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Ron Broglio, Graduate Director Sheila Luna, Program Manager. Department of English PhD advising Session Fall 2013. Ron Broglio, director of graduate studies Contact sheila@asu.edu for an appointment Doris Warriner, Rhetoric and Composition Lee Bebout, Literature
Ron Broglio, Graduate Director Sheila Luna, Program Manager Department of English PhD advising Session Fall 2013
Ron Broglio, director of graduate studies Contact sheila@asu.edu for an appointment Doris Warriner, Rhetoric and Composition Lee Bebout, Literature James Blasingame, English Education Elly van Gelderen, Linguistics Barbara Lafford, Applied Linguistics http://english.clas.asu.edu/graduate_advising Sheila Luna, Graduate Program Manager – sheila@asu.edu Graduate advising
Graduate students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with all university and graduate policies and procedures. http://graduate-dev.asu.edu/faculty_staff/policies Communicate with the program manager or DGS to be clear on expectations for degree completion Check your MyASU account for up-to-date information regarding your status, holds, items to attend to and other important information Maintain a working ASU email and check it regularly Check with your dissertation advisors well in advance of data collection to ensure compliance with university regulations regarding the collection of data Become Familiar with Policies or ask
Graduate students MUST remain continuously enrolled, otherwise they will be withdrawn by the office of Graduate Education and will need to reapply Students taking an oral or written exam, foreign language exam, defending in summer must be registered for at least one graduate credit If the exam, portfolio, defense, etc falls in between terms, registration for the next session is required (after spring and before summer, students must register for summer). Students must be enrolled in at least one graduate credit during the semester or summer session that they apply for graduation If defending between terms, you must be registered for the following term Enrollment Stipulations
Teaching Assistants MUST be enrolled for six hours every semester (even if they are done with coursework and research/dissertation hours) • If enrollment is impossible due to personal or medical issues, students can petition for a Request to Maintain Continuous Enrollment . Return the form with your chair’s signature to Sheila Luna http://graduate.asu.edu/forms • Students who are granted a petition to maintain enrollment lose their student privileges (i.e., email, library, etc.) • Enrolling in 1 credit of 795, continuing registration, can be a place holder • A W, an I, or an audit do NOT count as continuous enrollment • 400-level courses do NOT count as continuous enrollment unless they are listed on the plan of study Enrollment, continued….
Download the Independent Study form (http://english.clas.asu.edu/forms), complete the top portion and obtain the required signature. If you are doing research or dissertation hours (792, 799) you must get your committee chair’s signature on the “instructor” line If you are doing a reading and conference (ENG or LIN 790), you must obtain the signature of the professor with whom you will be working Return the completed and signed form to the English Department main office or to the graduate studies office for clearance to register. You will be able to register within 48 hours of returning the form This procedure must be followed each time you want to enroll in ENG or LIN 799, 790, 792, 795, etc. Independent Study Registration
The interactive plan of study (iPOS) is a list of what you have taken, are presently taking, and will take to complete degree requirements Official notification to the office of Graduate Education of your committee membership File early in program The iPOS must be reviewed and approved by the supervisory committee, the graduation office, and the office of Graduate Education Ph.D. students must have an approved iPOS with entire committee approved before the portfolio stage http://english.clas.asu.edu/gradstudies-pos Graduate Plan of Study (iPOS)
Submit electronically, through the MY ASU, iPOS link • Obtain committee chair’s signature on the summary page before the Department approves the iPOS • Only the chair is needed to submit the iPOS. Once an iPOS has been approved by the Department and the office of Graduate Education, the student can submit a Committee Change Request and create co-chairs and members • May select entire committee at once, eliminating the need to add committee members later • http://graduate.asu.edu/sites/default/files/How-to_iPOS_0.pdf How-To Guide Filing the Interactive Plan of Study
Must submit iPOS before 50% of their program is completed. Failure to do so may result in a hold on registration Choose this option: 84 credit hours, oral exam, prospectus and a foreign language exam Obtain committee chair’s signature on summary page and return to Sheila Luna so it can be officially approved Committee Change Requests, Petitions, Course Change Requests and Masters in Passing applications are also submitted electronically. http://english.clas.asu.edu/gradstudies-pos iPOS details
PhD plans of study must have 84 hours, 12 being dissertation • List 12 (and only 12) hours of Dissertation (799) • Research (792) can be used as coursework hours when applicable and in consultation with the committee chair • A student with a previously awarded master’s degree can apply it to the iPOS for a blanket 30 hours. The student must then list 54 hours taken at ASU after admission to PhD • The committee chair will review the coursework before signing to make sure all requirements have been met Coursework
Twelve hours of pre-admission coursework from another institution or from ASU, not applied to a previous degree, may be applied • The office of Graduate Education must have official transcripts from the institution where the classes were taken • Must have been completed within three years of admission to the ASU degree program • A grade of B or better is required for all transfer and non degree work applied to a Plan of Study Pre-Admission Coursework
Must demonstrate a competent knowledge of a natural language other than modern English Earning a “B” (3.00) or higher in a 400- or 500-level course Demonstrating native speaker proficiency in a language approved by the student’s supervisory committee Earning a “B” (3.00) or higher in both ENG 530 Old English and ENG 531 Old English Literature or their equivalent; Holding a bachelor’s degree in an approved foreign language; Fulfilled a foreign language requirement during MA For languages which the School of International Letters and Cultures does offer above the 200 level, two years (4 semesters) of college coursework at the 100 and 200 level with a C or better, completed no more than six years prior to admission to the degree program. http://english.clas.asu.edu/gradstudies-flr Foreign Language Requirement
The Foreign Language Reading Exam is offered by SILC two times per year • Must be enrolled in at least one graduate English credit during the semester of the exam • Exam results must be posted before student can take examinations or schedule a defense • Fulfill the requirement early in the program so it does not hold up graduation. • If a student fails the exam, a petition must be submitted to the office of Graduate Education to retake the exam, including why the student failed, what the student will do to prepare for the next exam, and why the exam is needed. Note: Only two retake petitions are allowed. Allow three months to study for the next exam. http://silc.asu.edu/testing/graduate Language Requirement: Things to remember!
