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Standards, Assessment and Accountability

Standards, Assessment and Accountability. Focus on Teacher Effectiveness. Why is this the right work right now?. Standards, Assessment and Accountability. Focus on Teacher Effectiveness. Why is this the right work right now?. A Data Tour. Why is this the right work right now?.

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Standards, Assessment and Accountability

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  1. Standards, Assessment and Accountability Focus onTeacher Effectiveness

  2. Why is this the right work right now?

  3. Standards, Assessment and Accountability Focus onTeacher Effectiveness

  4. Why is this the right work right now? A Data Tour

  5. Why is this the right work right now? The data show very encouraging progress in North Carolina…. North Carolina Graduation Rates …at the same time, there is profound room for improvement. 85,986 graduated 77.9% = 110,377 students that were eligible 11,0377 – 85,986 = 24,391 students that could of graduated and didn’t

  6. Why is this the right work right now? Too few students are ready when they get to post-secondary institutions. ACT, “College Readiness by State,” 2010 Too few students succeed at these institutions. Analysis of data from NCES Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2010.

  7. Why is this the right work right now? Graduating with knowledge and skills impacts student’s future prospects 5 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010 6 Alliance for Excellent Education, “The High Cost of High School Dropouts,” unpublished

  8. Why is this the right work right now? Graduating with knowledge and skills impacts student’s future prospects Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Table A-4: Employment Status of the Civilian Population 25 Years and Over by Educational Attainment, http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t04.htm (accessed August 10, 2009).

  9. Why is this the right work right now? Nearly eight in ten future job openings in the next decade in the U.S. will require postsecondary education or training.

  10. Why is this the right work right now? Achievement gaps persist.

  11. Why is this the right work right now? Among 13 year-olds, the gaps in Mathematics are just as wide today as in 1990 28 22 21 27 35 46 *Denotes previous assessment format NAEP 2008 Trends in Academic Progress, NCES

  12. Why is this the right work right now?

  13. Why is this the right work right now? Our outcomes for students are not what they need to be.

  14. Why is this the right work right now? So part (but not all) of how we address this includes Standards, Assessment and Accountability

  15. Why is this the right work right now? So why the Common Core?

  16. Why is this the right work right now? EquityStudents expectations the same regardless of where they live College and Career ReadinessStudents need to be more than proficient Comparability State results will be comparable through common assessments Sharing of ResourcesThe ability to share instructional materials across state lines can improve practice Economies of ScalePossible savings due to sharing of resources and assessments Student MobilityStudents moving into and out of states will have the same standards

  17. Why is this the right work right now? The average gap nationally between state- and NAEP-reported reading scores is 57 percentage points. We need to have a consistent assessment of readiness; right now, we don’t. …and 41 percentage points in math. U.S. Department of Education, NCES, 8. The Nation’s Report Card: Reading 2009;U.S. Department of Education, NCES, The Nation’s Report Card: Math 2009; U.S. Department of Education, “EDFacts State Profiles,”2010

  18. Why is this the right work right now? So why a New Accountability Model?

  19. Why is this the right work right now? • To use improved indicators to create incentives and target supports that: • Improve Student Outcomes • Increase Graduation Rates • Close Achievement Gaps

  20. Standards, Assessment and Accountability Focus onTeacher Effectiveness

  21. Why is this the right work right now? A Data Tour

  22. Excerpted from The Widget Effect, 2009. Published by The New Teacher Project.

  23. Why is this the right work right now? Because, in many cases, teachers don’t get meaningful feedback to help them continuously improve their practice.

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