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Univ. of Science and Technology of China June 22, 2007. Topics on charmonium hadronic decays. Qiang Zhao Theory Division Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Email: zhaoq@ihep.ac.cn. Outline. Charm quark and charmonium spectrum
Univ. of Science and Technology of China June 22, 2007 Topics on charmonium hadronic decays Qiang Zhao Theory Division Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Email: zhaoq@ihep.ac.cn
Outline • Charm quark and charmonium spectrum • “ puzzle” and “12% rule” in J/, ’ V P ( V= , , , K*; P = , , , K) • Isospin violations in V V P, e.g. , J/ 0 • Scalar glueball search in charmonium hadronic decays • Summary
Quarks as building blocks of hadrons: meson (qq), baryon (qqq) • Quarks are not free due to QCD colour force (colour confinement). • Chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking gives masses to quarks. • Hadrons, with rich internal structures, are the smallest objects in Nature that cannot be separated to be further finer free particles. Convention (Particle Data Group): 1) Quark has spin 1/2 and baryon number 1/3; 2) Quark has positive parity and antiquark has negative parity; 3) The flavor of a quark has the same sign as its charge.
探索物质的微观结构 强子(重子+介子) 是目前能从物质中分离出来、具有内部结构的最小单元。 • 原子 – 10–10 m • 原子核 – 10–14 m 电磁探针 • 核子(质子,中子) – 10–15 m 强子物理 光子 E= 2×197.3 MeV·fm/ • 核子内部(夸克-胶子)自由度 (0.1~0.5)×10–15 m • 产生新强子(, , K…)
Charm quark and charmonium state Parity: P=(1)L+1 Charge conjugate: C=(1)L+S S=0 c c J/ L S=1 c c L ……….
Charm quark and charmonium states 1976 Nobel Prize: B. Richter and S. C.-C. Ting "for their pioneering work in the discovery of a heavy elementary particle of a new kind" Mass (MeV) n=1 '(3686) c0(3414) n=0 J/(3096) c(2980) 0 (L=0,S=0) 1 (L=0,S=1) 0 (L=1,S=1)
Vector meson production in electron-positron collision e+ * J/ e- Beijing Electron-Positron Collider
J/ hadronic decay DD threshold Mass (MeV) c(2980) J/(3096) c(2980) Light mesons , , K*K, … 0 (L=0,S=0) 1 (L=0,S=1)
Why study charmonium hadronic decays? • A probe of strong QCD dynamics q Meson c glue q J/ q c Meson q Glue rich intermediate states Lattice QCD 0++: 1.5 ~ 1.7 GeV Exp. Scalars: f0(1370) f0(1500) f0(1710) f0(1790) (?) f0(1810) (?) f0 Lattice QCD prediction Close & Zhao, PRD71, 094022(2005); Zhao, PRD72, 074001 (2005)
A flavour filter for Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) disconnected transitions = (uu+dd)/2 = ss V= (I=0) (I=0) c c J/ J/ uudd (I=0) qq (I=1) c c ss(I=0) • Structure of the light hadrons: qq, glueball, multiquark, hybrid … • OZI rule violations • Isospin violations
Focus • Exclusive decays of J/, ' Vector + Pseudoscalar OZI singly or doubly disconnected process “12% rule” for J/ and ‘ and “ puzzle” • Isospin violated process: , J/, ' 0 , and its correlation with the OZI-rule violation OZI doubly disconnected process Separate the EM and strong isospin violating processes
“12% rule” and “” puzzle • pQCD expectation of the ratio between J/ and ' annihilation: • “ puzzle” R() = 0.2 % Large “12% rule” violation in ! g c c * JPC = 1 J/, ' J/, ' c* c*
Theoretical explanations: • 1. J/ is enhanced • J/-glueball mixing: • Freund and Nambu, Hou and Soni, Brodsky, Lepage and Tuan • Final state interaction: • Li, Bugg and Zou • Intrinsic charmonium component within light vectors: • Brodsky and Karliner, Feldman and Kroll • 2. ' is suppressed • Karl and Roberts: sequential fragmentation model • Pinsky: hindered M1 transition model • Chaichian and Tornqvist: exponential form factor model • Chen and Braaten: color octet Fock state dominance in J/ • Rosner: ' and " mixing • 3. Others …
Isospin violation process and its implication Particle Data Group Comparable !? V V g c c * J/ J/ P P c* c*
+/ EM + … 3g +/ EM + … 3g • “12% rule” will not hold if EM transitions are important. • Otherwise, interferences from the EM decays with the strong decays are unavoidable. V c V * * J/ J/ P P c*
Vector meson dominance model e+ e+ * * V (, , …) = e- e- EM field in terms of vector meson fields: V* coupling:
Vector meson dominance model VP coupling: V* coupling: Transition amplitude:
II. Determine e/fV in V e+ e- e+ * V e-
III. Determine gP in P P IV. Form factors Corrections to the V*P vertices: All the relevant data are available !
Isospin violated process
Isospin violated process
For the isospin violated decays, the 12% rule has been violated. One cannot expect the 12% rule to hold in exclusive hadronic decays. For those channels exhibiting large deviations from the empirical 12%, their EM contributions to 'VP are also relatively large.
