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Bs Mixing at D0. Tania Moulik (Kansas University) presented by Andrei Nomerotski (Fermilab/Oxford). 33 rd International Conference in High Energy Physics (Jul 26 th – Aug 2 nd , Moscow, Russia). Mass eigenstates are a mixture of flavor eigenstates:
Bs Mixing at D0 Tania Moulik (Kansas University) presented by Andrei Nomerotski (Fermilab/Oxford) 33rdInternational Conference in High Energy Physics (Jul 26th – Aug 2nd, Moscow, Russia)
Mass eigenstates are a mixture of flavor eigenstates: BH and BL have a different mass and may have different decay width. Dm = MH– ML = 2|M12| , DG = GH - GL = 2|G12| B mixing Dominant Diagram for the transition : Time evolution follows the Schrodinger equation
In an Ideal Scenario.. “Opposite sign” Oscillations with amplitude = 1.0 and Frequency = Dms. “Same sign”
SMT H-disks SMT F-disks SMT barrels DZero Detector • Spectrometer : Fiber and Silicon Trackers in 2 T Solenoid • Energy Flow : Fine segmentation liquid Ar Calorimeter and Preshower • Muons : 3 layer system & absorber in Toroidal field • Hermetic : Excellent coverage of Tracking, Calorimeter and Muon Systems
X μ+/e+ B μ(e) p- D-S φ n K- K+ Analysis outline • Identify e/m. • PT (e/m) > 2.0 • | h| (e/m) < 1.0/2.0 • Signal Selection • Look for tracks displaced from primary vertex in same jet asm/electron • Two tracks should form a vertex and be consistent with f mass (fp K Kp) or K* mass (K*K KKp) • KKp invariant mass should be consistent with Ds mass
X μ (e)+ B μ(e) π- D-S φ ν K- K+ Signal Selection Muons were selected by triggers without lifetime bias = no online/offline Impact Parameter cuts Trigger muon can be used as tag muon : gives access to eDs sample with enhanced tagging purity
Signal Selection Eff=30% X μ+ B μ(e) PV D-S π- φ LT(DS) ν K- K+ • Ds lifetime is used to have non-zero selection efficiency at Interaction Point • Bs can decay at IP and be reconstructed
Effect of Neutrino • Need to correct Decay Length for relativistic contraction need to know Bs momentum • Can estimate Bs momentum from MC (through so called k-factor) at expense of additional uncertainty • Dk/k uncertainty causes additional smearing of oscillations • Only few first periods are useful for semileptonic channels • Sensitivity at DL=0 is crucial All above represents the main difference wrt hadronic channels 200 micron # of periods
Flavor Tagging and dilution calibration • Identify flavor of reconstructed BS candidate using information from B decay in opposite hemisphere. Ds a)Lepton Tag : Use semileptonic b decay : Charge of electron/muon identifies b flavor n Bs e / m b)Secondary Vertex Tag : Search for secondary vertex on opposite Side and loop over tracks assoc. to SV. m cos f (l, Bs) < 0.8 c) Event charge Tag: All tracks opposide to rec. B Secondary Vertex
Dilution in Δmd measurement • Combine all tagging variables using likelihood ratios • Bd oscillation measurement with combined tagger Dmd= 0.5010.030±0.016ps-1 Input for Bs measurement Combined dilution:εD2=2.48±0.21±0.08 %
Bs decay samples after flavor tagging • NBs( fp + m) = 5601 102 • NBs(fp + e) = 1012 62 (Muon tagged) • NBs(K*K + m) = 2997 146 BsDs mn X Ds fp BsDs mn X Ds K*K BsDs e n X Ds fp
(Cabibbo suppressed) K*K Fit Components Difficult mode due to K* natural width and mass resolution – larger errors wrt fp mode
Results of the Lifetime Fit • From a fit to signal and background region: BsDs mn X BsDs e n X Ds K*K Ds fp
