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Unit 3

Unit 3. Employment Correspondence Lesson 12 Cover Letters. Section 2 Sample Study. Section 1 Getting Started. Section 3 Composing Your Message. Section 4 Writing Your Message. Section 5 Letter Practice. Section 6 Supplementary Materials. 返回. Contents. SEC 2. SEC 3. SEC 4.

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  1. Unit 3 Employment Correspondence Lesson 12 Cover Letters

  2. Section 2 Sample Study • Section 1 Getting Started • Section 3 Composing Your Message • Section 4 Writing Your Message • Section 5 Letter Practice • Section 6 Supplementary Materials 返回 Contents

  3. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 1 Getting Started 1 Read the two job advertisements and complete the Job Requirement Chart. Write a check(√) if the job advertisement asks for the requirement. 2Write a check (√) if your skills match the requirement. 1 √ 2 3 √ √ 4 √ √ 5 √

  4. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 1 Getting Started Advertisement 1 The ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT will work with the general manager. The individual will manage schedules, order supplies, prepare expense reports, and perform general word processing. The admin. asst. will be responsible for mailings, faxing, photocopying, and filing. A high school degree and a minimum of 2 years of experience are required. Netlives offers a fun, dynamic, and innovative work environment. Contact Information Netlives Ltd. Maria Hart 632 Garrison Road Human Resources Specialist Cambridge CB4 IHD msanchez@netlives.co Tel: 1223 334566 Fax: 1223 534987

  5. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 1 Getting Started Advertisement 2 Administrative Assistant Organization: EDWARD SELDEN RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS Location: Central London Salary:£15,000 Date posted: 20 Sep. 2006 Closing date: 20 Oct. 2006 The applicant will provide a professional, high level of service to clients, to maintain efficient operation of the admin office and to assist the Business Centre Manager in the smooth running of the building. This busy and varied role involves: client liaison, post handling and office administration and the ideal candidate will have at least a year experience in a customer service based environment, knowledge of general office procedures, excellent presentation and telephone manner as well as excellent IT skills (Word, Excel and Outlook).

  6. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 1 (1) I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of Northeast Finance University. My experience in this includes six years as an assistant accountant with the ABC Company. The reason for leaving my present employment is that they are closing their office. In response to your advertisement in the newspaper of January 15, I wish to apply for the position of accountant. 我想应聘1月15日报纸上刊登的会计师这一职位。 line of work 行业

  7. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 1 (2) I am enclosing my résumé together with my photo, and I believe that they may be found satisfactory. I assure you that if appointed, I will do my best to give you satisfaction. Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely yours, Tom Smith Tom Smith Translate

  8. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 1 Translate 尊敬的先生: 我想应聘1月15日报纸上刊登的会计师这一职位。 我今年25岁,毕业于东北财经大学。有六年在ABC公司作会计助理的经验。我之所以离开该公司是因为他们的事务所停业了。 随信寄去我的简历及照片,相信它们会令您很满意。我向您保证如果我被聘任,我会尽最大努力令您满意。 感谢您的时间及关注。 汤姆·史密斯 1月23日

  9. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 2 (1) February 13, 2004 Mr. David Norman Ross, Russell & Weston 452 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10018 Dear Mr. Norman, Subject: EDP Specialist Position My varied work experience in accounting and payroll services, coupled with my accounting degree, has prepared me for the position of EDP specialist that you advertised in the February 9 New York Times. 我在财会及工资发放方面的经验,加之我的学历,为我申请2月9日《纽约时报》刊登的电子数据处理专家这一职位作了准备。

  10. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 2 (2) required courses In addition to taking in accounting and management information systems as part of my accounting major at New York University, I took an elective course in EDP auditing and control. The training I received in this course in applications, software, systems, and service-center records would enable me to immediately become a productive member of your EDP consulting staff. My college training has been supplemented by an internship in a large accounting firm. In addition, two and one-half years of experience as a payroll specialist for the city of New York have given me knowledge of the operation and needs of nonprofit agencies. This experience should help me to contribute to your large consulting practice with governmental agencies. 必修课 firsthand 第一手的经验/知识

