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RPL – Some advice. Presenter/s Teresa Signorello and Anne Newton. 7 June 2010. Role of RPL in VET. Competency-based training is outcomes based – what people can do! Recognises skills and knowledge gained anywhere/any time
RPL – Some advice Presenter/s Teresa Signorello and Anne Newton 7 June 2010
Role of RPL in VET • Competency-based training is outcomes based – what people can do! • Recognises skills and knowledge gained anywhere/any time • RPL is “an assessment process that involves assessment of the individual’s relevant prior learning to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit” (TPDH Glossary) • Undertaken by a qualified assessor • May be for a full qualification or individual unit/s • Can be funded by Skills Victoria (depending on eligibility etc)
Role of RPL in VET VET Pathways • There are two main pathways by which statements of attainment or qualifications are achieved, one that includes a combination of training and assessment, and one which involves only assessment, recognition. Also known as the Assessment Only Pathway. • RPL recognition will often be followed by gap training to achieve additional units of competency required where necessary.
Suggested RPL method/s • When the individual comes to you… • When you go to the client – enterprise model… What method are you more commonly involved in currently? Is there a difference?
RPL Approach • Recognition is part of the RTO’s Assessment System and should be developed from a quality and continuous improvement perspective. • Without a framework to manage the recognition process – plan, conduct and review recognition – there is a risk of recognition not meeting the needs of the candidate, employers, other stakeholders and the AQTF.
RPL Approach • Be very familiar with the job /industry • Identify risk areas of job, competency or qualification • Have a range of supportive assessment methods and evidence gathering tools planned or organised to assess individual or industry ‘competence’ • Cluster units of competency – “Unpack the learners history and current context of job role or tasks” as well as the Training Package
Good assessment practice… • Principles of assessment • Validity • Reliability • Flexibility • Fairness
Skills Reform and RPL • Victoria needs more highly skilled people to increase economic productivity • People are encouraged to take up higher levels of learning and skill development with a view to increasing income levels • Victoria needs capable, flexible providers that can respond to the needs of individuals and businesses • Skills for Growth - to support businesses especially for SMEs: • identify business priorities • form skills development plans • establish training solutions • Increasing role of the ITABs in connecting businesses and VET
Looking beyond Skills Stores • Skills Stores initiative was extended in 2009 • At the moment negotiations are underway to extend this initiative by 5,000 outcomes and to complete existing referrals • Skills Vic will work with individual Skill Stores to develop local exit strategies when the initiative expires • RTOs have opportunities of expanding their market in RPL by working with local enterprises • Future directions: Skills Vic will work with ITABs to stress the value of RPL
RPL in an ideal world • Your RTO will need a process for recognition to ensure shared understanding of the steps involved in recognition by all RTO staff and stakeholders. • An outline of the process should be included in the information provided to all stakeholders and be customised as required to meet clients’ needs.
RPL in an ideal world The right assessors • Efficient assessment processes use individual qualified assessors or assessment teams that include qualified assessors and technical experts with extensive recent experience in the areas being assessed.
RPL in an ideal world • Simplify your RPL process and where possible work with groups • Design and refine RPL processes to fit your clients • Practice RPL processes internally and support your staff to map their skills to units of competency and qualifications • Map client’s skills to multiple units of competency, multiple qualifications and multiple Training Packages to increase outputs and benefits • Proactively market your RPL Assessment service • Identify RPL benchmarks for input, output &timeframes
Responses to your questions Entry requirements & pre-requisites • Entry requirements are for the whole qualification and are advice for undertaking that qualification • Pre-requisites are attached to specific units • A request for RPL for a qualification is only for that qualification and does not include entry requirements (except for licence/regulation) • RPL will include assessment of pre-requisite units in the qualification
Credit transfer v RPL for IME audits • Credit transfer is undertaken administratively to match/map units • RPL is conducted by an assessor who signs off the applicant as competent and preferably provides information about how the judgement was made • Where credit transfer is very complex crossing numerous training packages/accredited curriculum, an assessor maps the documents and discusses the applicant’s experience and notes the outcomes - provide detail about the process • Where an RPL applicant does not complete the RPL process despite significant time involvement, provide detail about the services undertaken
Trade Recognition Apprentice qualified people • Pre AQF qualifications issued – Proficiency Certificates were issued by Skills Victoria • Now can choose to take their AQF qualification to VETASSESS and (for a fee) receive a certificate identifying their vocation RPL applicants for Trade qualifications • Electrical and engineering (incl auto) - Trade Recognition Australia will recognise their skills and knowledge and issue a certificate certifying equivalence with the AQF qual. • Can go to an RTO (incl VETASSESS) and be issued an AQF qualification
Contact details Teresa Signorello CMM Tourism, Hospitality and Events and Transport and Distribution Ph 9919 8368 Teresa.signorello@vu.edu.au Anne Newton Skills Victoria Ph 9651 4414 Anne.newton@diird.vic.gov.au Questions from you