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The Road to the Common Core With ACOE. Summer 2013. Fall 2013. Winter 2013-14. Spring 2014. Summer 2014. Fall 2014. Beyond the Basics -Instructional Shifts -Rigor: Depth of Knowledge -Assessment: SBAC, to CCSS -Shifts In Action: Close Reading Strategies & Text Dependent Questions
The Road to the Common Core With ACOE Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Winter 2013-14 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Fall 2014 Beyond the Basics -Instructional Shifts -Rigor: Depth of Knowledge -Assessment: SBAC, to CCSS -Shifts In Action: Close Reading Strategies & Text Dependent Questions -Math: Practice Strategies November: Nitty Gritty Time! -Inquiry Approach in Depth -Text Complexity, Writing Changes -Assessment Practice-Creation -Math: Alignment to new CCSS Teacher PD SBAC is Here! Teacher Cohorts -Instructional Design Work: Units, Common Core Aligned Pedagogy Integrating Technology Into Classrooms Collaboration Teacher Cohorts Quarterly Reflections, revisions Support for unit creation and Integration of performance tasks Admin Support -Common Core Implications for School/System Reform-Realigning Priorities -Leading Teacher Collaboration Admin support Site Or District Admin Support -Ongoing support for: Learning Walks, monitoring, and planning
Instructional Goals by end of 2013-14 All students in ELA, SS, Science: • Read a balance of non-fiction and fiction. • Build content knowledge by reading primary and secondary sources with the support of their ELA and content area teachers. • Participate, throughout the day every day, in evidence-based conversation about text/resources. • Throughout their day every day, produce evidence based writing about sources • Build academic vocabulary by reading increasingly complex texts and learning new and powerful words.
Instructional Goals by end of 2013-14 In Math all students: • Have speed and accuracy with simple calculations and are asked to memorize, through repetition, core functions for their grade level. • Are able to demonstrate deep conceptual understanding of core math concepts by applying them to new situations and writing and speaking about their mathematical reasoning. • Choose the appropriate concept for application. At all grade levels, regularly apply math in “real world” situations • Practice and understand grade level concepts with equal intensity
Charter/school Targets 2013-14 • All math curricula in the school progress strategically across grades, all teachers are keenly aware of those progressions and how they play out ‘1 up and 1 down’. • All other core areas have incorporated the three shifts in curriculum-lesson plans • Build knowledge through content rich non-fiction • Reading, writing, speaking grounded in evidence from text (literary and informational) • Regular practice with complex text and academic language • All content areas incorporate some performance based tasks (For example: quarterly) • Teachers regularly collaborate around student outcomes and adjust instructional plans together
Charter Targets 2013-14 • COMMON LANGUAGE: shifts drive all messaging and programming in the charter group/school • STREAMLINED SUPPORTS: existing supports analyzed and streamlined, prioritizing charter-wide and school-based efforts grounded in effective CCSS implementation • BRIGHT SPOTS: effective implementation strategies identified/celebrated • BUDGET ALIGNMENT: 2013-14 budget aligned with strategies leading to/ensuring effective implementation • OBSERVING THE SHIFTS: evidence from observations/artifacts emphasizes strengths and gaps in implementing the shifts • QUALITY FEEDBACK: teachers receive high-quality feedback focused on strengths and gaps in implementing the shifts following observations • FOCUS ON GROWTH: systems in place ensure evidence-based observation, adoption of the CCSS shifts in curriculum resources and student growth are discussed by teachers in comprehensive way
Charter Targets 2013-14 • What is our focus/foci? Fill in 3 x 4 form • Fill out page one of the ‘Readiness Rubric’ • Look at foci, will these move you on any of the areas on the rubric? If so where would you want to be at end of year? • If not what might you consider changing or including as a focus? • Look at Charter/School Readiness rubric: What supports might you leverage for your work? • Now choose 1 or 2…no more than 3 HIGH LEVERAGE activities in each area: • Curriculum: the What? • Pedagogy: the How? • Assessment: how will we know? • Administrator Development-Responsibilities • What are your Measureable GOALS for each by end of year? (SMART) • How will you plan/implement these: • Engage, Support Monitor? • ie: Educate, Job Embed, Track progress?
Questions To Consider • What are reasonable goals? • What structures/services could we re-align in support of this initiative? • What human capital can we leverage? • When will we ‘Engage’ Staff? • How will we provide ongoing job embedded support? • What is worth monitoring? How will we measure and track growth/needs?
ACOE Does… Charter Does… • Teacher PDs that model strategies to be used in classes • Admin PDs • Curriculum Aligning Protocols & Support • Content Area Expertise Development • Community Resources • Time and Attention • Reorganizing resources • Learning Environment • Parent and Community Outreach • School Board knowledge Together We’re Better!