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What SHOULD I have learned this year?

What SHOULD I have learned this year?. Force and Motion. Identify or calculate an object’s average speed S = d/t Practice: A battery-powered toy car travels 20 meters in 5 seconds. What is it’s average speed? S = 20m/5s = 4 m/s. Speed is the slope of a distance/time graph. Remember this?.

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What SHOULD I have learned this year?

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  1. What SHOULD I have learned this year?

  2. Force and Motion Identify or calculate an object’s average speed S = d/t Practice: A battery-powered toy car travels 20 meters in 5 seconds. What is it’s average speed? S = 20m/5s = 4 m/s. Speed is the slope of a distance/time graph

  3. Remember this?

  4. Position vs. Time Graphs • Describe the motion of an object based on a graph of the object’s position vs. time. • Identify the position vs. time graph that could represent an object’s motion given average speed or position and time data of that object.

  5. Friction • Friction is a force that can help objects start moving, stop moving, slow down, or change direction.

  6. Frictional Forces • Describe the frictional forces acting on a given object.

  7. Identify the forces acting on an object as balanced or unbalanced given a description of the motion of the object • Speeding up? • Slowing down? • Changing direction? • Unchanging? = Unbalanced = Unbalanced = Unbalanced = Balanced

  8. Motion of Objects Predict the resulting motion of an object given a description of the initial motion of the object and the forces acting on the object.

  9. Unbalanced Forces • Compare the motion of objects with different masses that receive the same unbalanced force.

  10. Properties of Matter • Identify characteristic intrinsic properties of a substance (i.e., properties that are independent of the amount of a substance) • Density • Solubility • boiling point • melting point Examples: 1) Water’s density = 1.0 g/ml, Vegetable oil = 0.7 g/ml 2) Iron is magnetic 3) Copper and gold are conductors of electricity 4) Water melts/freezes at 0⁰C 5) Water boils/condenses at 100⁰C

  11. Physical Properties Density State of Matter

  12. Mixtures and Compounds Mixtures Compounds Compounds are more than one element combined together in a molecule H20 NaCl CO2 • Mixtures are more than one substance combined together • Trail mix • Salad

  13. Mixtures • Describe how to separate a given mixture using differences in properties • Density • Solubility • phase change temperature differences • Size • magnetic attraction

  14. Compounds • Describe that the chemical and physical properties of a compound are different from those of the reactants from which the compound was formed. + = sodium http://www.freewebs.com/lindsey_ec/theusesofsodium.htm http://easycalculation.com/chemistry/elements/test.php?name=chlorine Salt

  15. Atoms • Identify that all matter is made of atoms. • Identify the relationship between atoms and elements • matter made of only one kind of atom is called an element

  16. Kinetic Energy of Particles Solids have slowly-moving atoms packed tightly together definite shape, definite volume Liquids have more freely-moving atoms no definite shape, definite volume Gases have very fast-moving atoms no definite shape, no definite volume Heat energy transfers into kinetic energy of particles. (ex: Boiling Water)

  17. Describe or predict changes in mass of systems undergoing physical and/or chemical changes • Physical Change: a change that occurs where there is still the same substance • Ripping paper • Cutting hair • Phase changes • Chemical Change: a change occurs where a new substance is formed • Burning • Rust • baking

  18. Conservation of Mass • Apply the concept of conservation of mass to account for the mass before and after a physical or chemical change in open and/or closed systems (e.g., water boiling, vinegar reacting with baking soda to produce a gas). • The mass in a closed system stays the same even AFTER a chemical or physical change. Example: Burning 5g of paper in a closed jar won’t gain or lose mass, it will just be 5g of something else (smoke, ashes, etc.)

  19. Energy Forms and Transformations • List forms of energy in a given system • Light • thermal (heat) • Chemical • Electrical • Kinetic • sound

  20. Energy Transfers and Transformations • Describe how energy is transformed from one form to another and/or how energy is transferred from one place to another in a given system. • Energy Transformation: light energy from the sun transforms into chemical energy in a plant’s leaves • Energy transfer: heat energy from a burner is transferred into heat energy in a frying pan

  21. A thermal insulator resists the flow of heat energy.

  22. Layers of the Earth • Compare the relative positions, thicknesses, consistencies, and/or temperatures of Earth’s crust, core, and/or mantle. http://edu.glogster.com/media/2/7/83/4/7830440.jpg

  23. Plate Tectonics Convection in the upper mantle causes crustal plate movement. Convection is a heat transfer where hot matter rises and cooler matter sinks.

