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С entralized market in Kazahstan. Zhakupova M.S. Functions of exchange trade. Presence of an exchange segment on wholesale market of energy promotes: - transparency of functioning of the market; -to increase of efficiency to the conclusion
Сentralized market in Kazahstan Zhakupova M.S.
Functions of exchange trade • Presence of an exchange segment on wholesale market of energy promotes: -transparency of functioning of the market; -to increase of efficiency to the conclusion of transactions; -to increase of reliability of work of a power supply system;
continuation -Formalizations of rules of trade on standard conditions with use modern electronic means of trade; - Reactions to a market situation, real representation about the market, reception price signals from the general market.
continuation -To effective functioning of other segments of the wholesale market, as the balancing market, the market of capacity; - Logic interaction of exchange sector with other segments of the wholesale market forms one complete system model and promotes dynamical development of the general market;
Example of interaction of exchange sector with balancing market Months and weeks, previous To day of delivery Day, Previous to delivery Day of delivery Hour of delivery Bilateral Contracts 11-00 17-00 before 2 ч Regulation capacity (System opreation) SO Mid-term,long-term trading spot trading «one day ahead» Spot trading «one hour ahead» Balansing Regulation SO Carrying out the centralized trade
The market of the centralized trade in electric energy • The market of the centralized trade in electric energy in Kazakhstan is a segment of the wholesale market of the electric energy, functioning on exchange principles. • The operator of the market of the centralized trade in electric energy is the company of JSC " КОREМ ".
JSC " КОREМ " • JSC " КОREМ " is created in April, 2004; • In 2004 JSC " КОREМ is appointed by the operator of the market of the centralized trade by the electric power; • The unique shareholder JSC " КОREМ "is JSC « Fund of national well-being « Сamruk-Қazina»; • JSC " КОREМ " is a member of the International Association of Power Stock exchanges (APEX); • In 2009 the Company has passed on requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2008 and is certificated by International company ORION REGISTER Inc.. • Functioning of JSC " КОREМ " is regulated « by Rules of the centralized trade by electric energy »;
continuation • Functions of JSC " КОREМ " : -The organization and management of the centralized market of electric energy in a trade «Mid-term,long-term period » « for a day forward » and « within operational day »; - The organization and carrying out of the centralized trade by intermediate term and long-term contracts on the electric power; - Ensuring of open not discrimination access of subjects on the market of the centralized trade of the electric power; - Ensuring of participants of the market with the information under the prices developed on centralized tenders for the electric power and other market information within the limits of the competence; - The organization of interaction with operators of the markets of the electric power of other states.
The data on markets • Quantity of the registered participants in trading system in 2010 г: - On a long-term period markets - 136 of subjects - On spot-markets -109 • Quantity of transactions-325, including: - on spot-markets -294; - on a long-term period markets – 31; • With introduction of acceptance of normative legal certificates on reduction of number of the intermediary organizations in the wholesale market and with introduction of limiting tariffs for power plants in 2009 volumes of tenders on the centralized platform have decreased in 4,1 times. • In 2010 this tendency of decrease of volumes of tenders proceeds.
Changes of volumes electric energy on long term period markets
Changes of the prices developed on result of centralized trade for 2010 (9 months)
Assistance of the programREMAP-1 • With assistance of the program "REMAP-1": - It is organized presentations of work of trading system of JSC " КОРЭМ " in JSC " Power plant " of Kyrghyzstan and JSC « Barki Tochik» with participation of representatives of JSC " КОRЭМ " and discussion of the perspective questions connected to development of the market of the electric power in the Central Asia, including, through joint exchange trade; - Between JSC « Power plants » Kyrghyzstan and JSC " КОRЭМ " is signed the contract about participation on the centralized market; - In 2007 two employees are trained from JSC « Power plants » Kyrghyzstan in " КОRЭМ " as operators of the centralized trade; - It signed between JSC «Barki Tochik» and JSC " КОRЭМ " the Agreement about cooperation; - Trial participation JSC«Power plants » Kyrghyzstan on the centralized trade has not taken place.
Prospects of development of the general market CA • Development of a market model of Kazakhstan and the Central Asia with use of a trading platform of JSC « КОRЭМ; • Consideration of legal questions on to creation of a joint Central - Asian stock exchange; • Studying the international experience of functioning of stock exchanges; • Formalization of the general rules of exchange trade in view of national legislations;
continuation • Studying of a question of transformation of bilateral contracts between subjects of energy marketthe countries of the Central Asia in the market forwardand future contracts. • Creation on a legislative basis of system of monitoring of the general market; • Fastening on a legislative basis of the responsibility of system operators, questions about about information interchange about functioning and development of the general market. • Creation of Council of the Central - Asian stock exchange.
continuation • Establishment and development of connections with international professional with PR community in the Central Asia, creation modern joint energy information site; • Interaction with working groups EvrAzEs, the CIS, the Customs Union on questions of development of the market of the electric power of the Central Asia; • Evolution of market CA through association.
General market of CA Regionalmarket market Uz market Kaz Turkmen. Market RK market Таd. Afghanistan Others market Evolution of market CA General market of CA