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HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL. Prev. Next. Turkey is a bridge between Europe and Asia with 75 million of population. Prev. Next. Turkey has seven geographical regions and. Prev. Next. 88888lk 81 provinces. Prev. Next.

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  2. Turkey is a bridgebetweenEuropeandAsiawith 75 million of population. Prev. Next

  3. Turkey has seven geographicalregionsand Prev. Next

  4. 88888lk 81 provinces. Prev. Next

  5. Ankara is thecapitalcity of Turkey. Historicallyknown as Angora, Ankara is thesecondlargestcity of Turkeyafter İstanbul with 4,5 millons of population. Ankara is a very old city with various Hittite, Phrygian, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman archaeological sites. Prev. Next

  6. It is thecitywheretheabolition of theOttmanEmpireandtheestablishment of theTurkishRepublicwasannounced. Themausoleum of Atatürk ,thefounder of the modern TurkishRepublic, is in Ankara. Prev. Next

  7. İstanbul is theonlycity in theworldlocated on twocontinents. (EuropeandAsia ) Prev. Next

  8. Istanbul’spopulation is 15 million. Prev. Next

  9. Istanbulusedto be thecapitals of theEastern Roman (Byzantine) andOttomanEmpires. Prev. Next

  10. Theoldeststatue in theworldwasfound in theprovince of Şanlıurfa/Turkey. It is 13.500 yearsold . Itwasmade in theUpperPaleolithic. Prev. Next

  11. ThefirstUniversity of theworld is in Harran in theprovince of Şanlıurfa/ Turkey. ThedistancebetweentheEarthandtheMoonwascalculated in thisUniversity. Prev. Next

  12. The First Temple Of TheWorld, Gobeklitepe is in theprovince of Şanlıurfa Turkey. Itwasbuilt in roughly 10.000 B.C. It is 12.000 yearsold. Scientists say that “Thisarcheolical site maychangethehistory of humanbeing”. Prev. Next

  13. Thelargestneolitichumansettlementwiththelongesthistory of continuoushabitation (since 7000 B.C.) wasfound in Çatalhöyük Turkey. Prev. Next

  14. Two of the Seven Wonders of theAncientWorld , TheTemple of Artemis andtheMausoleum at Halicarnassusare in Turkey. Prev. Next

  15. ASKLEPIUS THE GOD OF MEDICINE Built in the 4th century B.C. ThePergamumAskleipion (HealingTemple) is one of the 4 Askleipions in theworld. It is in modern Bergama/İzmir. Theothersare in Peloponnese, TrikalaandKosislandGreece. (Asklepionusedto be hospitolcuringwithwater,sound of waterandmusic.) Prev. Next

  16. Theprophet Abraham is thoughttohavebeenborn in theprovince of Şanlıurfa in SoutheasternTurkey. Prev. Next

  17. King Midas of the golden touch, Prev. Next

  18. Herodotus , thefather of thehistory, Prev. Next

  19. St. Nicholas, whobecamefamous as SantaClaus, Prev. Next

  20. St. Paul theApostle, Prev. Next

  21. St. John theEvangelist, Prev. Next

  22. St.Peter theApostle Prev. Next

  23. arefromAnatolia ( AsiaMinor) Turkey. Prev. Next

  24. St. Nicholas ,SantaClaus, wasborn in Myra. Modern Demre in theprovince of Antalya Turkey. He wasthebishop of Myra. His church is stillvisitedbymanypeple in Demre/Antalya. Prev. Next

  25. St. Peter’schurch in Antioch is thoughtto be thefirstchristianchurch. TodayAntioch ,modern Antakya, is a province in thesouth of Turkey. Prev. Next

  26. Leonardo Davincidesigned a bridgefor Golden Horn İstanbul but it wasneverbuilt. Prev. Next

  27. Julius Caesaruttered his famouswords “Veni, Vidi, Vici” ( I came, I saw, I conquered ) in 47 B.C. afterdefeatingPharnaces II, theruler of the Pontus, in ZelaAsiaMinor on thesoutherncoast of theBlackSea. Modern Zile/Turkey. Prev. Next

  28. Olympos, whichwassettled in 168 B.C. andbecameone of themostsignificantcoastalcities of ancient Lydia , is one of theimportanttouriticregions of Antalya withitsculturalvalues , excellent 3200 metercoast, ChimeraandCarettacarettas. Prev. Next

  29. Zeugma Zeugma ancientcity, whichwasfounded on thebanks of RiverEuphrates in 300 B.C, wasone of thelargetscities in theworldwith a populationover 80.000, biggerthanPompeiandLondinium ( London) and as big as Athens. Zeugma is famousforitswonderfulmosaics. Today it is in theprovice of Gaziantep Turkey. Prev. Next

