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Updating Our Comprehensive Plan

Updating Our Comprehensive Plan. Tonight's focus: Economic Development Public Facilities & Services. Tonight’s Agenda. Background Presentation Breakout Session Report on Findings/Discussion That’s It!. Growth Management Act. Adopted by State Legislature in 1990

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Updating Our Comprehensive Plan

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  1. Updating Our Comprehensive Plan Tonight's focus: Economic Development Public Facilities & Services

  2. Tonight’s Agenda • Background Presentation • Breakout Session • Report on Findings/Discussion • That’s It!

  3. Growth Management Act • Adopted by State Legislature in 1990 • Requires governments to manage growth by: • Implementing Comprehensive Plans through Capital Investments & Development Regulations • Designating Urban Growth Areas • Identifying & Protecting Critical Areas and Resource Lands • Update Deadline: December 2006

  4. Land Use Transportation Housing Economic Development Parks & Recreation Public Facilities & Services Utilities Community Design Natural Environment Cultural Environment Comprehensive Plan Elements

  5. Ways to Participate Beginning Steps… • Visit our GMA Update webpage www.cityofwenatchee.com • Public Survey • Opportunities & Challenges Mapping • Take a Picture! • Get on the Contact List • Public Workshops • Comment Sheet/Note cards

  6. Public Workshops Schedule

  7. GMA Update Schedule • Step 1: Review Existing Conditions/Early Public Input (through mid-March 2006) • Profile • Identify issues • Propose solutions • Step 2: Draft Plan and Alternatives (March – June) • Complete environmental review draft • Propose goals and policies • Public input • Step 3: Release Draft Plan/Implementing Regulations (July – December) • Final environmental review • Public hearings • City adoption

  8. Economic Development

  9. What is Economic Development? • Improves the well being and quality of life for a community. • By creating and retaining family wage jobs, • And growing the tax base through private investment. (WEDA) Pacific Aerospace & Electronics Corporate Headquarters Wenatchee Valley Medical Center

  10. Emerging Issues • Regional Center • Entrepreneurial Support • Quality of Life • Facilities and Infrastructure

  11. Regional Center • How can the city strengthen its role as the regional center? • Wenatchee is the urban center for a 4-5 county area. • Services sought: governmental, health, educational, arts, culture and leisure. • Trade area population projection: > 268,275. • Recent planning efforts recommend mixed-use development. Large, single purpose, land &/or power consumptive uses outside the city. Central Wa Hospital • How will we focus economic growth? • Where does mixed use development make sense? • How should the city adapt to the loss of industrial users?

  12. Entrepreneurial Support Confluence Tech Center • How can the city better support the development of small business and the “creative class”? • What can the city do to foster development of the necessary educational infrastructure? • How can the city support the identified industry clusters? • 91% of County businesses have fewer than 20 employees. • 9% of Wenatchee’s residents are self employed. • Unprecedented transfer of wealth can be captured to provide innovative mechanisms for start up financing. • “Innovation” clusters: Electric & Alternative Energy, Tourism/Recreation/Arts, Agriculture & Ag Tourism, Medical/Health/Fitness, Government, & Technology-based support.

  13. Quality of Life • What can the city do to encourage a more aesthetically pleasing environment? • How can the city support the development of • The Center for the New West study identified the relationship between quality of place and economic growth. • With the advances in technology, entrepreneurs can locate where they want versus having to locate close to their chosen industry. recreational infrastructure to aid entrepreneurial recruitment? • How can the city support the development of the arts and culture as a means to invigorate innovative business development?

  14. Facilities and Infrastructure George Sellar Bridge • Growth depends on regional infrastructure, e.g. the transportation system (car, air, rail). • The Center for the New West study: need to resolve regional issues to support business growth & development: airport improvements; 4-lane highway access; access by tourists; & access to 4-yr level higher education. • How can the city continue to facilitate solutions to shared infrastructure needs?

  15. Public Facilities & Services

  16. What are Public Facilities & Services? • “Public facilities" include streets, sidewalks, road lighting & traffic signals, water, storm and sanitary sewer, parks andrecreational facilities. • "Public services" include fire protection, police, public health, education, recreation, environmental protection, and other governmental services. * Those in red will be discussed at a later workshop.

  17. Emerging Issues • Gangs • Water Availability • Solid Waste Xeriscape Demo Garden Wenatchee Police Building

  18. Police • How can the city reduce the impact of gangs? • In 1997, Chelan County juveniles (age 10-17) had some of the highest per capita arrest rates in the State. • Two surveys of South Wenatchee residents showed safety as the top concern: • 1999: 65% concerned about safety • 2000: 45% safety as top concern

  19. Water Availability • How far out should the city plan for domestic water demand? • Eastbank Aquifer balance: est 20-25,000 Equivalent Residential Units • 15,600 housing units to meet population forecast in greater Wenatchee • PUD proposing to extend water to Monitor Wellhead at Eastbank Aquifer

  20. Solid Waste • Reducing waste will extend life of landfill. • Recycling is generally not available to apartments and commercial customers and outside the city limits. • Chelan County Solid Waste Program. • How can the city work to reduce waste, including household hazardous waste, as well as promote recycling and composting?

  21. Breakout Session • 4 Groups • Prioritize Issues - “Penny weighting” • Discuss any proposed solutions to issues • Identify Emerging Issues missed • Review prioritization of issues • Report on findings

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