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EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES. Ms.shycil mathew. LARNING OBJECTIVES. AT THE END OF THE CLASS STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO : define education list the types of educational aims and objectives explain the taxonomy of educational objectives discuss levels and elements of educational objectives.
LARNING OBJECTIVES • AT THE END OF THE CLASS STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO : • define education • list the types of educational aims and objectives • explain the taxonomy of educational objectives • discuss levels and elements of educational objectives
INTRODUCATION • What is education? • Education is concerned with the modification of behavior. • A guided and scaled down approach is required to bring out desirable behavior modifications.
DEFINITION • “Educational objectives depict what the student should be able to do at the end of learning activity that they could not do beforehand. In broad sense, educational objectives spell out what should a learner be able t do or do better after the successful completion of an educational program that he or she was unable to do or could not do so well before..
CONTI.. • As educational objective is focused much more on the learner’s performance it is also known as learning objective.” – Sankaranarayana
DEFINITION • “ The result sought by the learner at the end of the educational program, i.e, what the students should be able to do at the end of a learning period, that they could not do beforehand’ – J JGuilbert
CLASSIFICATION 1. General objectives or institutional objectives 2. Intermediate objectives 3. Instructional objectives Also classified as…………….. • Central objectives • Contributory objectives • Indirect objectives
Institutional objectives • It is followed by all institutions offering educational program. • It is formulated by the curriculum committee of that institute. • They are the foundation of relevant educational program. • They are for the attainment of overall aim of a particular educational program.
Intermediate objectives • Derivatives of institutional objectives. • Related to a particular learning experience or subject matter. • They are formulated by the curriculum committee
Instructional objectives • They are specific, precise, attainable, measurable and corresponding to each specific objective for a class. • They are written in a way to cater the individual learning needs of the students.
CONTI.. • Whereas the institutional and intermediate objectives are written for the entire student body and without any individual consideration
Central objectives • It is written for every topic or lesson. • This is of supreme importance in any teaching activity. • It provides the basis for formulating the subsequent contributory objectives.
Contributory objectives • They are the derivatives of central objective. • The attainment of central objective is possible only through the attainment of contributory objectives. • They have to be written more specifically in terms of the knowledge, abilities, skills, attitude, appreciation and interest which will develop in the student as a result of the specific teaching-learning activity
Indirect objectives • Indirect or concomitant objectives are the byproducts of the attainment of other objectives. • They have to be written-down in order to bring out certain understandings, ideals and attitudes along with the attainment of contributory objectives and central objective. • For example: appreciate the value of lecture method.
BLOOM’STAXONOMY OF EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Bloom’s and his associates developed a system of classification of objectives called the taxonomy of educational objective. They are classified into 3 main domains…………..
Levels: • Knowledge: The remembering of previously learned material. It represents the lowest level of learning outcome in cognitive domain. a. Knowledge of specifics include: i. Knowledge of terminology ii. Knowledge of specific fact
b. Knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics i. Knowledge of conventions ii. Knowledge of trends and sequence iii. Knowledge of classification and categories iv. Knowledge of criteria v. Knowledge of methodology
b. Knowledge of universal and abstractions in a field i. Knowledge of principles and generalizations ii. Knowledge of theories and structures • Comprehension: The ability to grasp the meaning of material. The learning outcome goes one step beyond the simple understanding of material and represents the lowest level of understanding.
3.Application: The ability to use learned material in new situation, it requires a higher level of understanding.
Analysis: The ability to breakdown material into its component parts so that it’s organizational structure. A higher intellectual level as it requires an understanding of both the content and the structural form of the material.
Synthesis: It is the ability to put together to form a new whole learning outcomes in the area and stress to creates behavior with major emphasis on the formulation of new patterns of structures. • Evaluation: The ability to judge the value of material for a given purpose. The judgments are to be based on definite criteria.
AFFECTIVE DOMAIN • Francis M Quinn describes the affective domain and its five levels in the following way. As feelings, attitudes, values and interests are components of the caring functions; this domain has particular significance in nursing. ‘Values’ refer to the person’s concept of what he or she considers desirable and so has a large emotional component.
A person’s values may include sincerity, compassion, respect, etc. ‘Attitudes’ are positive or negative feelings about certain things and consists of both cognitive and affective aspects.
Levels: • Receiving (attending): At this level learner is sensitive to the existence of something and progresses form awareness to controlled or selected attention. It is difficult to tell when a learner is receiving or attending to something, so the best indicator is verbal behavior. Typical verbs used at this level are asks, chooses, selects, replies etc. For examples, asks right questions by honoring the dignity of the patient during history collection.
CONTI.. • Responding: This is concerned with active response by the learner, although commitment is yet to demonstrate. The range is form reacting to a suggestion through experiencing a feeling of satisfaction in responding. Verbs represent this level includes answers, assists, complies, conforms, helps, etc. For examples, assists the patient in carrying activities of daily living.
