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Implementing Cryptographic Pairings

Implementing Cryptographic Pairings . Parshuram Budhathoki FAU October 25, 2012. Out line. Motivation Diffie-Hellman Key exchange What is pairing ? Divisors Tate pairings Miller’s algorithm for Tate pairing Optimization. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange :.

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Implementing Cryptographic Pairings

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  1. Implementing Cryptographic Pairings Parshuram Budhathoki FAU October 25, 2012 Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  2. Outline • Motivation Diffie-Hellman Key exchange • What is pairing ? • Divisors • Tate pairings • Miller’s algorithm for Tate pairing • Optimization Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  3. Diffie-HellmanKey Exchange: Alice, Bob and Charlie want to communicate how can they share key ? Alice Bob Charlie Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  4. Diffie-Hellman Two party key Exchange g Alice g Bob y x G = <g> Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  5. Diffie-Hellman Two party key Exchange yx y xy x g g g g Alice Bob y x yx Common Key = g Need single round Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  6. Diffie-Hellman Three party key Exchange g Alice g Bob y x g Charlie z Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  7. Diffie-Hellman Three party key Exchange y x z g g g Alice Bob y x First round Charlie z Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  8. Diffie-Hellman Three party key Exchange xz yz xy g g g Alice Bob y x Charlie z Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  9. Diffie-Hellman Three party key Exchange xy xz yz g g g Alice Bob y x Second round Charlie z Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  10. Diffie-Hellman Three party key Exchange xzy yzx xyz g g g Alice Bob y x Charlie z zyx xzy zxy g g g Common key = = = Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  11. Does one round protocol for three party key exchange exist ? To answer this question we need special function. Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  12. Pairings Let (G,+) and (V,.) denote cyclic groups of prime order , P G, a generator of G and let e: G x G  V be a pairing which satisfies the following additional properties: Bilinearity :  P, Q , R  G we have e(P+R, Q)= e(P,Q) e(R,Q) and e(P, R+Q)= e(P,R) e(P,Q) 2) Non-degeneracy : There exists P, Q  G such that e(P,Q) ≠1. e can be efficiently computable. Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  13. One round three party key exchange ( joux , 2000) P Alice P Bob a aP b a b e(aP, cP) e(bP , cP) bP cP aP P Charlie c e(bP , aP) c bP cP G = <P> be additive group. Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  14. Torsion Points: • Let E : be an elliptic curve over finite field • E( ) = { (x,y) | x,y  }  {  } • Here  is the point at infinity ; these points form additive group with  being the group identity. • Let be a prime satisfying • | # E( ) • doesn’t divide q-1 •  and q are co-prime     q q q q 2 3 y -(x + Ax + B )=0 Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  15. Torsion Points : Then for some integer k, E( ) containspoints of order if and only if  | -1 2  2 Let E[] denote the set of these  order-  points, which is called Torsion points.* E[] = { P  E( ) : P =  } k q k q * Beyond Scope of Presentation  q k Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  16. Function on Elliptic Curve : Let E be elliptic curve over a field K ¯ ¯ * A non zero rational function f K( E ) defined at point P  E(K) \{} if => f= g / h , for g and h  K ( E ) => h ( P ) ≠ 0 f is said to have : => Zero at point P if f( P ) = 0 => Pole at point P iff ( P ) =  or (1/ f( P ) = 0) Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  17. Function on Elliptic Curve : • There is a function u , called a uniformizer at P , such that u ( P ) = 0 • Every function f ( x, y ) can be written in the form f = u g , with r  and g ( P ) ≠ 0 ,  • Order of f at P = r ord (f ) =r • If l is any line through P that is not tangent to E, then l is uniformizer parameter for P. P r P P Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  18. Divisors Up to constant multiple , arational function is uniquely determined by its zeros and poles A divisor is tool to record these special points of function. For each P  E, define formal symbol ( P ) ¯ Here E = E ( K ) Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  19. Divisors: A divisor D is a “formal” sum of points : D =   (P)   (P) +   (P) = ( +  )(P) P P P  E P  E p P P  E P  E Where   and = 0 for all but finitely many P  E Div( E) denotes group of divisors of E which is free abelian group generated by the points of E, where addition is given by   P P p Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  20. Divisors : Support of divisor D is supp(D)= { P  E | ≠ 0} degree of divisor D is deg(D)= 0 Div (E) is subgroup, of divisors of degree0, of Div(E)   P P sum of divisor D is sum ( D ) =    P  E P  E P A divisor D with deg(D) = 0 is called a principal divisor. Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  21. Divisor of function : • Number of zeros and poles of rational function fis finite. • We can defined divisor of function fas • div( f ) =  ord (f ) [ P ] P • div( f) = 0 iff fis constant • Aprincipal divisor is divisor which is equal to div ( f ) for some function f div ( f ) records zeros and poles of f and their multiplicities Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  22. Divisor of function : Let D be divisor : D =   (P) P P  E Then evaluation of f in D is defined by : f ( D ) =  f ( P ) P  supp ( D )  P Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  23. Tate Pairing Let P  E( ) [ ] then ( P ) -  (  ) is principal divisor  There is rational function with div ( ) =  ( P ) -  (  ) Let Q be a point representing coset in k q We construct D  Div ( E ) such that : = > D ~ ( Q ) – (  ) => supp ( D )  supp ( div ( f ) ) =  Q f f   ( E )  , P  , P E (  ) /  E(  ) k q k q Q k  , P q Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  24. Tate Pairing The Tate pairing e : E(  )[ ] E (  ) / / is given by : e(P, Q ) = f ( D )  , P Q  E(  ) * (  )  q k K q K * K Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU q K  q q

