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Why Are PAES popular?

Discover why Performance and Appearance Enhancing Substances (PAES) are popular, their types, societal impact, and how society's expectations drive their use. Explore the role of advertisement, social media, athlete stories, and alternatives to PAES.

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Why Are PAES popular?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Why Are PAES popular?

  2. Definition „Performance- and Appearance- EnhancingSubstances(PAES) refertothosesubstancesthatareusedtobuildmuscles, lose weightand generallyenhancetheathleticperformance.“

  3. Definition Thereare 2 kindsof PAES: • CONTROLLED substances aremonitoredbythegovernmentand/or a sportgoverningbody such asthe World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) becausetheycancauseharm. Itis not possibletoobtainthosesubstances in a legal way Examples: EPO, anabolicsteroids, growthhormones • NOT CONTROLLED substances are not monitoredandlegallyavailableforeveryone Examples: painkillers (e.g. aspirin) dietarysupplementsasproteinshakes, creatine, vitamins and minerals

  4. What are people aiming onusing enhancing substances in general? Sports Progress in sport is more efficient with the use of PAES/supplements Performance Appearance Work / School / University Nutrition Easier to perform better using Neuroenhancement Standard nutrition vs. artificial supplements

  5. Why are PAES popular? What do you think? Why do you believe PAES are popular? • Collect aspects and create a mind map together

  6. Content 2 Blocks Session 1: Enhancement Society • Push yourperformanceoverthe top: Athletes and PAES - twostories • The RoleofAdvertisement and Social Media • Society-made Expectations & The Roleof PAES in the Society Session 2: Howto deal withadvertisement & Co. • Summary ofthe Last Session • The perfect Body Image • Conclusion & Take Home Message

  7. Enhancement Society „Citius, Altius, Fortius“ (Olympic motto) „Faster, higher, stronger“ or „prettier, stronger, better“!?

  8. Push your performanceover the top: Marion Jones‘ Story „[...] Jones saidher formercoach, Trevor Graham, gave her thesubstance, telling her it was the nutritional supplementflaxseedoilandthatsheshouldtakeitbyputtingtwodropsunder her tongue. [...] „Redflagsshouldhavebeenraised in myheadwhen he toldme not totellanyoneaboutthesupplementprogram‘, shesaid. She also saidshenoticedchanges in how her bodyfeltandhowshe was abletorecoverfromworkoutsafter shestoppedtakingthesubstance in 2001. [...]“ „Marion Jones admitstosteroiduse“ By Amy Shipley Washington Post Friday, October 5, 2007

  9. Push your performance over the top: Lance Armstrong‘s Story

  10. Push your performance over the top • Collect reasons the athletes mentioned that pushed them to use PAES • Which other reasons could you imagine could lead to a PAES use?

  11. Marketing and Advertisement How does the society make us believe we have to be „prettier, stronger, better“?

  12. Enhancement Society - advertisement -

  13. Enhancement Society- advertisement - Itisdifficulttosatisfythoseexpectationsandtostaycompetitivewithouthelp

  14. Enhancement Society - advertisement -

  15. Enhancement Society - advertisement -

  16. Enhancement Society - advertisement - Itisdifficulttosatisfythoseexpectationsandtostaycompetitivewithouthelp Solution: PAES!? Are theseexpectationsrealistic?

  17. Solution: PAES!? • Discuss!!! What are arguments to use PAES? Are there any alternatives? Which ones?

  18. Enhancement Society - advertisement - Itisdifficulttosatisfythoseexpectationsandtostaycompetitivewithouthelp Solution: PAES!? Are theseexpectationsrealistic?

  19. Are society-made expectations realistic? Photoshop is advertisment‘s best friend!

  20. Are society-made expectations realistic? - social media - „Girls, itis normal tohaveskin!“

  21. Enhancement Society- summary - The society produces a non-realistic image of being perfect that is proposed by e.g. the advertisement and social media Look perfect! Push yourperformanceoverthe top! Work alwaysharder! Society's proposed solution: You need support, use PAES!

  22. More… next time! Any questions? Visit us at http://www.safeyou.eu

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