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Day 1 review – Prosci Change Management certification. Why CM. ADKAR. Psychology of change. CM Strategy. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. Why CM.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Day 1 review – Prosci Change Management certification Why CM ADKAR Psychology of change CM Strategy 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

  2. Why CM Just as project management helps manage the “hard” side of change, this discipline helps manage the “people side of change." and the question is ...

  3. Why CM What is change management? Back to game board

  4. Why CM This ROI of change management factor describes how quickly people embrace change or “get on the boat.” and the question is ...

  5. Why CM What is speed of adoption? Back to game board

  6. Why CM The change management factor impacting ROI that reflects how many employees ultimately embrace and implement the change. and the question is ...

  7. Why CM What is ultimate utilization? Back to game board

  8. Why CM A natural reaction to change that change management minimizes but cannot eliminate. and the question is ...

  9. Why CM What is resistance to change? Back to game board

  10. Why CM The three symptoms of the red band in the Flight Risk Model and the question is ...

  11. Why CM What are: turnover of valued employees,tangible customer impact, andactive resistance? Back to game board

  12. ADKAR This is defined as the first element of the ADKAR model that scores below a ‘3’ in an ADKAR assessment. and the question is ...

  13. ADKAR What is the barrier point? Back to game board

  14. ADKAR Without this building block, employees are left wondering why a change is even necessary. and the question is ...

  15. ADKAR What is Awareness of the need for change? Back to game board

  16. ADKAR The factor we mistakenly jump right to when our first reaction is “send them to training.” and the question is ...

  17. ADKAR What is Knowledge? Back to game board

  18. ADKAR The ADKAR element that helps assure change is maintained. and the question is ...

  19. ADKAR What is Reinforcement? Back to game board

  20. ADKAR A manager’s most challenging ADKAR barrier and the question is ...

  21. ADKAR What is Desire? Back to game board

  22. Psychology of change The natural reaction to change and the question is ...

  23. Psychology of change What is resistance? Back to game board

  24. Psychology of change One delivers messages about a change, the other listens to and filters messages about change and the question is ...

  25. Psychology of change Who are senders and receivers? Back to game board

  26. Psychology of change This person legitimizes the change in the organization. and the question is ...

  27. Psychology of change What is the primary sponsor? Back to game board

  28. Psychology of change The three phases of change and the question is ...

  29. Psychology of change What are the current state, the transition state and the future state Back to game board

  30. Psychology of change The organizational “canvas” or backdrop upon which change managers “paint” a change. and the question is ...

  31. Psychology of change What are the values or culture of the organization? Back to game board

  32. CM Strategy Is “a structured process and set of tools for leading the people side of change” and “a leadership competency for enabling change within an organization” and the question is ...

  33. CM Strategy What is change management? Back to game board

  34. CM Strategy Three examples of business changes that change management can be applied to and the question is ...

  35. CM Strategy What are: business process designtechnology/system upgradesrestructuringSix Sigmaexpansion or downsizingbusiness model changes/new venturesnew marketing campaignsjob redesignchanges that impact supplierschanges that impact customersetcetcetc? Back to game board

  36. CM Strategy A focused response to a unique challenge or anticipated area of resistance in an organization and the question is ...

  37. CM Strategy What are special tactics? Back to game board

  38. CM Strategy The three strategic elements or “legs of the stool” necessary to ensure a project delivers its intended results and the question is ...

  39. CM Strategy What are leadership/sponsorship, project management and change management? Back to game board

  40. CM Strategy The two elements that provide the basis for assessing the risk of a change. and the question is ...

  41. CM Strategy What are Change Characteristics (size) and Organizational Attributes (readiness)? Back to game board

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