  25. Tate Pairing • e doesn’t depend on choice of f • e doesn’t depend on choice of D • e is well defined • e satisfyNon- degeneracy • e satisfy bilinearity  , P Q Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  26. Miller’ s algorithm for the Tate pairing : -[a+ b] P [b]P [a]P [a+ b] P Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  27. Miller’ s algorithm for the Tate pairing : g -[a+ b] P [a]P,[b]P [b]P [a]P v [a+b]P [a+ b] P Let g be line passing through [a]P and [b]P and v be vertical line passing trough [a+b]P [a+b]P [a]P,[b]P Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  28. Miller’ s algorithm for the Tate pairing : -[a+ b ]P [b]P [a]P [a+b]P Then div( g ) = [ a]P + [ b ]P + [-(a+ b )]P – 3 [ ] [a]P,[b] P div ( V ) = [ a + b ] P + [-( a+ b ) ] P – 2 [ ] [a + b]P Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  29. Miller’ s algorithm for the Tate pairing : div ( f / g ) = div ( f ) – div ( g ) div ( f g ) = div ( f ) + div ( g ) Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  30. Miller’ s algorithm for the Tate pairing : Input : P  E (  ) , Q  E (  ) , where P has order  Output : e ( P , Q ) 1. T = P , f = 1 2. for i = log (  )  -1 to 0 : f = f . g ( Q ) / v ( Q ) 2 T,T 2T T = 2T if  = 1 then f = f . g ( Q ) / v (Q ) T = T + P i T,P T+P f = f return f k k k (q - 1 ) /  q q Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  31. Miller’ s algorithm for the Tate pairing : Example: Let E (  ) : y = x + 3x 2 3 1 1 # E (  ) = 12 1 1 Choose= 6 then k = 2 If P = (1,9) and Q = (8+7i, 10+6i) find e(P,Q)  =6 => ( , , ) = (1, 1, 0 ) 2 1 0 2 T = (1,9) for i = 1: g = y + 7x + 6 and g = x+8 T,T 2T g ( Q ) = 6 and g ( Q ) = 5 + 7i T,T 2T Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  32. Miller’ s algorithm for the Tate pairing : Example: 2 f = 1. =1+3i 6 ¯ 5+7i T = [2] (1, 9 ) = (3, 5 ) Since = 1 g = y + 2x and g =x 1 4+9i T,P T + P ¯ 8 + 7i g ( Q ) = 4+9i and g ( Q ) = 8 + 7i And T = (3,5) + (1,9) = (0,0) Thus f = (1+3i) = 8+ 10i T,P T+P Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  33. Miller’ s algorithm for the Tate pairing : Example: for i = 0 Then g ( Q ) = 8+7i and g (Q) =1 g = x and g =1 2T T,T T,T 2T 8+7i ¯ and T = 2 (0,0) =  1 2 Thus f = (8+10i) =5i 121-1/6 f = f = 1 mod 11 Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  34. Optimization of Miller’s loop for Tate pairing. Miller’s algorithm fails if line function g and v pass through Q therefore T,T 2T Choose P and Q from particular disjoint groups For further optimization : Choose  to have low hamming weight Choose P from E (  ) p Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  35. Optimization of Miller’s loop for Tate pairing. From here : => k is even i.e. k =2d , where d is +ve integer => q = p , some prime Therefore final exponentiation can now be written as f => p = 3 mod 4 d d (p +1) /  (p -1 ) d =>  divides(p +1) Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  36. Optimization of Miller’s loop for Tate pairing. Input : P  E (  ) , Q  E (  ) , where P has order  Output : e ( P , Q ) 1. T = P , f = 1 2. for i = log (  )  -1 to 0 : f = f . g ( Q ) / v ( Q ) 2 T,T 2T T = 2T if  = 1 then f = f . g ( Q ) / v (Q ) T = T+ P i T,P T+P 4.f = f 5. return f 3.f = f d d k k (p - 1 ) (p +1 ) /  q q Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  37. Optimization of Miller’s loop for Tate pairing. K is even =>  is quadratic extension of  2 Since p = 3 mod 4 => x + 1 is irreducible polynomial. w  can be represented as w = a+ib , where a,b   d k k d p p p p w = conjugate of w = a- i b ¯ Using Frobenius = > ( a + ib ) = ( a – ib ) = >(1/ ( a + ib ) ) = ( a – ib ) d p d d p -1 p -1 Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  38. Optimization of Miller’s loop for Tate pairing. Input : P  E (  ) , Q  E (  ) , where P has order  Output : e ( P , Q ) 1. T = P , f = 1 2. for i = log (  )  -1 to 0 : f = f . g ( Q ) 2 T,T T = 2T ¯ v ( Q ) ¯ v ( Q ) T+P 2T if  = 1 then f = f . g ( Q ) T = T+ P i T,P 3.f = f 4.f = f 5. return f d d k k (p - 1 ) (p +1 ) /  q q Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  39. Optimization of Miller’s loop for Tate pairing. Choice of Q : We have , Q = ( x , y ) where x = a+ib and y = c+id and a,b,c,d   Choose b=c=0 d p Now and are elements of  which means they will be wiped out by final exponentiation d p This called denominator-elimination optimization v ¯ v ¯ 2T T+P Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  40. Optimization of Miller’s loop for Tate pairing. Input : P  E (  ) , Q  E (  ) , where P has order  Output : e ( P , Q ) 1. T = P , f = 1 2. for i = log (  )  -1 to 0 : f = f . g ( Q ) 2 T,T T = 2T ¯ v ( Q ) ¯ v ( Q ) T+P 2T if  = 1 then f = f . g ( Q ) T = T+ P i T,P 3.f = f 4.f = f 5. return f d d k k (p - 1 ) (p +1 ) /  q q Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

  41. Optimization of Miller’s loop for Tate pairing. Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Mathematics, FAU

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