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Chapter 6 THE FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM. A. INTRODUCTION ( 概述 ) B. THE INTERNAL GENITAL ORGANS ( 内生殖器 ) C. THE EXTERNAL GENITAL ORGANS (VULVA) ( 外生殖器 ) D. THE MAMMA (BREAST) ( 乳房 ) E. THE PERINEUM ( 会阴 ). Section 1 Introduction. A. Composition ( 组成 ) 1. Internal genital organs
Section 1 Introduction A. Composition (组成) 1. Internal genital organs (内生殖器): 1) gonad (生殖腺): ovaries (卵巢) 2) ducts (管道): uterine tubes (输卵管) 3) accessory glands (附属腺): vestibule gland (前庭腺) urethral gland (尿道腺)
Introduction 3) accessory glands (附属腺): vestibule gland (前庭腺) urethral gland (尿道腺) 2. External genital organs (外生殖器) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Introduction B. Functions (功能) 1. Produce ovum (产生卵子) 2. Secrete female hormone (estrogen) (分泌女性激素) 3. For lactation (哺乳) 4. Pregnancy (妊娠) 5. Parturition (分娩)
Section 2 The Internal Genital Organs A. The Ovary(卵巢) B. The Uterine Tube(Oviduct) (输卵管) C. The Uterus(子宫) D. The Vagina(阴道)
A. The Ovary (卵巢) 1. External features (外形) 1) extremities(端): i. superior extremity ii. inferior extremity 2) borders (缘): i. anterior border ii. posterior border hilum of ovary (卵巢门)
A. The Ovary (卵巢) 3) surface (面): i. medial surface ii. lateral surface 2. Ligaments (韧带) 1) suspensory ligament (卵巢悬韧带) 2) proper ligament of ovary (卵巢固有韧带) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
A. The Ovary (卵巢) 3. Internal structure (内部结构) 1) cortex (皮质): follicles (卵泡) estrogens (雌激素 at different stages corpus luteum(黄体) progesterone (黄体酮) corpus albicans(白体)
A. The Ovary (卵巢) 2) medulla (髓质): arteries, veins, nerves [oophoritic cyst 卵巢囊肿] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
B. The Uterine Tube (Oviduct) (输卵管) 1. Infundibulum of uterine tube (输卵管漏斗部) 1) abdominal orifice of uterine tube (腹腔口) 2) fimbriae (伞): ovarian fimbria (卵巢伞)
B. The Uterine Tube 2. Ampulla of uterine tube (输卵管壶腹) 3. Isthmus of uterine tube (输卵管峡) [ligation of oviduct 输卵管结扎] 4. Uterine part of uterine tube (输卵管子宫部) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Uterus (子宫) 1. External feature & internal space : 1) fundus of uterus (子宫底) 2) body of uterus (子宫体):cavity of uterus(腔) 3) neck of uterus (cervix) (子宫颈):
C. The Uterus (子宫) a. supravaginal part (阴道上部) b. vaginal part(阴道部) canal of cervix of uterus (子宫颈管) [carcinoma of uterine cervix 子宫颈癌] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Uterus (子宫) 4) isthmus of uterus (子宫峡): enlarge cavity at late pregnancy. [cesarean section 剖腹产] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Uterus (子宫) 2. Structure of the uterine wall (子宫壁) 1) perimetrium (serous coat) (子宫外膜) 2) myometrium (muscular coat) (子宫肌层) [hysteromyoma 子宫肌瘤]
C. The Uterus (子宫) 3) endometrium (mucous membrane) (子宫内膜) a. basal layer (基底层) b. functional layer (功能层): menstrual cycle (月经周期) [irregular menstruation 月经不调] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Uterus (子宫) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Uterus (子宫) 3. Position of the uterus (子宫的位置) 1) anteversion (子宫前倾) 2) anteflexion (子宫前屈)
C. The Uterus (子宫) Retro- flexion 后屈 Retro- cession 后移 Ante- flexion 前屈 Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Uterus (子宫) 4. Supports of the uterus(子宫的固定装置) 1) broad ligament (子宫阔韧带) a. mesovarium (卵巢系膜) b. mesosalpinx (输卵管系膜) c. mesometrium (子宫系膜) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Uterus (子宫) 2) round ligament of uterus (子宫圆韧带) 3) sacrouterine ligament (骶子宫韧带) : sacrouterine fold (骶子宫襞)
C. The Uterus (子宫) 4) cardinal ligament of uterus (paracervix) (子宫主韧带) [prolapse of uterine 子宫脱垂] [eversion of uterine 子宫外翻] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
