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IMP/IMS Tutorial

IMP/IMS Tutorial. Rob Tremaine Associate Dean, Outreach & Performance Support West Region, Defense Acquisition University. Ask the Professor. What’s An IMP?.

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IMP/IMS Tutorial

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  1. IMP/IMS Tutorial Rob Tremaine Associate Dean, Outreach & Performance Support West Region, Defense Acquisition University Ask the Professor

  2. What’s An IMP? Integrated Master Plan (IMP). The IMP is an event-based plan consisting of a hierarchy of program events, with each event being supported by specific accomplishments, and eachaccomplishmentassociated with specificcriteria to be satisfied for its completion. The IMP should provide sufficient definition to allow for the tracking of the completion of required accomplishments for each event, and to demonstrate satisfaction of the completion criteria for each accomplishment. In addition, the IMPdemonstrates the maturation of the design/development of the product as it progresses through a disciplined systems engineering process. IMPevents are nottied to calendar dates; each event is completed when its supporting accomplishments are completed and when this is evidenced by the satisfaction of the criteria supporting each of those accomplishments. The IMP is placed on contract and becomes the baseline execution plan for the program/project. Although fairly detailed, the IMP is a relatively top-level document in comparison with the IMS.

  3. What’s An IMP? In Other Words: Integrated Master Plan (IMP). The IMP is an event-based plan consisting of a hierarchy of program events, with each event being supported by specific accomplishments, and eachaccomplishmentassociated with specificcriteria to be satisfied for its completion. The IMP should provide sufficient definition to allow for the tracking of the completion of required accomplishments for each event, and to demonstrate satisfaction of the completion criteria for each accomplishment. In addition, the IMPdemonstrates the maturation of the design/development of the product as it progresses through a disciplined systems engineering process. IMPevents are nottied to calendar dates; each event is completed when its supporting accomplishments are completed and when this is evidenced by the satisfaction of the criteria supporting each of those accomplishments. The IMP is placed on contract and becomes the baseline execution plan for the program/project. Although fairly detailed, the IMP is a relatively top-level document in comparison with the IMS. An event-driven plan that documents the significant accomplishments necessary to complete the work and ties each accomplishment to a key program event

  4. Purpose of an IMP • High level Program structure and organization tool that monitors program progress • Used duringSourceSelection to: • Evaluate offerer’s approach, management/planning capability • Assess Program Risk • Used afterContractAward to: • Baseline key events • Institute Analysis and Control mechanisms • Benchmark performance (which can be used as a basis for incentives)

  5. IMP Key Features • Key Events--activities to meet technical agreement/contract requirements • Significant Accomplishments--specified result substantiating an event that supports a level of design maturity (or progress) • System Integration--shows connection (if applicable) between Prime and Subcontractor • Narrative--concise description of the offer’s key functional processes/procedures • Accomplishment Criteria --definitive measures (e.g. closure criteria) that verify significant accomplishments • Addresses only key elements of implementing or developing a process/procedure • Description of overall approach to executing tasks

  6. IMP Attributes • Expands and complements SCD, Design Requirements and SOW in a WBS format • Linked to Risk Mitigation Plan • Level of detail consistent with risk and complexity • Provides for Evaluation of Program Maturity • Linked to Technical Performance Measures and incentives • Integrates Functional Activities • Incorporates Major Sub-Contractor IMP • Provides insight into the overall effort

  7. IMP Structure 1.0 Introduction (Assumptions/Guidelines for Program) 2.0 Main Body Example

  8. Relationship Between WBS & IMP/IMS

  9. What’s an IMS? Integrated Master Schedule (IMS). The IMS flows directly from the IMP and supplements it with additional levels of detail. It incorporates all of the IMP’s events, accomplishments, and criteria; to these activities it adds the detailedtasks necessary to support the IMP criteria along with each task’s duration and its relationships with other tasks. The IMS supportsmultipleviews (i.e. Event-Based, WBS Based, etc) to support the users needs. This network of integrated tasks, when tied to the start date (for example, contract award), creates the task and calendar-based schedule that is the IMS. The IMS should be defined to the level of detail necessary for day-to-day execution of the program/project.

  10. What’s an IMS? In Other Words: Integrated Master Schedule (IMS). The IMS flows directly from the IMP and supplements it with additional levels of detail. It incorporates all of the IMP’s events, accomplishments, and criteria; to these activities it adds the detailedtasks necessary to support the IMP criteria along with each task’s duration and its relationships with other tasks. The IMS supportsmultipleviews (i.e. Event-Based, WBS Based, etc) to support the users needs. This network of integrated tasks, when tied to the start date (for example, contract award), creates the task and calendar-based schedule that is the IMS. The IMS should be defined to the level of detail necessary for day-to-day execution of the program/project. An integrated and networked multi-layered schedule of program tasks required to complete the work effort captured in a related IMP . . . and can serve as a framework for “What if” exercises

  11. IMS Purpose • Provides detailed insight into program planning • Supports risk assessment • Tracking/progress tool used during program execution • Linked to WBS, Work packages and incentives • Performance-centric

  12. IMS Structure

  13. IMP/IMS Summary • Disciplined Approach to Planning, Organizing, and Directing Program • Maximizes Government/Industry Teaming • Accounts for All Program Activities/Products • Serves as Mechanism to Resource Emphasis • Helps Team Manage Risk • Supports All Program Phases • Supports “What If” Drills

  14. Student Reference Material

  15. A Few Key IMP/IMS Sources

  16. MIL-HDBK-881A Provides Definition and Linkage

  17. Must be Specified Contractually . . . and Identified by a DID

  18. Visit DAU’s Website for More Information

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