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MASONIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM. Freemasonry In Kentucky Maintained By: Committee on Masonic Education Sponsored By: Grand Lodge of Kentucky F & A.M. Grand Master Grand Lodge of Kentucky F.& A.M. Welcome to the 2012 Masonic Ed Program.
MASONIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Freemasonry In Kentucky Maintained By: Committee on Masonic Education Sponsored By: Grand Lodge of Kentucky F & A.M.
Welcome to the 2012 Masonic Ed Program. This program has been revised this year with the goal being to get back to the basics of Freemasonry in our Blue Lodges in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. PRAYER MASONIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM
Suggestions and Recommendations • Open and Close your lodges proficiently. • Proper Protocol For Masonic Dignitaries. • Proper Examination of Visitors. • The importance of Investigating Committee’s. • Knowing the Proper way to Ballot. • Candidates must receive ALL sections of every degree and return complete Proficiencies. MASONIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM
MASONIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Agenda Open Introduction / G. Master’s Comments DVD Video Freemasonry in Kentucky Break Out Sessions Masters, Sr. Wardens, Jr. Wardens Etc.. Secretaries & Treasurers Protocol Examination of Visitors
MASONIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Agenda Investigating Committee History of Kentucky Freemasonry (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) Q&A
DVD Freemasonry in Kentucky
Breakout Sessions -Masters, Sr. Wardens. Jr. Wardens, Other Members - Secretaries & Treasurers
PREAMBLE By their conduct, their dress, their attendance, their enthusiasm, the proficiency of their work and their attitude, the officers of the lodge set the tone for the entire lodge operation. Each officer can do much to convey to the new candidates and members of the lodge, the seriousness, beauty and honor of Masonry as well as fun and fellowship.
DUTIES OF THE MASTER(Ky Constitution Section 89) The following is a list of the powers and duties of the Master of the Lodge as outlined by the: Book of Constitutions Powers of Lodge (Sect 75) By-Laws of Lodge (Sect 76)
SUBORDINATE LODGES POWERS SECTION 75 - General • Subordinate lodges have such powers, and only such powers, as are conferred upon them by the Constitution, rules, edicts, decisions, and opinions, of the Grand Lodge.
SUBORDINATE LODGES POWERS SECTION 76 - Shall Adopt By-Laws. • Each subordinate lodge shall adopt by-laws for the government of its own affairs provided that the same are not inconsistent with the Constitution, rules and edicts of the Grand Lodge and shall furnish a copy to the Grand Secretary to be placed on file in the Grand Lodge.
The By-Laws of a lodge cannot be amended unless the proposed amend-ment be submitted in writing at a stated communication. Notice of the proposed amendment must be given to the members of the lodge and may be by mail, or by publishing a notice of the proposed change in the Masonic Home Journal. If notice is by mail, the proposed amendment shall be voted upon at the next stated communication. If notice is by publication in the Masonic Home Journal, the proposal shall be voted upon atthe next stated communication in the month following the date of publication. In either case, the amendment must be concurred in by two-thirds of the members present and voting on the amendment. When the amendment to the by-laws has been before the lodge for the necessary time, an amendment to the amendment then proposed need not take the course of the original and be carried over, but may be acted upon. (2000)
Mastershall have power to: • Issue, or cause to be issued, all summonses or notices which may be required; • Discharge all the executive functions of his Lodge; and • Perform all acts, by ancient usage proper to his office, which are not prohibited by the Constitution or Ordinances of Grand Lodge. • Preside and have general supervision over his lodge and decide questions of law and order, but any member of the lodge may appeal from the decision of the Master to the Grand Master, and from his decision to the Grand Lodge. Sect 89 (1)
To see that the by-laws and resolutions of his lodge are observed, and that the constitution, rules, and edict of this Grand Lodge are duly obeyed. Sect 89 (2) • To see that monthly activity reports are promptly made to this Grand Lodge. • To attain such proficiency in the work as will enable him to conduct the ceremonies of his lodge in a creditable manner. • To call communications of his lodge as provided in BOC Section 107. • To attend: Grand Lodge, District Meeting and Educational Programs.
BE PREPARED • Annual plan • Budget • Goals (Educational – Building Plans) • Newsletter • Agenda (stated and called meetings) • Study the Parliamentary Procedure (Roberts Rules of Order)
RITUAL • To have knowledge of the work and lectures of the First, Second, and Third Degrees • To be knowledgeable of the ritual for conducting stated meetings • Balloting • Receiving dignitaries • Draping the charter
APPOINTMENTS • Standing Committees • Special Committees • Coaches • Mentors
PRACTICEEVERYTHING • Opening / Closing • Degrees • Funerals • Balloting • Introductions
LAST RITES • Conduct Masonic Funerals • Have someone ready • Be ready yourself • Have a system for notifying members • Contact the funeral home (s)
Additional Keys to Success. • Superintend the official acts of all officers of his lodge and to see that respective duties are properly discharged. • To have knowledge of the work and lectures of the First, Second, and Third Degrees • To be knowledgeable of the ritual for conducting stated meetings • Order of Business • Balloting • Receiving dignitaries • Draping the charter • Conduct Masonic Funerals
ENJOY YOURSELF • Know your responsibilities • Work on your weaknesses • Exploit your strengths • Don’t let the negatives get to you • Situations • People HAVE FUN
To serve as Master in the absence of the Master; • To see that the Master’s Orders are carried out in full. • To prepare the calendar for your year as Master; • To prepare the Senior Warden's Trestle board articles, when required;
To prepare an estimated budget for your year as Master • To consider brethren to be appointed to the line during your year as Master and to ask them if they will serve. • To be knowledgeable of the work and lectures of the Third Degree and the ritual to qualify as Worshipful Master; • To be qualified to give the work of the Senior Warden in the three degrees; • To attend all degree practices designated by the Master.
