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Explore the significant events that shaped US history from the 1960s to the 2000s, including the New Frontier, Watergate, Iranian Revolution, Reagan era, Clinton impeachment, and 9/11.
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This Kennedy program sent American volunteers to developing countries to help build schools, clinics, and help farmers
In this 1961 incident, Kennedy backed a CIA-trained and equipped army hoping to overthrow Castro
President Lyndon Johnson’s domestic legislative agenda was called this
President Johnson wanted to improve education by helping preschoolers in this program
The most important evidence in the Watergate investigation were these
Nixon hoped to lessen tensions between the US, the USSR, and Communist China called this
Detente A French term meaning “lessening of tensions.”
The combination of rising inflation and economic stagnation that characterized the US economy in the 1970s
The US supported Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War Most oil-producing countries belonging to OPEC at the time were Muslim
Reagan supplied arms to the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight them
The Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan The Soviet invasion lasted from 1979 - 1989
Reagan supported this group opposing the Communist Sandinista government in Nicaragua
Colonel Oliver North funneled money obtained from the sale of spare parts to Iran to support the anti-Communist Contras Iran was involved in a ferocious war with Iraq from 1980 – 1988. They had many US weapons such as tanks and planes that were bought by the Shah before the Iranian Revolution but did not now work. They needed to fix them. The Reagan administration was forbidden by Congress to fund the Contras. So, people within the Reagan administration sold spare parts to Iran and illegally used some of that money to back the Contras. Congress tried to implicate Reagan himself in the plot but they could not find any hard evidence. Because of this, Reagan got the nickname of the “Teflon President” because nothing stuck to him.
President Reagan appointed this first woman to the Supreme Court
Reagan’s proposal for this controversial space-based anti-missile program broke the economic back of the USSR
The Republican Party gained control of the House of Representatives in the 1990s based on this set of legislative promises
Perjury (lying under oath in a court proceeding) and obstruction of justice The lie he told the court was that he “did not have sex with that woman” (Monica Lewinsky)
President Clinton used US forces to intervene in these two world locations
Haiti and Bosnia/Kosovo The US intervened in Haiti in 1994-1995 when it became unstable after they overthrew their president The US and NATO intervened in Bosnia and Kosovo in 1992-1993 during the Yugoslavian Civil War to protect Muslims who were being killed (ethnic cleansing). We still maintain peacekeepers there today
President Clinton was able to broker an agreement between these two men in which the PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist and the PLO’s right to represent the Palestinian people
This agreement formed a free trade bloc between the US, Canada, and Mexico
The winner of the Election of 2000 hinged upon a vote recount in this state
Florida Inspecting the ballot’s chads
This terrorist group was responsible for the 9-11 attacks on the United States
This law was passed in response to 9-11and allowed secret searches, wire-taps, and other information gathering
The 2003 invasion of Iraq was due in great part to the belief by much of the world that Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, had these