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Modelling. Class T06 Conceptual Modelling – Domain References: A practical Guide to SysML (Chapters 5, 6). Tropical Forest Food Web - http://ecoplexity.org/node/162. Program. T01-T02 – Module 1 Introduction to Systems Modelling T03-T06 – Module 2 Conceptual Modelling – Domain !!!
Modelling Class T06 Conceptual Modelling – Domain References: A practical Guide to SysML (Chapters 5, 6) Tropical Forest Food Web - http://ecoplexity.org/node/162
Program T01-T02 – Module 1 • Introduction to Systems Modelling T03-T06 – Module 2 • Conceptual Modelling – Domain !!! T07-T11 – Module 3 • Conceptual Modelling – Behaviour T12-T15 – Module 4 • Ontology T16-T19 – Module 5 • Conceptual Modelling – Architecture T20-T21 – Module 6 • Conceptual Modelling – Metodologies T22-T23 – Module 7 • Ontology: Advanced T24-T25 • Conceptual Modelling – Revisions; Exercices, … Modelação
Focus for today… Modelação
Instances • An instance is a concrete manifestation of a concept. • Instances have a state, which can be changed by operations • Examples: • An instance of a class is an object (UML) • An instance of an association is a link (UML/SysML) • An instance of a use case is a scenario (UML/SysML) • … Modelação
Objects (UML) • An object is an instance is a class • Syntax of an object in UML: name-of-the-object : name-of-the-class Name of the instance Mary:Person F33-2008:Invoice Class Modelação
Objects (UML) • The attributes of an object and their values in a specific moment define the sate of the object • The state of an object can vary along the time, while the object interacts with other objects F33-2008:Invoice Value = 300€ Entity: Santos e Silva SA F34-2008:Invoice Value = 897€ Entity: Jaime Correia SA F33-2008:Invoice Value = 600€ Entity: Santos e Silva SA Modelação
UML: Object Diagram An Object Diagram shows instances of Classes and their relationships at a point in time. Usually they represent only parts of the system, and are useful in understanding a complex Class diagram by creating different cenarios in which the relationships and Classes are applied. Modelação
UML: Object Diagram • One Person can have many Cars • A Car is owned by only one Person • A Car has an Engine • Engines are for Cars. In a specific moment one Engine can be part of a Car or not. Car model licence color Engine number power fuel 1 0..1 * 0..1 Person Modelação
has has Maria:Person nome=“Maria José” AudiA3:Car model=A3 TDi licence=99-99-MM color=red :Engine number=9999 power=190hp fuel=gasoline UML: Object Diagram Maria has a red car Audi3, model A3 Tdi, with an engine of 190hp, serial number 9999, and burning gasoline… the licence of the car is 99-99-MM Car model licence color Engine number power fuel 1 0..1 * 0..1 Person Modelação
UML: Object Diagrams… • Must represent only a part of a specific view of the model of the system • Must be pragmatic, representing ONLY the objects and relations relevant to the understanding of the view Modelação
What is wrong in this domain? Modelação Exemplo retirado de: http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2004_11/column5/
a big mess… It is impossible to instantiate this domain in a credible way…!!! Modelação from: http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2004_11/column5/
UML: Composite Structure Diagram A Composite Structure diagram reflects the internal collaboration of Classes to describe a functionality Port Part Modelação
Ports Ports define interactions between a class and its environment Modelação
SysML: Internal Block Diagram “ibd – Internal Block Diagram” Modelação
SysML: Blocks and interfaces Service’s ports Flow ports are interaction points through which data, material, or energy can enter or leave the owning block. Modelação Algumas imagens retiradas de http://www.system-modeling.com/ (acompanhamento ao livro “Systems Engineering with SysML UML”
Atomic and nonatomic ports • Atomic port: interface for only one type of item (information, object or energy) • Nonatomic port: interface for more than one type of item (example: a pipe for water and/or oil) Modelação
Conjugated flow port A port inverting the flow of the items of other “normal” port. By this way, we just need to define the properties of one of the ports, assuming that its conjugated is the opposite. Modelação http://topcased-mm.gforge.enseeiht.fr/website/modeling/sysml/tutorials/internalblockDiagram.html
Ports and flows… Modelação http://topcased-mm.gforge.enseeiht.fr/website/modeling/sysml/tutorials/internalblockDiagram.html
Ports: services and flow Modelação http://topcased-mm.gforge.enseeiht.fr/website/modeling/sysml/tutorials/internalblockDiagram.html
SysML: Parametric Diagram • A parametric diagram is a restricted form of internal block diagram that shows only the use of constraint blocks along with the properties they constrain within a context • These constraints are not non-functional requirements, as they represent limits of the elements (f=m.a; a=dv/dt, …), or design decisions. • Parametric diagrams must be grouped in “par” packages Modelação
Parametric Diagram Modelação
Parametric Diagram Modelação Exemplo retirado do documento de especificação do SysML V1.0
Parametric Diagram Modelação
BTW, there are jobs in the area… ;-) Modelação
Suggestion for Additional Reading… The Scott Adams Meltdown: Anatomy of a Disaster http://www.asktog.com/columns/069ScottAdamsMeltdown.html Modelação