5M AllAdults 45M Explicit Need 9M Al adults in England. But Up-weighted towards C2DE as socio-demo with greatest need 43.4% of adults who believe they experienced a mental health condition 20% of adults that have visited a mental health website Inspirational Film Starter Product On-demand Products

  15. New product will Equip people with skills Starter (“Equip”/”Bundled” product)Boost your mental wellbeing Individual (“Respond” phase)Answers specific needs Stress Anxiety Sleep Low mood Anxiety Stress Sleep Low mood PTSD OCD Social anxiety Panic 41% of population have experienced stress/anxiety, depression or insomnia in the past 12 months More in-depth / Need driven Content: understanding triggers, spotting the signs, things you can do now, creating an action plan, helping others, further resources A taster, interest driven Search volumes for each topic > 450,000 per month - significantly larger than other topics such as PTSD, OCD, social anxiety (>150,000)


  17. We need to rigorously test our approach We recognise the risks associated with giving people inappropriate advice and signposts. We are working closely with NHS England to ensure that content: Avoids medicalising sub-clinical experiences Promotes self care where advisable Signposts to charity services and resources Guidance on when NHS services may be appropriate We will adopt a test-learn-refine approach as we have with campaigns such as Be Clear on Cancer: Product test – aiming for c1000 participants recruited through the One You email database and employers in the Midlands to help us assess: • audience response to & engagement with the bundled mental health module • Impact on mental health literacy & wellbeing • what people did next as a result of interacting with the product Regional campaign test – to test likely volumes of response inc what ongoing support people might look for Large-scale national launch

  18. Regional Campaign Test - Autumn 2018 We will promote the completed programme in one TV region with an advertising campaign, PR and partner-driven communications to test likely volumes of response inc what ongoing support people might look for Test region tbc but possibly the Central TV region Advertising campaign is still TBC but likely to include • TV • Radio • Digital • Social media There will be a programme of supporting PR and partner-driven communications in the test region

  19. National launch - current thinking

  20. Mental health campaign framework “Partner” logos for illustrative purposes only Social TV event PR launch REFRAME Inspirational film Totemic partners Distribution Product comms Bundled hero product Audio EQUIP Partnerships (in kind) Amplification partners AV MIND FIT Text 3rd party resources 1-2-1 On-demand modules Anxiety Depression Sleep Stress Panic Social Anxiety PTSD OCD RESPOND

  21. Inspirational film will reframe the issue Breakfast TV PR TV Teasers/ idents Influencers & PR On-demand platforms Partnerships EPG Note: “partner” logos for illustrative purposes only Product comms Place the film in front of millions during TV break. Opportunity to work in partnership with a key broadcaster to amplify and increase visibility. Ensure TV event is supported with digital video “roadblock” across the evening Second screen

  22. using search signals to signpost to tools YouTube Search • Keyword targeting within YouTube, utilizing YouTube Discovery product • Always on SEO SEO optimisation to ensure strong organic listings and conversion to video views • Paid Search • Search keyword targeting across all key content pillars – Sleep, Anxiety, depression, PTSD etc. • Always on Anxiety..

  23. Totemic partners Partner organisations with a focus on mental health and strong corporate and product brands, who are trusted employers Champion and influence others by taking to speaking platforms Leverage their corporate communication channels Communicate to customer and supply chain Employer engagement Note: “partner” logos for illustrative purposes

  24. EVALUATION • We are currently developing our evaluation approach with an expert advisory group • It is likely to capture: • Outputs: activity and reach by communications channel • Outtakes: awareness, knowledge and attitudes around mental health (pre and post campaign quantitative tracking) • Outcomes: reported and confirmed action (pre and post campaign quantitative tracking, potentially including a behavioural study). 4

  25. timelines

  26. Timeframes Product test May/June 2018 Regional campaign test October 2018 in one TV region TBC During this period we will be engaging local and national partners to prepare for the large scale national launch National rollout Late Spring/Summer 2019

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