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Stages of Photosynthesis (Pg. 50)

Understand the process of photosynthesis where plants convert carbon dioxide, water, and light energy into carbohydrates and oxygen in chloroplasts. Learn about the light-dependent and light-independent reactions, key concepts, reactants, products, and stages in this crucial biological process.

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Stages of Photosynthesis (Pg. 50)

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  1. Stages of Photosynthesis (Pg. 50) Critical Question: List the Reactants & Products of Light-Dependent Reactions ANDLight-Independent Reactions.

  2. 4.2 KEY CONCEPTPhotosynthesis: a process by which plants and other photoautotrophs generate carbohydrates and oxygen from carbon dioxide, water, and light energy in chloroplasts

  3. chloroplast leaf cell leaf Photosynthesis occurs in plants in their chloroplasts • Chlorophyll is a molecule found in chloroplast that absorbs light energy • ONLY plants have chloroplasts!

  4. grana (thylakoids) chloroplast stroma • Photosynthesis occurs in 2 stages and in 2 different places of the chloroplasts • Light Dependent • Thylakoids (Granam) • Light Independent • Stroma

  5. Stage 1: Light-Dependent reactions, sunlight & water are absorbed by chlorophyll in the thylakoids & converted into chemical energy (in the form ATP and NADPH). • Energy is transferred along thylakoid membranes to be used for Light-Independent reactions

  6. Stage 2: Light-Independent reactions (the Calvin cycle) occurs in the stroma and creates carbohydrates (sugar) from carbon dioxide & energy stored during the light-dependent reactions

  7. Critical Question: List the Reactants & Products of Light-Dependent Reactions and Light-Independent Reactions.

  8. Overview of Photosynthesis: Power Notes Worksheet • Complete the worksheet independently • Raise your hands with questions

  9. Page 3 & 4 • Page 3 Title this page OVERVIEW OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS - Define Photosynthesis - Define Chlorophyll - Name the two places photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast? - Draw some type of picture on this page realting to photosynthesis. • Page 4 Title this page MORE QUESTIONS??? - What do light dependent reactions do? - What is needed and released during photosynthesis? - What do light-independent reactions make and how? - Write out the equation for photosynthesis with labeling .

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