Amplitude Method Amplitude fit = Fourier analysis + Maximum likelihood fit often used in oscillationmeasurements Need to know dilution (from Δmd analysis) If A=1, the Δm’s is a measurement of Bs oscillation frequency, otherwise A=0
Cross-check on BdXμD±() Amplitude Scan • EXACTLY the same sample & tagger • Amplitude Scan shows Bd oscillations • at correct place no lifetime bias • with correct amplitude correct dilution calibration • Same results for two other modes DØ Run II Preliminary
μ J/ψ vertex PV μ L±σL Measure Resolution Using Data • Ultimately Dms sensitivity is limited by decay length resolution – very important issue • Use J/ψ→μμ sample • Fit pull distribution for J/ψ Proper Decay Length with 2 Gaussians • Resolution Scale Factor is 1.0 for 72% of the events and 1.8 for the rest • Cross-checked by several other methods DØ Run II Preliminary
Amplitude Scan of BsXμDs() • Deviation of the amplitude at 19 ps-1 • 2.5σ from 0 1% probability • 1.6σ from 1 10% probability
Log Likelihood Scan In agreement with the amplitude scan • Resolution • K-factor variation • BR (BsDsX) • VPDL model • BR (BsDsDs) Systematic Have no sensitivity above 22 ps-1 17 < Dms < 21 ps-1 @ 90% CL assuming Gaussian errors Most probable value of Dms = 19 ps-1
15% 80% 5% Dms(ps-1) 0 17 21 5% 90% 5% Dms(ps-1) 0 17 21 Interpretation Results of ensemble tests: DZero result : Combined with World (before CDF measurement):
Impact on the Unitarity Triangle BeforeBS mixing
Impact on the Unitarity Triangle With D0
Impact on the Unitarity Triangle With CDF
DØ Run II Preliminary Period of oscillations @ 19ps-1 “Golden” Events for Visualization • Weigh events using # of periods
Can We See Bs Oscillations By Eye ? • Weighted asymmetry • This plot does not represent full statistical power of our data # of periods
More Amplitude Scans • New results : Amplitude scans from two additional modes BsDs (fp) e n X BsDs mn X Ds fp Ds K*K
Combination • Amplitude is centred at 1 now, smaller errors • Likelihood scan confirms 90% CL Dms limits: 17-21 ps-1 • Data with randomized tagger : 8% probability to have a fluctuation (5% before for mfp mode) • Detailed ensemble tests in progress
Outlook • Add Same Side Tagging • Add hadronic modes triggering on tag muon • Add more data (4-8 fb-1 in next 3 years) with improved detector – additional layer of silicon between beampipe and Silicon Tracker (Layer0) – better impact parameter resolution • Layer0 has been successfully installed in April 2006 • S/N = 18:1 & no pickup noise • First 50 pb-1 of data on tape, first tracks have been reconstructed
Summary • Established upper and lower limits on Dms using Bs Ds (fp) mn X mode • Analysis published in PRL 97 (2006) 021802 • Combined with two other channels • Bs Ds (K*K) mn X • Bs Ds (fp) en X considerable improvement in sensitivity 14.1 16.5 ps-1, no improvement for Dms interval • Looking forward to a larger dataset with improved vertex detection • If Dms is indeed below 19 ps-1 expect a robust measurement with the extended dataset
b b b b u d s c b b b c s u B Mesons Matter b Anti-Matter d
CKM matrix and B mixing Why are we interested to study B meson oscillations Wolfenstein parametrisation - expansion in l. complex
B Mixing In general, probability for unmixed and mixed decays Pu,m(B) Pu,m(B).In limit, G12 << M12 (DG << DM) (Standard model estimate and confirmed by data), the two are equal. ~ 10-4 for Bs system ~ 10-3 for Bd system
Constraing the CKM Matrix from Dms CDF+D0 (2006) Dms inputs • And similar expression for • Dms (x2) • x = 1.24 0.040.06 • (from Lattice QCD calculations) • Ratio suffers from lower theoretical • Uncertainties – strong constraint Vtd
