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This event aims to provide a platform for collective discussion on the impacts of the Comprehensive Spending Review. It will identify opportunities, implications, and risks for key stakeholders in the new landscape, and prioritize transitioning to a new model of workforce delivery and effective engagement strategy.
Sally Cheshire Chair North West Local Education & Training Board
Objectives for today • Provide an opportunity for collective discussion on the impacts of the Comprehensive spending Review • Provide a forum to identify opportunities, implications and the risks and mitigations for key stakeholders within the new landscape • Identify priorities to assist in transitioning to a new model of workforce delivery and the key elements of an effective engagement strategy.
HEE Update Neil McLauchlan Acting Local Director March 2016
HEE Update • Leadership Academy • Consultation on a new support role for nursing • Inspiring Leadership in Learning Disability Services • Investment Plan 2016/17 • Education Outcomes Framework • National Audit Office (NAO) report on managing the supply of clinical staff in England • HEE's national Making Every Contact Count (MECC) conference in January
Improving Safety through Education and Training Commission on Education and Training for Patient Safety • HEE to work with partner organisations to facilitate the development of an evaluation framework to ensure that all education and training for patient safety commissioned in future, is effectively evaluated using robust models. • HEE and the relevant regulators of education to ensure that future education and training emphasises the important role of patients, family members and carers in preventing safety incidents and improving patient safety. • A review of mandatory training requirement and the delivery of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) related to patient safety. • HEE to help create a culture of openness and transparency by reviewing existing training packages to ensure they support the duty of candour regulations. For more information go to www.hee.nhs.uk/the-commission-on-education-and-training-for-patient-safety
Sustainability and Transformation Plans • There are nine footprints in the North, ranging in population from around 300,000 to nearly 3 million people. • Greater Manchester is the largest footprint in the country by population, and West, North and East Cumbria (Success regime area) is the smallest. • The average footprint population in the North is larger than the national average. • The average number of CCGs per footprint in the North is 7.4, compared to 4.8 nationally. • The average number of NHS providers per footprint in the North is 7.9, compared to 5.2 nationally1. • 44 Nationally, 4 in North West – GM, C&M, Lancashire and South Cumbria, W/N/ E Cumbria • To develop a local routes map to an improved, more sustainable, health and care system • HEE- how will you develop the workforce you need to deliver the plan
Local Update • Transformation offer – system wide • Portfolio careers workforce strategy (C&L) • Transformation Sub-Group (C&L) • Roll out of vCare programme (GM) • Role of HEE in supporting GM Devolution (GM) • Supporting a range of projects to: (C&M) • Test new roles to help address some key workforce shortages • Realising the potential of the Informal Carer workforce • Workforce risk and succession planning
CSR Outcome • Flat cash settlement for 16/17 and while this is welcomed will still need to identify how we meet future cost pressures • HEE will no longer be responsible for commissioning nursing, midwifery and AHP education from August 2017 • Equates to a saving of £1.2bn on HEEs budget • HEE will retain responsibility for clinical placements. How it will undertake this function in the new model will be developed with colleagues over the coming months
There are no changes to how undergraduate medical education is funded. • HEE will continue to be responsible for its statutory responsibilities and core activities including workforce planning and delivery of it’s mandate, it will remain responsible for the future supply of the mutli-professional workforce. • HEEs retain an important role within the system around workforce transformation
Next Stages • Consultation on bursary & tuition changes to be led by DH • Engagement on future utilisation of placement tariff led by HEE • Outcome of Shape of Care and consultation on ‘Nursing Associates’ • Education Quality Framework • Impact of changes to apprenticeship levy • Impact of flat cash settlement and running cost reductions
World Cafe • System Leadership • Workforce supply • Widening participation • Student Funding • Placement capacity and capability • Quality and fitness for purpose/employment • Stakeholder engagement • Transformation and innovation