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Regional Operational Programme in the Észak-Alföld Region Kincsö Izsak regional representative

Regional Operational Programme in the Észak-Alföld Region Kincsö Izsak regional representative Representation of Eszak-alföld Region in Brussels Regional Development Agency of Eszak-Alföld 4 December 2006. Content. Institutional system Experiences of ROP 2004-2006

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Regional Operational Programme in the Észak-Alföld Region Kincsö Izsak regional representative

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  1. Regional Operational Programme in the Észak-Alföld Region Kincsö Izsak regional representative Representation of Eszak-alföld Region in Brussels Regional Development Agency of Eszak-Alföld 4 December 2006

  2. Content • Institutional system • Experiences of ROP 2004-2006 • Regional planning for 2007-2013 • Priorities for the next programming period

  3. Slovakia Ukraine SzSzB Romania HB JNSz North Great Plain – Észak-Alföld

  4. Representatives of the Ministries President of the Regional Tourism Committee Presidents of the County General Assemblies Regional Development Council Representatives of the micro region associations Mayors of the County Towns

  5. The institutional system of ROP in Hungary A governmental decree and a ministerial regulation determined the institutional actors participating in the implementation of the SFs The Managing Authority of the ROP is: Prime Minister’s Office National Office for Regional Development And it has two Intermediate Bodies: RDAs till decision-making on grants VÁTI (NARD National Agency for Regional Development) from preparation of grant contracts

  6. ROLES OF ROP Intermediate Body • From registration to entering into a contract; • Information dissemination (organizing information days, call-service function), PR activity; • Evaluation of applications - checking feasibility and professional criteria

  7. ROP Priorities PRIORITY 1.: Developing the tourism potential of the regions Measure 1: Developing tourist attractions Measure 2: Developing tourism-related services

  8. ROP Priorities PRIORITY 2.: Developing regional infrastructure and the communal environment Measure 1: Developing the accessibility of the regions and micro-regions lagging behind Measure 2: Regeneration of urban areas Measure 3: Infrastructure investment in pre-school institutions and primary schools

  9. ROP Priorities PRIORITY 3.: Strengthening the regional dimension of human resource development Measure 1: Capacity building of local public administration and non-governmental organisation Measure 2: Support for local employment initiatives Measure 3: Strengthening cooperation of higher education institutions with local actors Measure 4: Support of region-specific vocational training

  10. Some data on submitted ROP applications

  11. 299% 248% 99% 87% Submitted applications Recepted applications by NGP RDA Eligible application Contracted applications NGP RDOP IB Central IB

  12. Regional planning for 2007-2013 Regional Development Council Regional Working Group Regional Development Agency 3 county development agencies 27 micro regions 8 thematic working groups

  13. Regional Planning Network in the North Great Plain Region (Financial) sources on regional planning are spare -- The NGP RDA has initiated the creation of a regional planners network. The network has been set up thanks to the extremely high activity of thepartners. At the moment the planning work has been done in 8 regional, thematic working groups with participation of 8-12 experts in each.

  14. The Regional Development Strategy of North Great Plain Region (2007-2013) The main philosophy of our programming is the „sustainable development of economy and environment” on the base of „eco-region”. The overall objectives of the Regional Strategyare: • strengthening competitiveness of the North Great Plain, • preventing of further lagging behind situation of underdeveloped areas and social groups.

  15. Strategic objectives • Development of competitive, market-driven and innovation oriented economy built on the strategic position of the region (“Dynamic region”) • Development, preservation and sustainable utilization of the region’s natural and environmental systems, and handling the environment as value. („Eco-region”) • Providing the opportunity for healthy life and utilizing the relating endogene potential. („Healthy region”) • Developing market-leaded and innovation-oriented agricultural verticum based on the region’s competitive advantages („Agricultural-region”) • Decreasing the territorial imbalances in the region, enhancing the social cohesion and widening the employment. („Opportunity providing and catching up region”)

  16. Spatial categories in Eszak-Alföld

  17. Spatial categories • Regional development poles (Debrecen, Nyíregyháza, Szolnok) • Dynamic, dynamisable spatial centres • Areas cathing up (micro regional centres, rural resources)

  18. Specific Objectives of EAOP • Strengthening competitveness and investment promotion • Enlarging employment • Reduction of disparities, strengthening social cohesion

  19. Priorities of EAOP • Improvement of the conditions of economy • Regional and local infrastructure development • Strengthening the touristic potential • Urban and territorial development

  20. Thank you for your attention! North Great Plain Regional Development Agency Debrecen, Simonyi u. 14. Tel: 00 36 52/524-760 E-mail: kizsak@eszakalfold.hu www.eszakalfold.hu

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