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Join us for an informative community meeting to discuss the future of Kew Village. Learn about the Village Planning Program and hear presentations from council members. Get involved and have a say in preserving the character of your village.
Tonight’s Agenda • 18:00 – 18:30 Meet your ward councillor informal reception • 18:30 – 18:40 Welcome and introduction • 18:40 – 19:00 Presentation from Members on ‘Your Village, Your Kew’ • 19:00 – 19:45 Pre-Submitted Questions • 19:45 – 20:45 Open floor Questions • 20:45 Event close
Your village, your Kew 30th November 2017, St Winefrides Church Hall
Council officers in attendance Officer Department - Economic Development Community Links Environment and Community Services Community Safety Village Planning • Steve Diamond • Lynette Lawson-Tyers • Ishbel Murray • David Noakes • Harriet Steele
Village Planning • Phase 1 • In November 2010 we sent out the All in One Survey to every household asking about the priorities of residents in each local area. • In Kew residents said the areas most important to them were: • Local parks and open spaces (68%) • Public transport (41%) • Level of crime and anti-social behaviour (40%) • Shopping in your local high street (29%) • Library services (21%)
Village Planning Phase 1 • The information collected from the survey and information events were used to draw up Village Plans which included a vision for each area. The Council, the local community and partner organisations have worked together to deliver on projects and initiatives in the plans. • Residents asked to be more involved in planning issues in order to have a say in preserving the character of their village and at the end of 2013 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) were added to the Village Planning Programme.
Village Planning • Phase 2 • A detailed study of each Village was carried out in consultation with residents, including drop-in events, walkabouts with residents and targeted engagement. The SPD for Kew was adopted in July 2014. • The SPD is included in our Planning Policies and provides guidance to planners, developers and Councillors sitting on the Planning Committee. • The Village Plans are "live" documents that can be updated to reflect changing priorities and projects in the local area.
Your Vision for Kew The vision for Kew is to maintain its character as a residential area. The vision is based on maintaining the character of Kew as an attractive residential area and as the setting for Kew Gardens World Heritage site; ensuring the Kew Garden Station shopping parade continues to provide a shopping and service centre for residents and visitors; Kew Green and Sandycombe Road continuing to provide local shops and services; and the towpath and open spaces being well maintained and enhanced where opportunity arises.
The current phase of Village Planning • People and Community • Phase 3 involves: • Strengthening the capacity for residents and groups to meet community priorities themselves; • Identifying key community ‘assets’, linking residents to greater opportunities to be active, improve skills and wellbeing; • Meeting local needs in all its forms, including environmental, social, and economic; • Improving community awareness of what’s happening in their village through a revamped website experience, tailored to their local ‘village’.
Village Planning Fund • Launched in June 2017, the fund is also known as the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) and is accumulated via a percentage of a development levy we place on most new developments to provide the infrastructure needed to support growth in the borough. • In the Richmond, Richmond Hill and Kew cluster there was £802,681 available to bid for. We received five applications in the cluster and following the public consultation a decision will be announced in December 2017. • The next round will open in February 2018. More information on the successful projects and how to apply: www.richmond.gov.uk/village_planning_fund
Kew Gardens Station - Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements • The Council has received many comments about the poor road layout directly outside Kew Gardens Station and is proposing changes as part of uplift work in Kew. • The main issues raised include: • Visitor confusion about which route to take to get to Kew Gardens • The most direct route through the car park providing no protection for pedestrians and is often flooded due to poor surface water drainage. • Consultation on a new road layout closed on 19 November and commentsreceived will be considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene before a decision is made on how to proceed.
Brentford Football Club Development • Planning consent was granted for the new football stadium in 2014 and it is currently planned to open in 2019 or 2020. • The overall strategic transport impact as a football stadium alone would normally be limited given its relative proximity to the existing stadium, although it will require careful match-day and transport management to cope with the increased travel demand from matches and other events. • The Council is concerned about more frequent travel congestion in the wider area and will review arrangements with Hounslow and TfL as necessary. Revisions to the consented scheme are due to be considered by Hounslow Council in December but these are unlikely to result in any material changes to the transport impacts.
Get involved • Sign up for weekly Village Newsletter email bulletins, which list local news and events in your area. Go to: www.richmond.gov.uk/village_news (you can unsubscribe at any time) • Visit our Community Links site for information on how to get involved in your local community: http://www.richmond.gov.uk/community_links • Contribute to consultations – current consultations listed on: https://consultation.richmond.gov.uk/ • Joining Talk Richmond , an online community through which members can contribute to the development of Council services, campaigns and communications: www.richmond.gov.uk/talk_richmond.
Stay Informed • More information on local groups and events in your local area can be found on the village page: www.richmond.gov.uk/kew • Follow us on Twitter: Richmond Council @LBRUT Richmond Community Links @RichmondComLink • Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/KewVillage • Council Switchboard: 020 8891 1411