Excellent Tevatron Performance • Data sample corresponding to over 1 fb-1 of the integrated luminosity used for the Bs mixing analysis • Full dataset is ready (85-90% DAQ efficiency)
Muon Triggers • Limitation of data recording. Triggers are needed to select useful physics decay modes. 396 ns bunch crossing rate ~ 2.5 MHz ~50 Hz for data to be recorded. • Single inclusive muon Trigger: • |η|<2.0, pT > 3,4,5 GeV • Muon + track match at Level 1 • Prescaled or turned off depending on inst. lumi. • We have B physics triggers at all lumi’s • Extra tracks at medium lumi’s • Impact parameter requirements • Associated invariant mass • Track selections at Level 3 • Dimuon Trigger : other muon for flavor tagging • e.g. at 50·10-30 cm-2s-1, L3 trigger rate : • 20 Hz of unbiased single μ • 1.5 Hz of IP+μ • 2 Hz of di-μ • No rate problem at L1/L2
μ Sample Opposite-side flavor tagging μD±: 7,422 μDs: 26,710 μD±: 1,519 Tagging efficiency 21.9±0.7% μDs: 5,601±102
check Using BdXμD±() • The Amplitude Scan shows Bd oscillations at 0.5 ps-1 • no lifetime bias • (A=1) : correct dilution calibration
Detector Effects flavor tagging power, background Decay length resolution momentum resolution (p)/p = ? % sl = ? SM prediction - Dms ~ 20 ps-1 Trying to measure : Tosc~0.3 X 10-12 s !
Sample Composition • Estimate using MC simulation, PDG Br’s, Evtgen exclusive Br’s Signal: 85.6%
Flavor tag Dilution calibration • Bd mixing measurement using Bd D* m n X, D* D0 p, D0 K p, and evaluate dilutionin various diution bins. Follows similar analysis outline as Bs mixing. • Form measured asymmetry in 7 bins in visible proper decay length (xM) – Count OS and SS events (compare charge of reconstructed muon with tagger decision) • Fit the c2: • Also include B+ D0 mn X decay asymmetry.
Dilution calibration : Results • For final fit, bin the tag variable |d| in 5 bins and do a simultaneuos fit c2(i) where i=1,5. Parameters of the fit : Dm, fcc, 5 Dd, 5 Du = 12 B0 B+ Increasing dilution Increasing dilution Dm = 0.506 0.020 (stat.) ps-1 eD2 = (2.48 0.21) (%) (stat.) e = (19.9 0.2) (%) (stat.)
Individual Taggers performance Note : To evaluate the individual tagger performance |dpr| > 0.3 This cut was not imposed for final combined tagger. Final eD2 is higher.
dpr Likelihood minimization to get Dms Minimize • Form Probability Density Functions (PDF) for each source Dilution Calibration (From Dmd measurement) Signal selection function (y)
Bs Signal and background • Signal PDF: • Background PDF composed of long-lived and prompt components – Evaluated from a lifetime fit. • Long Lived Background – Described by exponential convoluted with a gaussian resolution function. • Non-sensitive to the tagging • Non-oscillating • Oscillating with Δmd frequency • Prompt Background – Gaussian distribution with resolution as fit parameter.
more pure more pure Combined flavor tag algorithm • Combine individual tag informations to tag the event. • Get tag on opposite side and construct PDF’s for variables discriminating b (m- ) and b (m+) (Use B+ D0m n X decays in data) • Discriminating variables (xi): Electron/Muon SV Tagger
Ensemble Tests • Using data • Simulate Δms=∞ by randomizing the sign of flavour tagging • Probability to observe Δlog(L)>1.9 (as deep as ours) in the range 16 < Δms < 22 ps-1 is 3.8% • 5% using lower edge of syst. uncertainties band • Using MC • Probability to observe Δlog(L)>1.9 for the true Δms=19 ps-1 in the range 17 < Δms < 21 ps-1 is 15% • Many more parameterized MC cross-checks performed – all consistent with above