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Interfaith, the United Nations and Peace in the 21 st Century. A view of modern Jerusalem from the Dan Hotel, where the conference took place. The Middle East Peace Conference and the Jerusalem Rally for the Proclamations of the Substantial Word.
Interfaith, the United Nations and Peace in the 21st Century A view of modern Jerusalem from the Dan Hotel, where the conference took place. • The Middle East Peace Conference and the Jerusalem Rally for the Proclamations of the Substantial Word
Since 2003, there have been over 40 Middle East Peace Initiative programs held throughout the region, but this was the first in almost two years.
Dr. Shuki Ben Ami and the welcoming panel at the Opening Plenary
The women in the audience respond warmly to the message of peace.
A welcome from former Knesset (Parliament) member the Hon. Ran Cohen
Dr. Masatoshi Abe comments on the hopeful signs for peace, listened to by Dr. Thomas Walsh, UPF President (center), and Dr. EliezerGlaubach of the Professors World Peace Academy, Israel.
The conference also considered the prospects for an interreligious council at the United Nations, another major initiative of the Universal Peace Federation.
The conference always includes time to visit the key sites of a region steeped in the traditions of four faiths. Here, on a peace march at Jerusalem’s Jaffa Gate.
Touring the narrow streets of the Old City, shared by Muslims, Christians, and Jews
On the steps of the Dome of the Rock Mosque, traditional site of Abraham’s offering of his son. The temple mount is holy to Christians, Jews and Muslims, but remains a source of tension.
In the terrace garden of Mrs. HalaBukhari (left), whose late husband Sheikh Bukhari was a leading supporter of UPF in Israel for many years
Mrs. HalaBukhari welcomes visitors to her historic home on the Via Dolorosa for a personal visit.
Back in the hotel, Mr. Hod Ben Zvi, MEPI program coordinator, introduces Dr. Hyung Jin Moon to give his keynote address.
Imam Dr. Hashim Jansen from the Netherlands offers a prayer for peace among all religions.
Dr. Hyung Jin Moon, International Chairman of UPF, addresses the MEPI.
The conference participants came from 18 nations and many faiths.
After the speech, a time to catch up with old friends and make new acquaintances.Left to right: Mrs. Shosh Ben Ami, Rabbi ShimshonNir, Sheik Ali Birani, Dr. Shuki Ben Ami
UPF-Israel Secretary General Jeremy Jordan and some young volunteers
A visit to the El Gazar Mosque at Acre (Acco), the ancient Phoenician city and former Crusader base on the Bay of Haifa
Imam Assi welcomes UPF and explains about the current prospects for peace.
The imam welcomed all to share the Iftar evening meal, which marks the breaking of the Ramadan fast each day at sunset.
Qumran, where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered in 1947, throwing new light on the Essenes, a mystical community that may have influenced the teachings of Jesus
Hyung Jin and Yeon Ah Moon at the entrance to museum of the Dead Sea scrolls
A visit to the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. The modern church stands on the site of earlier shrines, including that commissioned by Roman Emperor Constantine.
According to tradition, the church is said to stand on the site of the birthplace of Mary.
The MEPI group visits the Druze holy site at the tomb of Jethro.
Sheikh SamichNatur welcomes the MEPI visitors and explains the history of the Druze faith.
A courtesy call to the home of Sheik MowafaqTarif, the spiritual leader of the Druze in Israel
The Druze community is leading other faith communities in taking a strong public stand in support of UPF and the projects of Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
MEPI representatives are offered a traditional welcome by the leaders of the Druze community.
Hyung Jin and Yeon Ah Moon were warmly received as special representatives of the UPF Founder.
In an exchange of gifts with Sheik MowafaqTarif, Dr. Hyung Jin Moon receives a “sheik’s gown” and presents the sheik with a copy of his father’s autobiography.
The Jerusalem “Rally for the Substantial Word” was the latest in a series that began in Seoul and New York.
UPF Secretary General TajeldinHamad introduces the interfaith prayers.
People often find that there is so much in common even between religions that originate on opposite sides of the world.
The Ambassadors for Peace program honored Jewish, Christian, and Druze leaders who have made notable contributions to the unfinished work of peace.
A greeting from former Knesset member the Hon. WalidSadek (left)
Hyung Jin Moon is greeted by Sheik Mohammad Kiwan, who offered the prayer before the iftar.
Hyung Jin Moon greets the audience before reading the Peace Message on behalf of his father, UPF Founder Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
The signing of the Jerusalem Declaration, in which all promise to work together as brothers and sisters to establish God’s Kingdom of Peace
A prayer inside the Church of All Nations at Gethsemane. The rock marks the traditional location of Jesus’ agonized prayer the night before his crucifixion.
The group walked on to a nearby grove of 2000-year old olive trees.
On a visit in 1965 Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon created a “holy ground” on this site, intuiting that it marked a more likely spot for Jesus’ vigil than the traditional location.
Many visitors take time to collect a few stones from the ground to take home as a souvenir of their visit to the Holy Land.