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GEOSECTIONING DNC ® Data. Prototype and Development Project Phase V. David Turnbull 03 May 2006 NGA HydroVision Production Cell. Goals of Effort. Have an in-house automated capability to convert DNC ® data into a one-feature-one-time format to easily incorporate into any database.
GEOSECTIONING DNC® Data Prototype and Development Project Phase V David Turnbull 03 May 2006 NGA HydroVision Production Cell
Goals of Effort • Have an in-house automated capability to convert DNC® data into a one-feature-one-time format to easily incorporate into any database. • Create and demonstrate a new prototype version of the DNC® where it is one-feature-one-time. • Gain the many side benefits created by having these automated tools.
Concepts • Geo-sectioning • One Feature One Time • New Attribution to DNC® • Generalization and SCAMIN • Common tile sizes • Common Schema • Libraries based on one or more 1 degree tiles
SCAMIN (Scale Minimum) • SCAMIN is used in some degree with the international community with S-57. • SCAMIN is the least scale in which a feature should be portrayed • Currently based mostly on HACG scale ranges • Harbor: 0-49,999 • Approach: 0-99,999 • Coastal group 1: 0-249,999 • Coastal group 2: 0-499,999 • General: 0-2,500,000
Loaded 29 CDs into single Database • Development with Laser-Scan, Inc. (LSI) which gave Lamps2 an automated mass importer of DNC® CDs into a Gothic Object-Oriented (OO) Database • Loaded all 29 CDs into individual databases within the database in the NGA HydroVision Production Cell (NPC). • A single CD can be imported with a few clicks- • average time for a CD: 40 minutes • NPC has the latest of all the CDs loaded into the Gothic database • Also can run batch processing on multiple libraries
Propagated Into Single Dataset • Chose the entire DNC17 since we had been maintaining it (last 3 phases as well) • All DNC17 data brought into a single dataset using a fully automated tool created within Lamps2
New Attributes Added During Feature Propagation • New attribution is per individual feature or object and added automatically • New attributes: • Library Name-Name of the original library • “DNC17_h1708210_Baltimore” • Chart Identifier-Chart number feature came from • Chart Edition Number-Edition of Chart • Chart Scale (NEW FOR THIS PHASE) • Hydrographic Datum (soundings only)
Geo-sectioned and Generalized Data • Originally manual • Now fully automated process (one click) • Step 1-initial SCAMIN attribute created and populated per feature based on library type. • Step 2- Pub Aid Number and Pub Number attributes added and populated from Text Attribute for Buoys, Beacons, and Lights • Step 3-Uses the Data Quality Areas (DQY) to spatially select the features and splits all line and area features at DQY boundaries.
Geo-sectioned the Data (2) • Step 4- Process features by DQY and search within a defined radius to see if there are matching features of smaller scale. If there are, the SCAMIN attribute value is replaced with the smaller scale. (Point features only) • Lights-Additionally compares Publication Aid Number (PAN) and Range. If the range is not equal it looks at the PAN. If the PANs are equal it is a matching feature. If the PANs are not equal it produces a new QR light feature so that the compiler can visit it and determine if it is a different light or an error.
Geo-sectioned the Data (3) • Step 5-Deletes unwanted, smaller scale, overlapped features. • Only the best scale features are kept within the DQY. • The data is now one-feature-one-time in a single dataset
Created the New Tiles • Created Tiles within the new dataset using automated tile creator developed in the NPC using LULL, all tiles 1x1. • Areas which originally covered Harbors and Approach Datasets are now based on a 1 x 1 degree tile scheme. • Coastal and General areas are a maximum of 3 x 3 deg and a maximum of 9 1x1 deg tiles. • Tiles do not overlap, libraries do not overlap • Split data along new library boundaries (auto)
New Datasets Based on Tiles • Each library will be made up of either 1 or many tiles up to a max of 9. • DNC17 divided into 246 tiles, 60 datasets • The new datasets are named incorporating the tile name, ex: h17hjfk • the h so that it will meet spec. All libraries start with h (easier for us to code for now) • 17 for DNC17 • hjfk for the tile that makes up the library
Propagated Data to Datasets • Spatially queried each tile area and propagated the data from the single master dataset into each new tile library • Now fully automated for this phase
Modified Files for Export • Changed export scripts to effect all libraries to be exported • Allows for export of the new attributes and tile sizes, now automated • Easy to modify the code/schema to accomplish this.
Exported Data • All 60 libraries exported without viewing errors. • A cleanup process would be needed if we were to use it for production (edge-matching) • New attributes appeared properly structured within the VPF tables. • Created a Browse for the libraries (now automated) • Cut a CD of the new Prototype IV for DNC17.
Test on ECDIS platforms • Gave to SPAWAR to modify COGENT to view the data and utilize SCAMIN. • Data views utilizing SCAMIN. • Load into various ECDIS platforms • FUND: Testing • ECPINS®: Testing • ICE: Testing • VMS: Testing
Demonstration of SCAMIN • Created customized code within Lamps2 to demonstrate the SCAMIN value being used to “thin out” the visible data when zooming out/in. • Proof of concept, the ECDIS would have to be modified to utilize the SCAMIN attribute as SPAWAR has.
Benefits • We now can go to one-feature-one-time automatically in-house in order to populate the future NDME or NGA databases. • Proved that adding new attributes to the data properly will not kill the ECDIS functionality. • Size of the data on a CD is smaller. • Normal DNC17= 415 MB • Geo-sectioned DNC17= 274 MB • No duplication in collecting.
Side Benefits • Have used it already for the foundation for the EPODS effort to supply one-feature-one-time data • Have used it to supply custom datasets to several customers (NAVO, TRANSCOM, HYSAS) • Utilized tools to create a One-Feature-One-Time Global DNC® coastline. • In process of using tools to create an ArcGlobe global DNC® model.
What is next…Phase V • Further testing on ECDIS platforms • Finish display methods in Lamps2 to utilize the SCAMIN values for lines and areas. • Possibly Adding Chart limit feature class for Hardcopy. • Possibly creating a model using more SCAMIN bands similar to the IHO models • Possibly incorporating new agreed upon attributes from DNC2/Data Model/S57 efforts