What learning domain do the following represent? To construct conceptual and theoretical models that will guide preparation of and presentation of public speeches.To account for the success or failure of various types of public presentations.To articulate criteria for evaluating public presentations.To analyze audiences relative to specific rhetorical situations. • Cognitive/Knowledge • Affective/Values • Psychomotor/Skills
What learning domain do the following represent?To demonstrate ability to find, select and organize substantial content for specific audiences extemporaneously.To identify high quality, relevant databases and content to support arguments presented for persuasive purposes.To identify high quality, relevant databases and content to answer questions or provide information to meet specific audience needs.To demonstrate ability to adopt and enact speaking styles expected by various audiences.To construct compelling arguments based on audience analysis.To demonstrate ability for designing and using situation-appropriate, mediated presentation (visual) aids. • Cognitive/Knowledge • Affective/Values • Psychomotor/Skills
What learning domain do the following represent?To recognize the power of speech in human affairs.To commit to ethical use of power of speech. • Cognitive/Knowledge • Affective/Values • Psychomotor/Skills