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Teaching Aaronic Priesthood Presidencies to Preside. October 17, 2009. Outcomes of this training. As a result of this training you will be able to: List the duties of a presidency Understand the importance of teaching quorum presidencies to preside
Teaching Aaronic Priesthood Presidencies to Preside October 17, 2009
Outcomes of this training As a result of this training you will be able to: • List the duties of a presidency • Understand the importance of teaching quorum presidencies to preside • List three elements that increase a young person’s spiritual strength • List 4 types of leadership styles adults use to teach quorum presidencies how to preside • Be able to use church sponsored resources for assistance
The duties of the presidency To preside To sit in council To teach duties of office To edifying one another, as it is given according to the covenants D&C 107:85 - 88
Observations • Quorum President led the meeting • Advisors acted as teachers, not leaders • President followed an agenda • Discussed individuals • Assignment to help Sister Johnson • Less active quorum member • Reporting and Accounting • Effectively used Secretary
Potential interferences with presidency’s opportunity to preside? • Adults take over meeting – don’t relinquish meeting • Quorum President unnecessarily relies on adult leader. • Quorum President otherwise doesn’t want to take over • Quorum President treats the calling lightly • Aren’t “enough” quorum members to make a difference • Quorum Presidency doesn’t understand their role as a presidency • Presidency lacks a vision of their mission
Increasing Spiritual Strength Duty to God & Eagle Scout Awards a means to the end, but the goal is Spiritual Strength How do we strengthen quorum presidency’s spiritual strength?
Personal Spiritual Practices Pray on Regular Basis Provide Service to Others Scripture Reading on Regular Basis Opportunities for Peer-to-Peer Free Flow Discussions Work with a Purpose Activity with a Purpose Sunday Instruction Camping Hiking Reactivation of a Friend Merit Badges An individual interest for every individual young man
How Can Advisors Help Encourage Reflection Time Encourage Regular Presidency Meetings Help to Recognize Inspirational Direction Apply Scriptures in Presidency’s Responsibilities
Increasing Spiritual Strength Opportunities to Understand Each Other Time to Build Relationships Youth Need “Mentoring” Relationships with Adults They Respect Work with a Purpose Activity with a Purpose Service Projects Camping Hiking Reactivation of a Friend Merit Badges An individual interest for every individual young man
Increasing Spiritual Strength We desire all young men to strive to earn the Eagle Scout AND Duty to God Awards First Presidency "We are builders of boys and menders of men. In doing so, we remember that the greatest verb in the vocabulary is to love; the second is to help.”President Thomas S Monson The Aaronic Priesthood prepares boys for manhood and the weightier duties of the Melchizedek Priesthood. Scouting helps our boys to walk uprightly the priesthood path to exaltation. . . . President Thomas S Monson
Spirit of the Lord STRONG – Not in numbers or regimentation, but in spirit, love, helpfulness, brotherhood and mentorship To have a strong quorum the ward must have a strong scouting program Scouting is an integral part of the Church program for young men and complements Aaronic Priesthood quorum work. Where programs for Scout troops are available, please understand it is not an optional program. President Ezra Taft Benson I want to bear testimony to the importance of Scouting in the Church. . . . I wish I had all the bishops of the Church here and all stake presidents of the Church, particularly those who are not converted—I want to say that this Scout movement helps build the kingdom of God, it helps us with the priesthood program. Scouters, through the Scout program, can go out and reach boys that cannot be reached otherwise. The President of the Church recognizes that. That is one of the reasons the program was officially recognized and accepted as a part of the Church program. And when we realize that, brethren, let us go out and save those boys“. President N. Eldon Tanner
How Can We Help Our Youth to Gain Leadership Skills and Fulfill Their Callings? • Quorum Presidencies • Scout Leadership Positions • Venturing Leadership Positions
To Preside • Defined: • To hold the position of authority; act as chairperson or president. • To possess or exercise authority or control. • How do you teach leadership skills to your quorum presidencies? • Use appropriate leadership model for where your presidency currently is. . . But • Stretch them to the next level of leadership
To Sit in Council • Principles are universally applicable, practices are not • Principle of Example • Presidency must walk the talk • Teach correct principles, let them govern themselves • Let every man learn his duty and act in all diligence • Principle of Unanimity • Discuss until unanimously approved • If necessary, President to make final decision • Principle of Confidentiality • “Loose lips sink ships” • Potentially sever and long-term consequences of lack of confidentiality • Value of Listening • Active listening • Listen with both your ears and your hearts
To Teach Duties of Office Each Quorum has specific sets of responsibilities Anxiously engaged in a good cause Empowering creativity – Receiving Divine direction Teaching what not to do leaves open every appropriate path to the creativeness of what to do
To Edify One Another • Definition • To instruct by the power of the Spirit. • How do we help presidencies to edify their quorums? • Teach them to be humble • Teach them to share their testimonies • Teach them to use their scriptures in leading • Teach them to communicate with the Lord through prayer.
Model for Advisor Leadership • Effective Advisors adjust their leadership style to provide what the quorum presidency cannot yet provide for itself – and no more! • Does the Quorum Presidency know what to do? • If not, direct and teach them • Is the Quorum Presidency enthusiastic? • If not, support and inspire them • The Advisor is to move the quorum presidency through the stages of development to become and empowered presidency
Directive Form of Leadership Secretary 2nd Counselor 1st Counselor Quorum President Quorum Advisor Characteristics Adult advisor creates and owns the presidency vision Adult advisor directs the affairs of the quorum, Quorum Presidency relies on Advisor for direction The goals are usually those of the Advisor
Directive Form of Leadership Secretary 2nd Counselor 1st Counselor Quorum President Quorum Advisor When to Use This Form of Leadership? Help the quorum presidency develop its own vision Help the quorum presidency to understand & clarify the mission of the presidency Help the quorum presidency to set its goals Teach the quorum presidency skills
Coaching Form of Leadership Characteristics Presidency carries out the “game plan” but still relies on the advisor for daily direction and long-term vision Adult advisor turns over the meetings, etc to the President
Coaching Form of Leadership When to Use This Form of Leadership? Help the quorum presidency overcome “unsolvable” problems Help the quorum presidency clarify their goals Help the quorum presidency overcome conflicts
Supporting Form of Leadership Characteristics President assumes responsibility to consistently lead the presidency Adult advisor is still seen as the 5th member of the presidency
Supporting Form of Leadership When to Use This Form of Leadership? Help the quorum presidency to become more involved in decision making Help the quorum presidency increase confidence in their abilities Help the quorum presidency build relationships with quorum members
Delegating Form of Leadership Adult Advisor When to Use This Form of Leadership? Presidency assumes total responsibility of the quorum Presidency develops and/or adopts a vision of their callings Presidency members know how to learn about their duties as a presidency
Delegating Form of Leadership Adult Advisor When to Use This Form of Leadership? Help the quorum presidency to assume the complete decision making process Empower the quorum presidency to carry out the mission of the quorum Help the quorum presidency focus on the quorum members
Every Young Man Deserves a Trained Advisor • Church Handbooks • Ward & Stake Leadership Meetings • BSA Training • Basic Training - (Understand and effectively use the BSA Program for your age group) • Wood badge- (Understanding how to build effective youth teams) • Powder horn – (How to have an effective high adventure) • Philmont – (Integration of Priesthood and Scouting) • Others as appropriate • Church Online Resources
Further Church Resources http://www.lds.org/pa/display/0,17884,4645-1,00.html
Conclusion • Developing spiritual strength is a process of personal spiritual preparation, adult mentoring and guidance of the Holy Ghost • Leadership is taught • Our role is to teach Quorum Presidencies to: • Preside • Sit in council • Teach the quorum their duties • Edify one another
Teaching Aaronic Priesthood Presidencies to Preside Thank you for participating in this training session