  24. Plate Tectonics • Describe what may happen where plate boundaries meet (i.e., earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, faults, mountain building). http://www.bcscience.com/bc10/images/0_quiz-12.2-03.jpg

  25. Light • Describe that light from the Sun is made up of a mixture of all colors of light. • Identify evidence that light from the Sun (i.e., white light) is made up of a mixture of all colors of light. http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter19/color.html http://effieboo.wordpress.com/2010/09/22/what-i-learned-in-chemistry/electromagnetic-spectrum/

  26. Light • Describe that light emitted from an object or reflected by an object into an eye is necessary for the object to be seen.

  27. Wave Energy • Describe that waves (i.e., sound, light, water, seismic) transfer energy. • Light waves (EM spectrum) • Sound waves (from speaker to ear) • Seismic waves (earthquakes) • Water (waves, tsunamis) http://gr7itmaisha.blogspot.com/2010/04/science-brainpop-video-waves.html http://www.scienceinthenews.org.uk/contents/?article=53

  28. Light and Sound • Compare characteristics of light and sound waves (e.g., light waves can travel through a vacuum while sound waves cannot). http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/media/3536/Graphic-representations-of-a-sound-wave http://www.mediacollege.com/audio/01/sound-waves.html

  29. Wave Speed • Describe that waves move at different speeds in different materials (e.g., sound travels more quickly through water than through air). Sound wave http://learn.uci.edu/oo/getOCWPage.php?course=OC0811004&lesson=005&topic=003&page=14

  30. Sound Waves • Describe that sound waves are generated and/or transmitted by a vibrating object. http://snoreandguzzle.com/?page_id=16 http://network-communications.blogspot.com/2011/04/sound-sound-waves-fourier-sound-program.html

  31. Earth/Sun/Moon • Describe the motions of Earth and the Moon relative to the Sun and to each other. • Explain one or more phases of the Moon as observed from Earth in terms of the Moon’s changing relative position as the Moon orbits Earth. http://www.moonphases.info/moon_phases.html

  32. Eclipses • Describe an eclipse of the Moon and/or an eclipse of the Sun in terms of the relative positions of Earth, the Sun, and the Moon. • Lunar Eclipse – moon enters earth shadow • Solar Eclipse - moon’s shadow falls on earth

  33. Phase vs. Eclipse • Compare the causes of the phases of the Moon with the causes of an eclipse of the Moon. http://musingsonnature.blogspot.com/2010/12/winter-solstice-lunar-eclipse.html www.astrologycom.com/eclipse.html

  34. Solar System • Describe or compare characteristics of the Sun, the Moon, Earth, other major planets, moons, asteroids, plutoids, and/or comets (i.e., relative size, composition). • Describe or compare the relative positions and/or distances between the Sun, the Moon, Earth, and/or other major planets. http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/volcanowatch/archive/2007/07_04_12.html

  35. Earth/Sun Motion • Describe how the motions of Earth and the Sun explain the phenomena of day/night and/or the length of a year on Earth. http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jetstream/global/global_intro.htm

  36. Regular Motion • Identify phenomena resulting from the regular and predictable motion of objects in the Solar System (e.g., day/night, rising and setting of the Moon, year, phases of the Moon, eclipses).

  37. Gravity and Orbits • Describe gravity as the force that keeps planets in orbit and governs the motion of objects in the Solar System. • Identify gravity as the sole force holding objects to Earth’s surface. • Predict what would happen to an orbiting object if gravity were increased, decreased, or taken away http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/gravity-earth-jupiter-and-pluto/1599.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/science/energy_electricity_forces/forces/revise3.shtml

  38. Galactic Address • Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun in a system that includes the Sun, Moon, 8 Planets and their moons, dwarf planets, asteroids and comets. • Our Sun is one of hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. Many of these stars have planets orbiting around them. • The Milky Way is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in our Universe. http://mail.colonial.net/~hkaiter/galactic%20caruosel.htm

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