  11. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 2 (3) After you have reviewed my enclosed résumé, I would appreciate having the opportunity to discuss with you why I believe I have the right qualifications and personality to serve you and your clients. I can be reached by phone after 3 p.m. daily. Sincerely, Aurelia Gomez Aurelia Gomez 225 West 70 Street New York, NY 10023 Phone: 212-555-3821 E-mail: agomez@nyu.edu Enclosure Translate

  12. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 2 Translate 纽约州纽约市 第五大街452号 Ross, Russell & Weston公司 大卫·诺曼先生 邮编10018 尊敬的诺曼先生: 主题:电子数据处理专家一职 我在财会及工资发放方面的经验,加之我的学历,为我申请2月9日《纽约时报》刊登的电算化专家这一职位作了准备。 在纽约大学除了主修会计和管理信息系统方面的必修课外,我还选修了电算化审计和控制。在选修课中得到的培训在应用、软件、系统和在服务中心记账时得到的锻炼,使我能够立即成为电算化咨询团队中能够工作的一员。 我在大学中受到的培训在一家大型会计事务所实习时得到补充。此外,我为纽约市作了两年半的工资专家,得到了在经营和非盈利性机构需求方面的第一手材料。这个经历有助于我在政府机构大型咨询实践中起作用。 当您看完我的简历后我希望有机会与您探讨为什么我认为自己有资格和品格来为您及您的客户服务。每天下午三点后可以给我打电话。 奥瑞勒·戈梅斯 纽约州纽约市 西70街225号 电话:2125553821 电子邮件: agomez@nyu.edu 见随函附件 2004年2月13日

  13. Section 2 Sample Study Sample 3 • Dear Mr Wang • I would like to apply for the position of Foreign Trade Manager you advertised in Shanghai Times of March 21. Enclosed are copies of my resume in Chinese and English. • You are a large state-owned corporation with an annual profit of over RMB20 million, handling various office equipment. You enjoy great growth potential and have a fine management system.

  14. Section 2 Sample Study • I major in International Trade and will graduate this July. With solid trading and computer skills, language abilities (CET-6) and excellent business negotiation capabilities in English, I believe I am well qualified for this post. • A Party member, I enjoy challenges, communications and co-ordinations. • I hope you will consider me for an interview. • Sincerely yours • Zhang Hong (Ms) • Enclosed: Resume in Chinese and English

  15. 译文 Section 2 Sample Study • 1) 对你方3月21日在Shanghai Times报上招聘外贸经理的广告很感兴趣,了解到贵公司是国营的大型进出口公司,经营多种办公设备,年利润在2000万元以上,是很有发展潜力的大公司。 2) 对贵公司仰慕已久,对其管理体制很欣赏。 3) 是上海工程技术大学四年级学生,今年七月毕业。所学专业为国际贸易;有扎实的专业知识,良好的计算机技能;通过大学英语六级统考;有良好的商务谈判技能,能直接用英语于外国人做生意。 4) 是中共党员,能吃苦耐劳;具有良好的与人沟通的能力以及较好的协调管理技能。 5) 随函附上中英文简历;期望有机会到贵公司面试。

  16. Section 2 Sample Study Sample 4 • 1 As a student in International Trade and a prospective June graduate, I should very much like to be considered for the position of sales assistant that you have advertised in today’s Shanghai Times. • 2 Because of my college education in International Trade and my work experience, I believe I can be the marketing executive for whom you advertised in China Weekly of February 15. • 3 Is there a place in your organization for a young man who is thoroughly trained in accounting and who is eager to work in data processing?

  17. Section 2 Sample Study • 4 I would welcome the opportunity of discussing this position with you and to indicate more personally what I can contribute to your company. May I call you next week to determine the most convenient time for such a discussion? • 5 Thank you for allowing me to meet with you yesterday and discuss the position of sales representative at your company.

  18. Section 2 Sample Study • 6 I am happy to learn that Shanghai Import & Export Corporation wants me as a sales representative for the company. This is a splendid opportunity and I am glad to accept it. • 7 Although I am naturally disappointed that you have no vacancy at present, I should very much like to be kept in mind in case you should later need a person of my qualification.