  30. Thelasthome of VirginMary is belivedto be in Selçuk ( Ephesus ) in theprovince of İzmir Turkey. Prev. Next

  31. The Roman Emperor Mark Anthonygave Cleopatra a bay in Sedir islandnear Marmaris /Turkey as a weddinggift. It is called Cleopatra beachtoday. It is belivedthat Mark Anthony had thesand in thatbeachbroughtfromEgyptbytheships. Thissand is flameable, it accrues in soda waterandmovesunderthemagnifyingglass. It is underprotection. Prev. Next

  32. Homer wasborn in Smyrna. Modern theprovince of İzmir on thewestcoast of Turkey. His famousepic ,theIliad, depictsthebattlesforthecity of Troy . Prev. Next

  33. Troyancientcity,renownedforTroyanwar, is located in theprovince of Çanakkale/Turkey on thecoast of Dardenellsstrait. Prev. Next

  34. Paris takesaway Helen. Troyanwarwaswagedagainstthecity of TroybyAcheans (Greeks) after Paris fromTroytook Helen from her husbandMenelausking of Sparta. Prev. Next

  35. Aesop, thefamed teller of fables, wasborn in Anatolia. Prev. Next

  36. IntheEnglishlanguagethere is a sayingcalled “ CuttheGordiansKnot”(mening:solving a problem easily by cheating or "thinking outside the box").ThissayingwasbornthankstoAlexanderthegreatwhen he easilyconqueredthePhrygiancapitalGordiumwhich is near Ankara thepresentcapital of Turkey. WhenAlexandergreatarrivedGordium, Gordianpeoplesaidhimthattheyneeded a kingandtheywouldaccepthim as theirkingif he could be abletountietheGordianknot. Alexanderacceptedthisoffer but he took his swordandcuttheGordianknoteasilyandthusbecametheking of thatcountry. Prev. Next

  37. Theearlychristiansescapingfrom Roman persecutionnearly 2000 yearsagosheltered in thecaves of Cappadocia in thecentralAnatolia. Prev. Next

  38. TheNiceanCreedwasestablished in 325 A.D. bythefirstEcumenicalCouncil in Nicea, modern İznik / Turkey. Prev. Next

  39. The site of seven churches of St. Jean werelocated in Turkey. Prev. Next

  40. AccordingtotheIliadepic of Homeros, thefirstbeautycontest in theworldwas done in 2000 B.C. on theMountIdanearTroy in Turkey. Prev. Next

  41. ContestantswereEris, Hera, AthenaandAphroditeandJudgewas Paris. Judged as themostbeautifulby Paris , Aphroditewonthecontest. Prev. Next

  42. Thenames of Paris, PhiladelphiaandEuropaoriginated in Turkey. Prev. Next

  43. Winewasbeingproduced in Anatolia as early as 4000 B.C. Prev. Next

  44. Unveiled at the Topkapı Palace in 1929 anddrawnbyrenownedTurkishsailor Piri Reis (1457-1555) , thismapbewilderedtheworld of science since theMountainranges in Antartica , theNorthernandSoutherncoasts of theAmericanContinents , eventhemountainchainsandtheirsummits, onlydiscovered in 1952 withacousticaldevices, wereaccuratelylocatedandshown on it. Prev. Next

  45. Women in Turkey were given the right to vote and be elected to public office in 1934, well before these rights were granted to Swiss women. Prev. Next

  46. Atatürk ,Thecommander of theTurks A Turkishtroopliting a 275 kg of a artilleryshell. Thatshell hit TheBritshshipOcean. Dardanelles played an important role at World War I. British and its Allies, who wanted to take Istanbul, could not pass through the Dardanelles. The eight month-long struggle between the Allies and Turkish forces is known as the Battle of Gallipoli. So serious were the casualties on both sides(500.000 peopledied), that Winston CHURCHILL, Prime Minister of England, was removed from his office. Prev. Next

  47. TheGallipoliPeninsula is a HistoricalNational Park now. It is visitedbythepeopleallovertheworld. Prev. Next

  48. Turkey is theonlydemocratic, secularnation in theworldwith a majority of itspopulationbeingtheİslamicfaith. Prev. Next

  49. Seven advice of Mevlana tothemankind: Ingenerosityandhelpingothers,be like a river… Incompassionandgrace,be likethe Sun… Inconcealingothers’ faults,be likethenight… Inangerandfury,be like a dead… Intolerance,be likethesea… Inmodestyandhumility,be liketheEarth… Eitherexist as youare,or be as youlook. Mevlana was awellknown13th-century AnatolianMuslim poet, jurist, theologian,philosopher and Sufi mystic. He is renownedfor his teaching of tolerance . He says: Come, Comeagain ! Whateveryouare... Theyear 2007 wasdeclared as Theyear of Mevlana byThe UNESCO. Prev. Next

  50. Yunus Emre says: “I love all thecreatures because of oursame creator”. YunusEmre(ThePerson of Love) is one of the most important Turkish poetswholived in the 13th century. His poetry expresses a deep personal mysticism and humanism and love for everything.The year 1991 wasdeclared as YunusEmre ThePeace and Love Year byThe UNESCO. Prev. Next

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