Imagine… Imagine that you are running errands and stop to buy a newspaper. When you buy the newspaper you have to pay extra money for it. The extra money is going all the way across the ocean to England. Once you have paid for your newspaper, a special stamp is put on it to prove that you paid for it. How would you feel?
The Stamp Act • In 1765 England needed to make in order to pay for the troops they had sent to the colonies and for a war • They decided they would put a tax on some items that colonists had to pay for like: playing cards legal documents newspapers
The Colonists Get Angry! The Sons of Liberty A group of colonists who organized protests against the British government. One member, Samuel Adams, wrote newspaper articles against the Stamp Act. Colonists from 9 colonies met together and demanded that England repeal (cancel) the Stamp Act. One year later, in 1765, England repealed it.
More Trouble… In 1767 England passed the Townshend Acts. The Townshend Acts said that the colonists would have to pay a tax on goods imported from England! Taxes On: tea glass paper lead paint
I know! Did you hear that all the colonists in Boston have decided to boycott all the taxed goods! Can you believe these taxes? I can’t believe the King is doing this! What do you think the word boycott means?
The Daughters of Liberty The Daughters of Liberty were a group of women who got together to help support the boycott. These women held “spinning bees.” What do you think a “spinning bee” was? A “spinning bee” was when the women would get together to spin thread so that they would not have to import clothes from England. Many women also gave up something very special… tea!
The King got very angry with the colonists in Boston! In October of 1768 he decided to send British troops to the city to control them. Children yelled out at British troops as they patrolled the streets and some even threw snowballs at them! LOBSTERS! Why do you think they called them lobsters?
The Boston Massacre On March 5, 1770 outside the Customs House in Boston, a large group of colonists met near a group of British soldiers. Crispus Attucks, a former slave yelled out in the crowd. There was a great deal of confusion and shots were fired. “The way to get rid of these soldiers is to attack the main guard.” What do you think happened?
5 colonists were killed, including Crispus Attucks. The soldiers were arrested. A lawyer, John Adams, defended the British soldiers. Why would John Adams have defended these men?
The Committees of Correspondence In October of 1772 Sam Adams presented the idea of creating a committee to “state the rights of the colonists.” By 1774 all of the colonies, except Pennsylvania, had formed Committees of Correspondence. Why do you think the colonists needed to correspond with each other? What do you think the word correspondence means?
It was a quiet December night when a group of colonists, dressed as Native Americans, boarded a ship in Boston Harbor. One colonist called out: Look at this picture. What do you think they are doing and why? Why do you think they are dressed as Native Americans? “Boston Harbor will be a teapot tonight!” What do you think this colonist meant?
King George III became very angry with the colonists of Boston. He believed that they needed to be punished for their actions! How do you think he punished them?
The Intolerable Acts The King decided that: • The port of Boston would be closed until the colonists paid for the tea • Town meetings were banned • Colonists had to let British soldiers live in their homes and they had to feed them How would you feel if you were a colonist living in Boston?