  19. 译文 Section 2 Sample Study • 1 我是一名主修国际贸易的学生,将于今年六月份毕业,我希望应聘你方刊登在今天《上海时报》上的销售助理一职。 • 2 我曾在大学主修国际贸易,并且有这方面的工作经验,所以我相信我能胜任你方在二月十五日的《中国周报》上招聘的营销主管一职。 • 3 贵公司是否能为一位受过良好的会计业务培训并愿意从事数据处理工作的年轻人提供一个职位。 • 4 我很希望有机会与您讨论这一职位,并亲自向您说明我能为贵公司做些什么。我可否下星期给您打电话以确定一个对您方便的时间与您会面?

  20. Section 2 Sample Study • 5 十分感谢您昨天面试我,讨论我所应聘的贵公司销售代理一职。 • 6 得知上海进出口公司录用我为销售代表,我十分高兴。对我来讲这是一个极好的机会,我接受此工作。 • 7 得知贵公司目前没有职位空缺,我自然有些失望,但我希望您能记住我的申请,以备将来贵公司需要我这种资历的人。

  21. Section 2 Sample Study • Dear Sir or Madam, • I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in____(报纸名称)of______(广告发布时间). • Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a_____(工作名称). In the one hand,______(第一个原因). On the other hand, _______(另一个原因).

  22. Section 2 Sample Study • Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at ________(电话号码). • Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you. • Yours sincerely

  23. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Template Contact Information (can be put at the end of the letter) Date Employer Contact Information Salutation Opening: state immediately the position you are pursuing and how you came to know of the opening Focus: explain the skills and experiences you have that will make you successful in the position. Talk about classes you have taken, activities you have been involved in, and summer experiences you have had Closing: finish the letter by thanking them for their attention and express a desire to meet them sometime in the near future and/or give them a time when you’ll be got in contact by phone Complimentary Close Signature

  24. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 1 Complete the chart following according to the information in sample 2. ____________________ Aurelia Gomez ____________________ David Norman ____________________ EDP specialist ___________________________ New York Times (February 9) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New York University Major in accounting Take an elective course in EDP auditing and control ________________________________ Internship in a large accounting firm _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 225 West 70 Street New York, NY 10023 Phone: 2125553821 E-mail: agomez@nyu.edu

  25. SEC 2 SEC 5 SEC 6 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 2 (1) Write the letter A if the sentence includes both the job objective and the source of the information, B if the sentence includes either of the two. _____ B 1. After eight years as a senior analog engineer at Blayds - Conway, I am seeking a position in this area because of family move. 2. I am applying for the position of credit research analyst that you advertised in today’s paper. 3. Ms. Green suggested I contact you about the board liaison position. 4. I am interested in your part-time position for a truck unloader. 5. Dr. Brown has informed me that you are currently looking for a part- time veterinary technician. _____ A _____ A _____ B _____ A

  26. SEC 2 SEC 5 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 2 (2) _____ B 6. My outgoing personality, my sales experience, and my recently completed education make me a strong candidate for a position as an insurance broker for California Investments, Inc. 7. Nancy Jones of Green & Associates Advertising suggested I contact you regarding the possible public relations opening in your firm. 8. Perhaps I am the “multi-talented teacher” you seek in your “Multi- Talented Teacher ”advertisement in today’s Washington Post. 9. I am interested in working as Director of Studies for your organization. 10. I should like to apply for the position of European Sales Manager with Micronet Technologies as advertised in the latest issue of the Financial Times. _____ A _____ A _____ B _____ A

  27. SEC 5 SEC 2 SEC 6 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 3 (1) Complete the sentences with the proper form of the verbs given in the parentheses. __________ goes 1. My knowledge of computers and the business field (go) beyond my formal classroom education. 2. Please (consider) me as an applicant for your advertised part-time position as clerical assistant in your business office. 3. The skills and duties outlined in your advertisement in today’s paper (be) a perfect match for the position I held until recently at McGraw-Hill Companies. ___________ consider ________ are

  28. SEC 2 SEC 5 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 3 (2) 4. Your neighbor, Gina George, who is a friend of mine, (tell) me yesterday that you are seeking a driver for your company. 5. The requirements for the branch manager position you advertised (describe) almost perfectly my own background. 6. I believe my qualifications (make) me someone you can place to your satisfaction. 7. I believe that my education and employment background (be) appropriate for the position. _________ told ___________ describe _________ make ________ are