Select your language on the iPOS Take exam Results received six to eight weeks after exam Results cannot be posted if the student does not have an approved ipos with entire committee on file Taking the Foreign Language Exam
October 4, 2013 (apply by September 13, 2013) March 4, 2014 (apply by February 4, 2014) Language Exam dates for 2013/14
Select Old English from the drop down list on the iPOS Contact Sheila Luna when grades are posted for both 530 and 531 The requirement will remain “incomplete” until notification of grades is received Cannot post results without an approved iPOS with entire committee Using Old English to fulfill requirement
Choose your native language from drop down list on the iPOS When iPOS is approved by office of Graduate Education, notify Sheila Luna and she will waive the language requirement on your iPOS Cannot waive requirement without an approved iPOS with entire committee If English is your Second Language
Student takes an upper division SILC course (approved by the advisor) Must be taught in the language After the grade of B or better is posted on your transcript for this course, contact Sheila Luna Cannot post language results without an approved iPOS with entire committee Taking a Class to Meet the Language Requirement
B or better in FRE 494 French for Reading Knowledge; ITA 494 Italian for Reading Knowledge; GER 494 German for Reading Knowledge Do not need background in language to take Fulfills the language requirement Contact Sheila Luna after grade is posted Reading Knowledge Classes
If you are meeting the requirement in another way (BA or MA in approved language, etc) contact Sheila Luna AFTER your iPOS has been approved Foreign language requirement results cannot be posted without an approved iPOS with entire committee on file. Other ways to meet the language requirement
Maximum time limit is the shortest of the following: • Ten years from admission • Five years from comp exams • If more time is required, students may submit a detailed petition to the office of Graduate Education with the extension request • Department of English recommended time to degree is 7 years. Average is 6 years. Students are given TA eligibility for 5 years Time to Degree - doctoral
Five years is typical for those with master’s degrees Meet with committee chair or director of program annually to discuss progress Failure to submit signed timeline will result in a hold on registration for 792/799 http://english.clas.asu.edu/gradstudies-phdtimeline PhD Timeline
Adherence to timeline Timely completion of coursework and exams Minimum 3.0 GPA each semester No more than three I’s (Incomplete) on transcript Satisfactory academic progress
At least three members on the graduate faculty, ordinarily specialists in the area of the student’s project Confer with selected chair about other suitable members for the committee Identify committee chair and members early and look to them for guidance Petitioning to have a committee chair from outside the department's graduate faculty must be approved by the department chair in consultation with the director of graduate studies Choosing a dissertation Committee
Portfolio: two scholarly essays and a bibliography Oral or Written Exam: based on bibliography Colloquy: Defense of the dissertation prospectus. After completing this step, submit Report of the Doctoral Dissertation Prospectus form to Sheila Luna for candidacy processing http://english.clas.asu.edu/gradstudies-exam PhD Exams (pHdrcl, apl)
Essay: One scholarly essay and a bibliography Oral Exam: based on bibliography and essay Colloquy: Defense of the dissertation prospectus. After completing this step, submit Report of the Doctoral Dissertation Prospectus form to graduate program manager for candidacy processing http://english.clas.asu.edu/gradstudies-exam PhD Exams: revised exam structure for Literature
PhD students achieve candidacy in a letter from the office of Graduate Education upon completion of: foreign language requirement qualifying examination defending the dissertation prospectus What is Candidacy
Based on original and independent research/creative activity conducted by the student, under the guidance of the graduate supervisory committee Demonstrate the candidate's mastery of research and scholarly methodologies, theory, and tools of the discipline Demonstrate the candidate's ability to address a major intellectual problem and to propose meaningful questions and hypotheses, as well as utilize the methods with which to study the proposed research question(s) and related hypotheses, and draw conclusions 12 hours of dissertation (ENG or LIN or APL 799) are required on the plan of study. They can be taken all at once, or split up. 1 hour of dissertation can also be taken to maintain enrollment Doctoral dissertation