All men who aspire to the Oriental Chair hope that their year as Master will not only be pleasurable to them but will bring growth and improved fellowship to their Lodge. • Often the only difference between the successful year and the one that falls short is planning!
HOW IS ANNUAL PLANNING DONE? • Get a Calendar for your upcoming year. • Write in those dates that you know are fixed: • Personal Dates!!!! (Birthdays, Anniversary, Vacation…) • Holidays • Stated Meetings • Installation • District Meetings / Masonic Educational Meetings • Annual Communication
Budget • Does your Lodge have one now? • What are your sources of income? • What will you have to spend money on?
To Serve as Master in the absence of the Master and Senior Warden. • To assist the Master in the discharge of his duties. • To be knowledgeable of all work, lectures and ritual parts in the South in all three degrees. • To make sure the Stewards know their duties. • To prepare the Junior Warden's Trestle board articles, when required.
To make sure the Stewards are informed about degree work. • To call the craft from labor to refreshment. • To call the craft from refreshment back to labor. • The Junior Warden is in charge of the craft while the lodge is at refreshment. • To attend all degree practices designated by the Master. • Membership Development
Use the Grand Lodge website. (Publications Tab) www.grandlodgeofkentucky.org
For an official visit from the Grand Master, his proxy or other Masonic dignitaries. • The Marshal / Senior Deacon will be in charge of arranging the reception of guests. • The order in which the distinguished guests will be received is:
Current Committee Members of the Grand Lodge. (Worshipful) (Public Grand Honors) • Current District Deputy Grand Masters from other Districts. Then Current DDGM (Worshipful) • Appointed Grand Lodge Officers. (Worshipful) • Grand Chaplain (Right Reverend) • Past Grand Masters. (Most Worshipful) • Elected Grand Lodge Officers. (Right Worshipful) • The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. • (Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons of the Commonwealth of Kentucky)
The Marshal / Senior Deacon will make an alarm at the door. • As they enter the Master will call up the lodge. The Marshal / Senior Deacon will be on the left side of the altar. • The Marshal / Senior Deacon will recognize each distinguished guest. Starting with the guest to his far right.
Then upon the lead of the Master the Public Grand Honors will be extended to all. • All district deputies, appointed officers, past grand master’s and elected officers should be recognized at all meetings.
The Master will request the Marshal / Senior Deacon escort the Grand Master to the east. On the cue of the Master the brethren will give the Grand Master the Private Grand Honors (the three signs of Masonry). The Master will then offer him the hat, gavel and oriental chair. The Grand Master may chose to preside over the meeting or seat the craft at his discretion.
If present the Grand Master will be presented and escorted to the east. (There given the private or public grand honors). Then offered the Crown and Gavel of the Lodge. • If the Grand Master is not present, the next ranking officer should be brought to the east. • Prior to closing the lodge, the Master shall call upon distinguished guests for comments.
How to Perform Examination On Visiting Brethren
Brethren who attempt to attend a tyled Masonic meeting and do not have another known brother to vouch for them should be examined to determine if they are a Mason in good standing. This strict trial and due examination is required by Masonic Law.
A printed form of visitor's cards should be kept in the Tyler's room to be usedthe first time each visitor attends lodge. This form is on page 319 of theKentucky Monitor.
The Master should appoint a committee of at least three brothers to examine the visitor. They should first ask to see a valid dues card and compare the signature on the dues card to that on the visitor’s card noted in #2 above.
The committee and visitor(s) should then retire to a convenient room where the visitor(s) should give Tyler's Oath. (page #320, Kentucky Monitor). The committee members should also give the Tyler's Oath in the appropriate fashion. After this point each visitor shall be examined separately.
If the Tyler's Oath is satisfactorily given the committee may proceed to ask the visitor(s) any questions on the catechism it deems necessary to determine if they are Masons in good standing
If the meeting has already begun and the committee finds the visitor(s) has proven himself to be a Mason in good standing then they shall report so to the Tyler. The Tyler will inform the visitor(s) of the degree the lodge is open on and announce that the committee and visiting brother wish to enter. The Senior Deacon will introduce the visiting brother west of the altar at the direction of the Master. (see page 321 Kentucky Monitor).
If the committee determines the visitor has not proven himself as a regularly made Mason in good standing then they should inform him in a courteous manner without giving any reasons for their conclusion. Reference: Kentucky Monitor See pages 322-323 in the Kentucky Monitor for definitions of Strict Trial, Due Examination and Lawful Information.