Affective domain not only guides in the inculcation of new attitudes but also assists in modifying the students existing attitudes in a way favorable to the nursing profession. • Some more action verbs like respond, co-operate, react, receive, participate, appreciate, permit, contribute and interact are also used to represent this domain.
Valuing: Objectives at this level indicate acceptance and internalization of values or attitudes. The learner acts out these in everyday life in a consistent way. The verbs used in this level are initiates, invites, joins, justifies, etc. For example, initiates building of interpersonal relationship with the patients during clinical postings. • Organization: Having internalized the value, the learner will encounter situations in which more than one value is relevant. This level is concerned with the ability organize values and to arrange them in appropriate order. Verbs represent this level are alters, arranges, combines, modifies, etc. For example, combines various interaction skills to nurture interpersonal relationship with patients. • Characterization: This is the highest level and having attained this level the learner has an internalized value system which has become their philosophy of life. Verbs applicable to this level are acts, displays, discriminates, listens, etc. For example, displays confidence while caring patient with myocardial infarction.
PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN • Psychomotor domain consists of seven levels. According to Francis M Quinn, these seven levels can be explained as follows.
Levels: • Perception: This basic level is concerned with the perception of sensory cues that guide actions and ranges from awareness of stimuli to translation into action. Action verbs are choose, differentiates, distinguishes, identifies, detects, etc. For examples, detects the early signs of decubitus ulcers.
2.Set: This is concerned with the cognitive, affective and psychomotor readiness act. Typical verbs are begins, moves, reacts, shows, starts etc. For example, reacts promptly to emergency situations during trauma care postings
3.Guided response: These objectives refer to the early stages in skill acquisition where skills are performed following demonstration b y the teacher. Typical verbs are carries out, makes, performs, calculates, etc. For example, performs bed making correctly as demonstrated by the teacher.
Mechanism: At this level, the performance has become habitual, but the movements are not so complex as the next higher level. Verbs used are similar to level 3. For example, calculates the volume of fluid required in the first day for a patient admitted with sixty percentage burns and weighing 50 kilograms.
CONTI.. 5.Complex overt response: This level typifies the skilled performance and involves economy of effort, smoothness of action, accuracy and efficiency, etc. Again verbs are similar to level 3. For example, performs endotrachial intubation correctly
Adaptation: Here, the skills are internalized to such an extent that the student can adapt them to cater for special circumstances. Typical verbs are adapts, alters, modifies, reorganize, etc. For example, modifies sterilization techniques according to the article be sterilized.
7 .Origination: This is the highest level and concerns the origination of new movement patterns to suit particular circumstances. Typical verbs are composes, creates, designs, originates, etc. For example, designs a splint to restrain the forearm of a child who is on IV infusion.
QUALITIES OF AN EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE An educational objective should be relevant, feasible and achievable, measurable, unequivocal, observable and logical. If an educational objective fails to meet any one of these qualities, it is regarded as invaluable or poor objective.
CONTI.. • Relevant: Educational objectives should have a direct relationship with the aims of learning, in other words educational objectives should be based on the needs o the learner.
2.Feasible and achievable: Students should be able to do what is envisaged by the objectives, within the allotted time and available resources.
Measurable: In addition to communicating the expected behavior modification, there should be a provision in the objective to evaluate the end result, i.e., the extent of behavior modification occurred as a result of the teaching-learning activity.
CONTI… • Observable: The qualities of measurable and observable are closely related. In the statement of objectives there should be some means to observe the progress towards the achievement of desired behavioral modifications as stipulated by the objective.
Unequivocal: Equivocal words bear more than one or two meanings. Equivocal words should be avoided while framing objectives in order to provide a uniform direction in achieving learning aims by avoiding ambiguity. The words like to write, to solve, etc are unequivocal. As unequivocal words are very clear there is only less chance for misinterpretation.
Logical: The objectives which are written-down must be agreeable or reasonable in relation to the teaching-learning activities, i.e., objectives should be internally consistent with the educational activities.
COMPONENTS OF A BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE 3 components: • Condition of performance • Student behavior • Performance criteria or standard.
Condition of performance • Condition of performance indicates the conditions or contexts under which the students will perform the behavior. • A statement of objective will always begin with a condition of performance. • ..
CONTI.. • For example, after attending the demonstration on intramuscular injection students will able to perform intramuscular injection correctly. Here, ‘after attending the demonstration on intramuscular injection’ denotes the condition of performance
Student behavior • Student behavior describes the behavior that the teacher wants the student to perform, i.e., the knowledge to be gained and the action or skill the student is able to do. • In the above mentioned example, ‘student will be able to perform intramuscular injection’ stands for student behavior.