Evidence for large EM transition interferences in : Large branching ratio differences exist between the charged and neutral K*K-bar implies significant isospin violations. A Right = Left = with
B Right = Left = C Left = Right = D Left = Right =
Including EM and strong transitions (G. Li, Q. Z. and C.H. Chang, hep-ph/0701020)
A brief summary • For the isospin violated decays, the 12% rule has been violated due to the contributions from the form factor corrections. One cannot expect the 12% rule to hold in exclusive hadronic decays. • For those channels exhibiting large deviations from the empirical 12%, their EM contributions to ’ VP are also relatively large. Interferences from the EM transitions are important in the branching ratio fraction between J/psi and psi-prime. This could be one of the sources causing the large deviations from the empirical 12% rule (Zhao, Li and Chang, PLB645, 173 (2007)). • One has to combine the strong interaction in the study of “ puzzle”, and this has been done in a QCD factorization scheme (Li, Zhao and Chang, hep-ph/0701020).
Isospin violations in V V P • Two sources: • I) Isospin violation via electromagnetic decays • EM interaction does not conserve isospin • II) Isospin violation in strong decays • u and d quark have different masses • Correlation with the OZI rule violation
Isospin violation in 0 (I=0) g s (I=0) 0 (I=1) s (I=0) s * (I=0) 0 (I=1) s
Isospin violation in 0 I) EM process in VMD:
Decompose the EM field in terms of vector mesons in Process-I:
II) Isospin violation in strong decays: • Physical vacuum is not invariant under chiral symmetries • Chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken: Current quarks are no longer massless • Chiral symmetry is explicitly broken: mu md Manifestations: • Light 0 octet mesons (Goldstone bosons), , K, • Strong isospin violation: m(0) < m(); m(K0) > m(K); m(p) < m(n) …
Strong isospin violation • via intermediate meson exchanges If mu = md, (a)+(b) = 0 and (c)+(d) = 0. If mu md, (a)+(b) 0 and (c)+(d) 0. Li, Zhao and Zou, arXiv:0706.0384[hep-ph]
Three schemes for the intermediate meson exchange loops 1. On-shell approximation 2. Feynman integration with a monopole form factor 3. Feynman integration with a dipole form factor
1. On-shell approximation 0, No form factor n = 1, monopole 2, dipole (GeV) : to be determined by experimental data.
Numerical results : Experimental branching ratio: On-shell approximation underestimates the data. Exclusive KK(K*) loop
-dependence of the sum of EM and KK(K*) loop EM and KK(K*) out of phase EM and KK(K*) in phase Still underesitmate the experimental data.
2. Feynman integration with a monopole form factor Similarly for the neutral meson loop …
-dependence of the exclusive KK(K*) loop with a monopole form factor
-dependence of the exclusive KK*(K) loop with a monopole form factor
3. Feynman integration with a dipole form factor Exclusive KK(K*) loop contribution to BR
Inclusive contributions from the isospin violating transitions Isospin violation = EM Strong decay loops V V P is a P-wave decay, favors a dipole form factor. In phase Out of phase Exp. Exp.
Summary • The correlation between the OZI-rule violation and strong isospin violations makes the intermediate meson exchange process a possible dynamic solution for separating the EM and the strong isospin violation mechanisms. • Application to the study of a0(980)-f0(980) mixing in J/ a0(980) 0 (J.J. Wu, Q.Z. and B.S. Zou, Phys. Rev. D in press). • Experimental focuses of BES, CLEO-c, KLOE, B-factories…
Scalar meson structures probed in charmonium hadronic decays • Conventional and unconventional meson • Scalar mesons between 1~2 GeV • Scalar glueball-qq mixing • Scalar meson production in charmonium hadronic decays
Meson spectroscopy I) QQ mesons Quarks as building blocks of hadrons: meson (qq), baryon (qqq) Convention (Particle Data Group): 1) Quark has spin 1/2 and baryon number 1/3; 2) Quark has positive parity and antiquark has negative parity; 3) The flavor of a quark has the same sign as its charge.
Conventional QQ mesons: • Mesons are bound state of QQ with baryon number B=0; • The parity is given by P=(1)L+1with orbital angular momentum L; • The meson spin J is given by |LS| < J < | L+S| , where S=0, 1 are • the total spin of the quarks. • 4. Charge conjugate is defined as C=(1)L+S for mesons made of quark • and its own antiquark. For light quarks: u, d, and s, the SU(3) flavor symmetry constrains the number of flavor QQ multiplet: 3 3 = 8 1 3 4 1 1
II) Non-QQ mesons Type (a): JPC are not allowed by QQ configuration For states in natural spin-parity series P=(1)L+1 =(1)J , the state must have S=1 and hence CP=(1)(L+S)+(L+1) =+1. Therefore, mesons with natural spin-parity but CP= 1 will be forbidden, e.g. 0+, 1+, 2+, 3+, … L + Natural: 0++, 1, 2++, 3, … Unnatural: ( 0), 1++, 2,3++, … S=1 L + Unnatural: 0+, 1+, 2+, 3+, … S=0
Exotic type 1: Mesons have the same JPC as a QQ, but cannot be accommodated into the SU(3) nonet: 3 3 = 8 1 3 4 1 1 f0(1810) f0(1790) Mass f0(1710) Glueball ? QQ-glue mixing ? f0(1500) f0(1370) (1020) (958) f0(980) Jaffe’s Multiquarks? Meson molecule ? (782) /f0(600) (547) 0 1 0 I=0