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RPL Policy in the DIT

RPL Policy in the DIT. Dr Anne Murphy RPL Policy Officer Regional Seminar 12 March 2009 Cathal Brugha Street Campus ‘The Potential of RPL in the Current Economic and Employment Context’. Potential of RPL in the Current Context?. Maximum use of RPL, modules and credits for:

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RPL Policy in the DIT

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  1. RPL Policy in the DIT Dr Anne Murphy RPL Policy Officer Regional Seminar 12 March 2009 Cathal Brugha Street Campus ‘The Potential of RPL in the Current Economic and Employment Context’

  2. A Murphy 2009

  3. A Murphy 2009

  4. Potential of RPL in the Current Context? Maximum use of RPL, modules and credits for: -Short conversion courses - Progression awards - Work-based learning contracts towards awards - Credit accumulation towards minor or major awards - Postgraduate study in related or new field. Responding to?: - labour market data? - graduate requests? URGENT QUESTION: How does HE provide responses without clear national direction or extra resources? A Murphy 2009

  5. Is RPL the solution? Criticism? • RPL recognises learning that has already been achieved in relation to national occupational/professional standards and/or in relation to programmes leading to awards. While there is value in achieving module exemptions through RPL there is little new learning! • The value in RPL for worker-learners in the current context is in its diagnostic qualities towards planning for a new award or new qualification in anticipation of an improved employment context. • The potential of RPL for HE providers in the current context is in its inclusion in work-related programme design and delivery where worker-learners build from prior learning and where delivery methods are as close to the naturally occurring learning of the professional/occupational workplace. A Murphy 2009

  6. What can the DIT offer through RPL?in addition to Labour Market Activation movement etc Immediately –perhaps with limited impact • Guidance to its graduates at risk from unemployment • Recognition of its own awards towards re-skilling, progression/up-skilling within existing awards • Advanced entry where appropriate • New special purpose or progression awards. Regional/national impact? • Requires partnership approaches with state agencies, professional bodies, sectors, employers, trade unions. Creativity, courage, co-operation A Murphy 2009

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