Dissertation defenses are announced via e-mail to the Department of English. A student preparing for his/her defense should send an e-mail to Sheila@asu.eduwhich will include student name, dissertation title, date, time, room, committee chair, committee members, and a brief abstract. The abstract should be in the body of the e-mail, not as an attachment. Contact Chris Floyd in the main office to schedule a room for the defense. Defense Announcements
Run your dissertation through the format tool Make sure you are using the most recent version of the Format Manual from office of Graduate Education website http://graduate.asu.edu/format/format_and_submit_document office of Graduate Education Graduation Deadlines and Procedures http://graduate.asu.edu/graddeadlines.html Automated Formatting
Schedule your defense on your MyASUdefense schedule tab no later than 10 working days before the defense date • Initial format review must be performed by office of Graduate Education prior to defense • After scheduling your defense, submit complete draft to gradformat@asu.edu for format review • Day before defense, student will receive email with next steps for the defense of the dissertation and submission of final document to ProQuest Scheduling a Defense
Defense Scheduling, continued • Several requirements must be met before the defense schedule link will appear on your MyASU: • Approved iPOS with full committee • Minimum 3.0 overall graduate GPA • Minimum 3.0 GPA on iPOS • No pending course changes, committee changes • Satisfied all requirements (written/oral exam, language, etc.) • Achieved candidacy • Active student and currently enrolled
For PhD students who do not hold an MA in English Must complete 33 hours of coursework and pass the portfolio MIP iPOS is submitted electronically Student must file for graduation http://english.clas.asu.edu/gradstudies-mip Master’s in Passing (MIP)
Graduation Extensions: Must be include a detailed justification: Why petition is needed, what happened to cause delay. When do you intend to graduate. A detailed timeline on progress toward defense such as: chapter 1 is due on ___, chapter 2 is due on ___. Include student statement: “I understand that there will be no further extensions petitioned, failure to meet agreed upon deadline will result in dismissal from the program.” Use paper petition form Retaking Language Exam: Must include why you failed, how you will prepare for the next exam and why the exam is needed. Petition can be done online on iPOS link Petitions to Maintain Continuous Enrollment: Used to discontinue enrollment. The maximum is two semesters during entire program. Use the paper form: Doctoral Request to Maintain Continuous Enrollment http://graduate.asu.edu/forms Types of Petitions
Graduate Education Dissertation Fellowships (deadline January 15, 2014 for 2014/15) Graduate Education Completion Fellowships (deadline: October 7, 2013 for spring 2014) Katharine Turner Dissertation Fellowships (deadline February 3, 2014) Graduate Travel Awards http://english.clas.asu.edu/graduate_scholarships Dissertation Fellowships
Presenting papers at scholarly conferences $350 from Graduate Education; $350 additional funds from English Only three students funded per cycle October 4, 2013: for travel November 15, 2013 through February 21, 2014 January 10, 2014: for travel February 22, 2014 through May 16, 2014 March 14, 2014: for travel May 17, 2014 through June 30, 2014 http://english.clas.asu.edu/graduate_scholarships Graduate Education Travel Awards
Independent Study Form (to register for research/dissertation/reading and conference) PhD Oral Exam Form PhD Report of Dissertation Prospectus form Portfolio: Statement of Intent (to accompany the portfolio papers) http://english.clas.asu.edu/forms Important Department Forms
Sept 20th CV and Cover Letters 11:30 am LL 316 Oct 25th Applying to Conferences/Submitting for Publication 3:00 pm LL 316 January 24th Applying for grants/fellowships/awards 3:00 pm LL 316 March 28 (tentative) Digital Media Workshop Dec 12th Mock Interviews GSEA/English workshops
Navigating Your Career in Higher Education: A Conversation with Beverly Ann Chin Thursday, Sep. 26, 2013 3:15-4:30 p.m. LL 316 Finishing the PhD, searching for the right job, and learning tenure and promotion. Q & A with Dr. Chin. Upcoming lecture
Preparing CV part 1, Sept 18, 3 pm MU Creating a resume and cover letter Sept 20th, 1:30 pm Academic Job Search Oct. 1 1:30 Preparing CV part 2 Oct 4 3:00 pm Interviewing for Academic Jobs Oct 14 10:30 am http://graduate.asu.edu/grow/sfs/events Graduate Education Job Search Workshops
The English Department website, graduate student page contains many useful links, such as FAQs, how to file an iPOS, doctoral exams, etc. http://english.clas.asu.edu/graduate Graduate Education website http://graduate.asu.edu/ Contains information on university policy, graduation deadlines and procedures, Graduate Education forms, professional development, etc. Information online