  29. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 3 (3) 8. Last summer I worked on a campsite in the south of France, where organization, planning, careful attention to detail and customer care (be) the essential ingredients of a successful and enjoyable summer work experience. 9. In addition to academic work, my experience also (include) working part-time as a bookkeeper in a small independent bookstore with an annual budget of approximately $150,000. 10. Studying for a degree and working (make) it necessary for me to learn very quickly how to prioritize tasks, and have instilled in me the need to remain flexible. ________ were ___________ includes ____________ have made

  30. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 4 (1) Write G if the sentence has a general time, S if the sentence has a specific time, and N if the sentence does not mention the time. _____ S 1. I will call you Thursday to discuss setting up an interview. 2. I will e-mail you next week to arrange an interview. 3. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my candidacy and will call next week to see if we might arrange a time to speak. 4. I will call your office next week to discuss these possibilities. 5. I’ll be calling your office within ten days to inquire on the status of my application. _____ G _____ G _____ G _____ G

  31. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 4 (2) _____ 6. I will be contacting your office to follow up on this letter around the first week in August. 7. I will contact you during the week of October 12-16 to arrange a mutually convenient time for us to meet and discuss employment possibilities. 8. I would like to request a personal interview to further discuss my qualifications and your organization and the services it provides. 9. I very much appreciate your time and consideration, and I hope to hear from your team in the near future. 10. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity of speaking with you personally at your earliest convenience. G _____ G _____ N _____ G _____ N

  32. SEC 2 SEC 5 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 5 (1) Rewrite the following sentences in different ways without changing the meaning of the sentences. 1. You will see from the enclosed résumé that I have ten years’ experience in the publishing field, and the last seven as a bilingual secretary. As the résumé shows that I used to work in the publishing field for ten years and have been a bilingual secretary for seven years. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. I am fluent in French, which I studied while at university. ____________________________________________________________ I studied French at university and I can speak it fluently. 3. Furthermore, I work well with others, and I am experienced in course planning. ____________________________________________________________ Besides, I am easygoing and experienced in course planning.

  33. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 5 (2) 4. You will note from the enclosed résumé that many of my extracurricular and work experiences involved the organization, promotion, and publicizing of events. As you can see from the résumé,I got the skills of organization, promotion, and publicizing of events from extracurricular and work experience. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 5. I will call you at the end of next week to discuss whether such a meeting would be possible and to confirm the appropriate next steps. Let’s discuss whether we can meet and confirm the appropriate next steps in the call at the end of next week. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

  34. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 5 (3) 6. As indicated by my résumé, I will receive a B.A. degree in psychology from Marian College in May 2007. The résumé shows that I will receive a B.A. degree in psychology from Marian College in May 2007. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 7. I am equally comfortable working independently or as part of a team and am highly motivated to provide an excellent product on time and under budget. I can work independently or with team members. In addition, I am motivated enough to provide an excellent product on time and under budget. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

  35. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 5 (4) 8. I have extensive experience with the needs of diverse clients and can communicate in Spanish although I am not completely fluent. I am good at dealing with diverse clients and can communicate in Spanish. ____________________________________________________________ 9. Teamwork is another skill I have acquired and it is necessary for organizational cohesiveness. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ I have the skill of teamwork which is necessary for organizational cohesiveness. 10. Accepting challenges is the foundation of my life experiences and something I do with confidence. I like challenges and I can face them confidently. ___________________________________________________________

  36. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Letter Practice Practice 6 (1) Complete the following letter by referring to the job advertisement below. Changi News July 2, 2006 File clerk wanted. Must have high school degree. Send résumé to Mr. Paul Rook. Human Resources Director, Island International Airport, Singapore 659589. (1)__________________ (Your address) (2)__________________ (Date) Mr. Paul Rook Human (3) Director Island International Airport Singapore 659589 _______________ Resources

  37. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Letter Practice Practice 6 (2) Dear Mr. Rook: I am (4) for the position of file clerk that was advertised in the July 2nd Changi News. I worked as a (5) file clerk after school for three years. Now I am looking for a full-time position. I have (6) my résumé ,and I would like to schedule an (7) . I will call you next week to follow up on my application. I look (8) to discussing this (9) with you. (10) yours, (11)___________________ (Sign your name here) (12)___________________ (Print your name here) Enclosure ___________ applying ___________ part-time ___________ enclosed ___________ interview ___________ forward _____________ position/job _____________ Sincerely

