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MARKET PULP FACTS. Market Pulp Overview. Market size Production Consumption Pricing Historical Projected Cost Structure Trends. 2000 Global Pulp Market Size by Capacity. Affiliated Pulp Market 5,000-10,000 mm MT $2,650,000- 5,300,000mm. Market & Integrated Pulp C = 182,818 mm MT
Market Pulp Overview • Market size • Production • Consumption • Pricing • Historical • Projected • Cost Structure • Trends
2000 Global Pulp Market Sizeby Capacity Affiliated Pulp Market 5,000-10,000 mm MT $2,650,000- 5,300,000mm Market & Integrated Pulp C = 182,818 mm MT $95,000,000 a mm (Production = 168,000 mm MT) Market Pulp C = 45,609 mm MT $24,000,000 mm (Production b = 42,000 mm MT) a Based on the 5-year average price of all pulp grades in USA and Europe ($530) b Production is based on capacity * utilization rate 2001 Expected World Capacity = 47 million metric tons. Source: RISI 2000
Market Pulp Market by Region Market Pulp Capacity (in 000s tons) North America = 20,000 tons Europe = 14,000 tons Latin America = 6500 tons Asia = 3800 tons Other* = 1,700 tons Total = 46,000 tons * Other includes Africa and Oceania Market Pulp Revenues (in 000s of dollars) North America = $11,000,000 Europe = $7,000,000 Latin America = $3,000,000 Asia = $2,000,000 Other = $1,000,000 Total = $24,000,000 Source: RISI 2000
Market Pulp Flows in thousands of MT Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Total European Market Pulp Capacity: 14,000 Net Imports: 6,000 Total North American Market Pulp Capacity: 20,000 Net Exports : -8,500 Total Asian Market Pulp Capacity: 3,800 Net Imports : 6,500 6,000 6,200 6,200 Total African Market Pulp Capacity: 800 Net Exports : -150 Total Latin American Market Pulp Capacity: 6,500 Net Exports: -3700 Total Australasian Market Pulp Capacity: 900 Net Exports : -150 Source: RISI & PPPC
Market Pulp Market by Pulp Grade Global Market Pulp Capacity (in 000s tons) NBSK = 12,000 tons SBSK = 9,000 tons (Fluff Pulp = 2,700 tons = 30%) NBHK = 5,000 tons SBHK = 3700 tons BEK/Tropical = 9,100 tons Other = 7,200 tons Total = 46,000 tons Source: RISI 2000
Market Pulp Market by Pulp Grade North America Market Pulp Capacity (in 000s of tons) NBSK = 8,000 tons SBSK = 4,600 tons NBHK = 3,000 tons SBHK = 1600 tons Other = 2800 tons Total = 20,000 tons Source: RISI 2000
Market Pulp Market by Pulp Grade Europe Market Pulp Capacity (in 000s tons) NBSK = 4,000 tons SBSK = 2,000 tons NBHK = 2,000 tons SBHK = 1,200 tons BEK = 2,000 tons Other = 2,800 tons Total = 14,000 tons Source: RISI 2000
Market Pulp Market by Pulp Grade Latin America Market Pulp Capacity (in 000s tons) SBSK = 1,700 tons SBHK = 500 tons BEK = 3,700 tons Other = 600 tons Total = 6,500 tons Source: RISI 2000
Market Pulp Market by Pulp Grade Asia Market Pulp Capacity (in 000s tons) SBSK = 100 tons Tropical Hardwood = 3,400 tons Other = 300 tons Total = 3,800 tons Note: Capacity in Oceania and Africa (in 000s tons) SBSK = 600 tons SBHK = 400 tons Other = 700 tons Total = 1,700 tons Source: RISI 2000
Market Pulp ProducersGlobal Market About 150 pulp producers world wide Top Pulp Producers (000s tons) 1- International Paper (2,890) 2- Weyerhaeuser (2,180) 3- