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ATBI Database Management System for Biodiversity Inventory

Comprehensive database system for managing all taxa biodiversity inventory data. Easily exportable and compatible with various formats. Managed by skilled taxonomists and suitable for fieldwork and research purposes. Ensure secure data handling and tailored permissions for users. Learn more at www.atbi.eu

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ATBI Database Management System for Biodiversity Inventory

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Presentation Transcript

  1. (ATBI) Database 2007 All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory Dilan Latif WP 5 and 7 Naturkundemuseum Stuttgart

  2. Datasources Managed by Taxonomist (supervised by EDIT) Recorder or Bioofice ATBI-Server . . . MS-Access Recorder MS - Excel Export via ODBC, CSV, XML Bioacase . . . GBIF MySQL Server Specify Biooffice InsectEs ATBI-Process Export with PhpMyAdmin Possibilities to export to other Databases Foreign database (EDIT) Foreign database (EDIT) Client Database

  3. Datasources from taxonomists . . . Import ATBI-Administration ATBI-Server Recorder or Bioofice Export via BioCase Export via ODBC MS- Access Database MySQL Server GBIF Export BACKUP

  4. We require a list of fields from taxonomist • Fields are compatible with DarwinCore • (Download the list on www.atbi.eu) • A list of visited location where species occurrence has been recorded. • A list of recording events. • Specimen identifications ATBI-Fields

  5. Each user has a permission to modify • the existing tables in the Database • Database able for fieldwork ATBI-Database

  6. ATBI-Database

  7. ATBI-Ralationship

  8. Client-Database Client Database for Lepidoptera Database NOT for fieldworks

  9. Client-USer

  10. ThANK YOU qUESTION s? Dilan Latif WP 5 and 7 Naturkundemuseum Stuttgart

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