  38. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Letter Practice Practice 7 (1) Complete the following cover letter by translating the Chinese given in the parentheses into English. April 14, 2006 Mr. William Jackson Employment Manager Acme Pharmaceutical Corporation 13764 Jefferson Parkway Roanoke, VA 24019 jackson@acmepharmaceutical.com Dear Mr. Jackson: (1) (从贵公司的网站我得知) your need for a sales representative for the Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina areas. ________________________________________ From the website of your company I learn about

  39. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Letter Practice Practice 7 (2) (2) (我对这一职位很感兴趣) Acme Pharmaceuticals, and believe that my education and employment background are (3) (适合这个职位). (4) (在攻读硕士学位时), I was employed as (5) (销售代表) with a small dairy foods firm. I increased my sales volume and profit margin appreciably while at Farmer’s Foods, and I would like to repeat that success in the pharmaceutical industry.(6) (我有很强的学业背景) in biology and marketing, and think that I could apply my combination of knowledge and experience to the health industry. (7) (我将完成市场营销硕士学位) in mid-May and will be available to begin employment in early June. (8) (信内附有简历一份), which more fully details my (9) (资格) for the position. ____________________________ I am interested in the position of _________________________ appropriate for the position While studying for/pursuing my master’s degree ________________________________________ _____________________ a sales representative I have a strong academic background __________________________________ ___________________________________________ I will complete my master’s degree in marketing ________________________ Enclosed is a résumé ________________________ qualifications

  40. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Letter Practice Practice 7 (3) I look forward to talking with you regarding sales opportunities with Acme Pharmaceuticals. (10) (下周内我将与你联系) to confirm that you received my e-mail and résumé and to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Lynn A. Johnson Lynn A. Johnson 5542 Hunt Club Lane, #1 Blacksburg, VA 24060 (540) 555-8082 lajohnson@vt.edu Résumé attached as MS Word document. _________________________ I will contact you next week

  41. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Letter Practice Practice 8 Write a cover letter responding to the following job advertisement. A global DIY sourcing office based in Shanghai is looking for a packaging operator who can speak German. Full package of welfare will be offered after graduation. See below mission for your reference: —Fluent English and basic Photoshop or Corel Draw skills. —In charge of putting together the texts necessary for the products. —Open for graduates in 2007. Someone interested please send your CV to wzhou@alliance_arena.com.cn ASAP.

  42. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 6 Supplementary Materials Useful Expressions (1) 1. I am responding to your advertisement on ... for ... 我写信应聘在……刊登的广告中的……一职。 2. I am interested in the position of ... 我对……一职感兴趣。 3. I am writing to introduce myself and inquire about openings for... 我写信介绍我自己同时也咨询关于……一职。 4. I believe I am well qualified to apply for ... 我相信我适合申请…… 5. As you can see from the résumé, I have a great deal of experience in... 正如您从简历中看到的,我在……方面有丰富的经验。

  43. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 6 Supplementary Materials Useful Expressions (2) 6. My experience in ... includes... 我在……的经验包括…… 7. My qualifications are based on a combination of... 我的资格基于……之上。 8. These experiences make me an ideal candidate for a... 这些经验使我成为……的理想人选。 9. I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given above, or by telephone at 32333416. 如能面试我将很感激。从上述地址能找到我或者打电话32333416。 10. I would be glad to have a personal interview, and can provide references if needed. 能有面试机会我会很高兴,如有需要我能提供证明。

  44. SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 6 Supplementary Materials Useful Expressions (3) 11. I will contact you on/at...to arrange an interview. 我会在……(时间)与你安排面试。 12. The enclosed résumé describes my qualifications for the position advertised. 随函附件介绍了我对广告中提到的职位所具备的资格。 13. I am enclosing ... 随信附…… 14. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience. 我希望在您方便时能有机会面试。 15. I look forward to speaking with you. 盼望与您交谈。

  45. 返回 Thank You !

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