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SAFELY REMOVING ANIMAL HEADS FOR RABIES TESTING. Wyatt Frampton, DVM, MPH Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. WHY SUBMIT?. Exposure history Bite (Large rodents*, and all other mammals) Unknown exposure – Bats Do not send exposed animals Surveillance Raccoons, skunks, coyotes, foxes

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  1. SAFELY REMOVING ANIMAL HEADS FOR RABIES TESTING Wyatt Frampton, DVM, MPH Utah Department of Agriculture and Food

  2. WHY SUBMIT? • Exposure history • Bite (Large rodents*, and all other mammals) • Unknown exposure – Bats • Do not send exposed animals • Surveillance • Raccoons, skunks, coyotes, foxes • No exposure but abnormal behavior * Beaver or similar sized

  3. WHERE TO SUBMIT? • Rabies testing only: Unified State Laboratories: Public Health 4431 South 2700 West Taylorsville, UT 84119-8600 Phone: (801) 965-2584

  4. WHERE TO SUBMIT? • Disease diagnostic purposes • Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Main Laboratory Central Utah Branch Laboratory 950 East 1400 North 1451 South Main Logan UT 84341 Nephi UT 84648 Phone: 435-797-1895Phone: 435-623-1402

  5. WHAT TO SUBMIT? • Whole carcass • Bats (Preferably dead) • Specie identification • Rodents • Only submitted on rare occasions • Small rodents

  6. WHAT TO SUBMIT? • Whole heads • Dogs • Cats • Wildlife (Raccoons, skunks, coyotes, foxes)

  7. WHAT TO SUBMIT? • Brain • Large dogs • Livestock (Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Sheep, Goats) • Big game

  8. WHAT TO SUBMIT? • Brain • Fresh • Frozen delays the process • Not fixed • Include brain stem and some spinal cord

  9. HOW TO COLLECT? • Whole animals – Bats • It must be assumed that all bats may be infected with rabies virus • So use caution to prevent exposure • Use an acceptable method of euthanasia • Freezing is not an acceptable method • Ship to laboratory using approved shipping procedures

  10. Acceptable methods of euthanasia - Bats • Inhalant anesthetics (liquid) • ex: halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, methoxyflurane, desflurane • Barbiturates • intravenous or intraperitoneal • Limitation: DEA Controlled substances, must be licensed to administer • Potassium chloride • intravenous or intracardiac, in conjunction with an inhalation anesthetic • http://www.batworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/BWSposition_statement-euthanasia.pdf • http://michigan.gov/documents/emergingdiseases/Humane_Euthanasia_of_Bats-Final_244979_7.pdf

  11. APPROVED SHIPPING PROCEDURES • Goals of shipping • Must not expose others to infectious materials • Prevent leakage of potentially infectious material • Arrival of specimens in an state that will allow accurate results • Three layers • A leak proof primary receptacle • A leak proof secondary packaging • An outer rigid packaging of adequate strength for its capacity, mass and intended use

  12. HOW TO COLLECT? • Whole heads • Remember that in collecting heads for rabies testing, the collector should have two primary goals • Submit a good specimen that will allow for accurate testing • Prevent human infection • Remove head in the neck region • Insure that the brain stem is included

  13. HOW TO COLLECT? • Supplies needed • Sharp knife and sharpener • Optional - sharp hacksaw or back saw, pruning shears

  14. HOW TO COLLECT? • Supplies needed • Protective clothing: • Waterproof gloves (preferably disposable) • Mask (disposable or launderable) • Safety glasses or goggles • Coveralls and/or waterproof apron

  15. HOW TO COLLECT? • Supplies needed • Cleaning Supplies • Detergent • Disinfectant • Paper towels • Plastic trash bags • Pesticides • Fleas and ticks

  16. HOW TO COLLECT? • Lay animal on its back and extend the head by pushing top of nose toward ground or bend neck back over edge of table. • Locate larynx (voice box) • Using a sharp knife, make an incision through the skin and continue cutting down through the trachea and esophagus to the backbone • Disarticulate the atlanto-occipital joint • Cut remaining muscle and skin with the knife to completely free the head from the body


  18. HOW TO STORE AND SHIP? • Keep refrigerated • Do not freeze • Ship early in the week so laboratory gets it before the weekend • Prevents it from being held at room temperature in a shipping room for extended purposes • Depending where the victim was bitten, may require delivery to the lab ASAP

  19. LAST THOUGHTS • When in doubt – call the laboratory for procedures to ship • Include complete form • Be safe • Questions?

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