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Explore the key leaders and events that contributed to the formation and growth of Judaism, a major world religion. Learn about Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon, and their significant contributions to Judaism's development.
Chapter 11 Preview: The Origins of Judaism Chapter 11 Essential Question: How did Judaism originate and develop? Think of two historical figures who have been important in the development of the United States. List them below and then write a sentence for each that explains each person’s contribution to this country. Draw a symbol or visual to represent them or their contributions. An example is shown below for you. Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: Symbol/Visual Alice Paul She led the fight for women to have the right to vote, which was finally achieved in 1920. Symbol/Visual Symbol/Visual
Name:_______________ Ms. McIntyre Color:___________ Date:____________ Chapter 11 Origins of Judaism Section 11.1: Introduction In this chapter you will learn about the development of Judaism. You will meet four key leaders of the ancient Israelites (Hebrews)– Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon, and how they contributed to Judaism, which is still a major religion around the world today. What is this chapters Essential Question?______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ How did Judaism originate and develop? • The Israelites were a group of people who lived ________________ of ____________ On the Map: Place a STAR where the Israelites originally lived. Draw an ARROW to the land where they moved to. WRITE the name of the modern day country of the land of Canaan. WRITE the name of what we call the Great Salt Sea today. • What are the THREE names this group of people go by? • _______________ • _______________ • _______________ • Write the name of the sacred text of Judaism on the scroll to the right. This is where the origins of Judaism and its basic teachings and laws were found. • What does the word mean?______________________ • The Torah consists of the first _________ books of the Hebrew Bible. It tells many stories about the history of the Israelites. • Christians use a version of the Hebrew Bible as their ______ ______________
Section 11.2: What we know about the ancient Hebrews Section 11.3: Important Hebrew Leaders
Section 11.4: The Life of Abraham: Father of the Jews Directions: Read Section 11.4 on pages 104-105 of your textbook. Then answer the questions below in COMPLETE SENTENCES! • Where was Abraham born? How were his beliefs different than his peoples? • Describe God’s visit to Abraham as an old man. • Explain the covenant between Abraham and God. • How did God test Abraham? • List at least two contributions that the Torah says Abraham made to the development of Judaism. • . • . • Sketch an artifact relating to Abraham. Write a caption explaining how this artifact relates to the life of Abraham, as described in the Torah.
Section 11.4: The Life of Abraham: Father of the Jews-- Continued Abraham looking up at the stars….
Section 11.5: The Life of Moses: Leader and Prophet Directions: Read Section 11.5 on pages 106-107 of your textbook. Then answer the questions below in COMPLETE SENTENCES! • Describe at least one important action taken by Moses. • The Torah states, the Hebrews, “increased in number and became very powerful.” Explain how this negatively impacted the Hebrews. • Describe (in at least 3 steps) what Moses did after he was instructed to meet with the pharaoh. • . • . • . • Explain the importance of the Ten Commandments. What do these commandments emphasize for Judaism's followers? • Sketch an artifact relating to Moses. Write a caption explaining how this artifact relates to the life of Moses, as described in the Torah.
Section 11.5 – ContinuedMoses’ Journey to Canaan 1. Enslavement of Israelites in Egypt 2. Exodus from Egypt 3. Moses receiving the Ten Commandments
Section 11.6: The Lives of David and Solomon: Kings of Israel Directions: Read Section 11.6 on pages 108-109 of your textbook. Then answer the questions below in COMPLETE SENTENCES! • Explain how David became the first King of the Kingdom of Israel. • As the first King of Israel, list 4 things David did for his kingdom. • . • . • . • . • What was Solomon's greatest contribution to the Kingdom of Israel? • Explain why Solomon's decisions as King angered many Hebrews. • How did David and Solomon’s contributions effect the lives of future Hebrews? • Sketch an artifact relating to David or Solomon. Write a caption explaining how this artifact relates to the life of David or Solomon, as described in the Torah.
Chapter 11 Preview: The Origins of Judaism Chapter 11 Essential Question: How did Judaism originate and develop? Think of three historical figures who have been important in the development of the United States. List them below and then write a sentence for each that explains each person’s contribution to this country. Draw a symbol or visual to represent them or their contributions. An example is shown on the board for you. Figure 1:_________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 2:________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 3:________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Symbol/Visual Symbol/Visual Symbol/Visual
Section 11.4: The Life of Abraham: Father of the Jews Directions: Read Section 11.4 on pages 104-105 of your textbook. Then answer the questions below in COMPLETE SENTENCES! • Where was Abraham born? How were his beliefs different than his peoples? • Describe God’s visit to Abraham as an old man. • Explain the covenant between Abraham and God. • How did God test Abraham?
Section 11.4: The Life of Abraham: Father of the Jews • List at least two contributions that the Torah says Abraham made to the development of Judaism. • . • . • Sketch an artifact relating to Abraham. Write a caption explaining how this artifact relates to the life of Abraham, as described in the Torah.
Section 11.5: The Life of Moses: Leader and Prophet Directions: Read Section 11.5 on pages 106-107 of your textbook. Then answer the questions below in COMPLETE SENTENCES! • Describe at least one important action taken by Moses. • The Torah states, the Hebrews, “increased in number and became very powerful.” Explain how this negatively impacted the Hebrews. • Describe (in at least 3 steps) what Moses did after he was instructed to meet with the pharaoh. • . • . • .
Section 11.5: The Life of Moses: Leader and Prophet • Explain the importance of the Ten Commandments. What do these commandments emphasize for Judaism's followers? • Sketch an artifact relating to Moses. Write a caption explaining how this artifact relates to the life of Moses, as described in the Torah.
Moses’ Journey to Canaan Mediterranean Sea 4 1 3 2 Nile River Red Sea 1. 2. 3. 4.
Section 11.6: The Lives of David and Solomon: Kings of Israel Directions: Read Section 11.6 on pages 108-109 of your textbook. Then answer the questions below in COMPLETE SENTENCES! • Explain how David became the first King of the Kingdom of Israel. • As the first King of Israel, list 4 things David did for his kingdom. • . • . • . • . • What was Solomon's greatest contribution to the Kingdom of Israel?
Section 11.6: The Lives of David and Solomon: Kings of Israel • What was Solomon's greatest contribution to the Kingdom of Israel? • Explain why Solomon's decisions as King angered many Hebrews. • How did David and Solomon’s contributions effect the lives of future Hebrews? • Sketch an artifact relating to David or Solomon. Write a caption explaining how this artifact relates to the life of David or Solomon, as described in the Torah.
Chapter 11: Ancient Hebrews and Origins of Judaism Section 11.1 Introduction: The Hebrews lived ________ of Egypt. Their civilization developed in _________ and flourished until_______ The Hebrews founded _____________, one of the world’s major religions. Hebrews __________ We are here Also known As For The Torah The Big Four of Judaism
11.2 The Torah How do historians use the stories told in the Torah? What else do historians use to understand the story of the Hebrews? The early history of the Hebrews begins with man named __________. He moved from ___________ to ____________. The first Hebrews were _______________ Fill in the Hebrew Moving Flowchart Canaan Once the Hebrews settled, the built the capital city of _________________
11.3 The Big Four 1. Abraham He is often called _______________. The revolutionary idea that Abraham introduced to the Hebrews was_______________. What was God’s promise to Abraham? 2. Moses Known as ______________ What was Moses’s greatest achievement? What did God give to Moses? 3. & 4. David and Solomon What was David’s most significant achievement? What was Solomon’s most significant achievement?
Hebrews Torah Judaism covenant
Sabbath Ten Commandments Exodus
sacrifice descendant David and Solomon
Prophet Abraham Moses