D. The Vagina (阴道) 1. Vaginal orifice (阴道口): hymen (处女膜) 2. Fornix of vagina (阴道穹): 1) anterior fornix of vagina (阴道前穹) 2) posterior fornix of vagina (阴道后穹) 3) lateral fornix of vagina (阴道侧穹)
D. The Vagina (阴道) Bacillus vaginalis (阴道杆菌): pH4.5 [vaginitis 阴道炎] [vaginal smear 阴道涂片] [leukorrhea 白带] [amenia 闭经] [menopausal syndrome 更年期综合征] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Section 3 The External Genital Organs (Vulva, Pudendum女阴) A. Mons pubis (阴阜) B. Greater lips of pudendum (大阴唇) 1. Anterior labial commissure (唇前连合) 2. Posterior labial commissure (唇后连合)
The External Genital Organs C. Lesser lips of pudendum (小阴唇) 1. Prepuce of clitoris (阴蒂包皮) 2. Frenulum of clitoris (阴蒂系带) 3. Frenulum of pudendal labia (阴唇系带) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The External Genital Organs D. Vaginal vestibule (阴道前庭) 1. urethral orifice (尿道外口) 2.vaginal orifice (阴道口) & hymen (处女膜) 3. orifice of greatvestibular gland (前庭大腺口) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The External Genital Organs E. Clitoris (阴蒂) 1. Glans of clitoris (阴蒂头) 2. Body of clitoris (阴蒂体) 3. Crura of clitoris (阴蒂脚 Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The External Genital Organs F. Bulb of vestibule (前庭球) G. Greater vestibular gland (Bartholin's gland) (前庭大腺) [cyst of Bartholin’s gland 前庭大腺囊肿] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Appendix I The Mamma (Breast) (乳房) A. Location (位置) 1. Vertically: R2 to R6. 2. Horizontally: lateral border of sternum to anterior axillary fold. 3. Nipple (乳头):4th intercostal space.
The Mamma (Breast)(乳房) B. External Feature (外形) 1. Mammary papilla (nipple) (乳头) 2. Areola of breast (乳晕 ) 3. Areolar glands (乳晕腺) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The Mamma (Breast)(乳房) C. Internal Structure (内部结构) 1. Lobes of mammary gland (乳腺叶) lobules of mammary gland (乳腺小叶) 2. Lactiferous ducts (输乳管) 3. Lactiferous sinuses (输乳管窦)
The Mamma (Breast)(乳房) 4. Suspensory ligaments of breast (Cooper’s ligaments) (乳房悬韧带) [breast cancer 乳腺癌] [mastitis 乳腺炎] [abscess of breast 乳腺脓肿] [ incision and drainage 切开引流] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Appendix II The Perineum (会阴) A. The Anal Region (triangle) [肛区 (肛三角)] B. The Urogenital Region (triangle)[尿生殖区 (尿生殖三角)]
A. The Anal Region (Triangle) 1. Pelvic diaphragm (盆膈) 1) superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm (盆膈上筋膜) 2) levator ani (肛提肌) & coccygeus (尾骨肌) 3) inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm (盆膈下筋膜)
A. The Anal Region Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
A. The Anal Region 2. sphincter ani externus (肛门外括约肌) 皮下部 浅部 深部 Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
A. The Anal Region 3. Ischioanal (ischiorectal) fossa (坐骨肛门窝) pudendal canal (阴部管) [ischiorectal abscess 坐骨肛门窝脓肿] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
B. The Urogenital Region (triangle) 1. Superficial fascia of perineum (Colles) (会阴浅筋膜)
The Urogenital Region 2. Superficial perineal space (会阴浅间隙) 1) superficial transverse muscle of perineum (会阴浅横肌) 2) bulbocavernous muscle (球海绵体肌) 3) ischiocavernous muscle (坐骨海绵体肌) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The Urogenital Region 4) urogenital diaphragm (尿生殖膈) a. inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm (尿生殖膈下筋膜) b. superior fascia of urogenital diaphragm (尿生殖膈上筋膜) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The Urogenital Region c. deep perineal space (会阴深间隙) i. deep transverse muscle of perineum (会阴深横肌) ii. sphincter of urethra M:(尿道括约肌) urethrovaginal sphincter F:(尿道阴道括约肌)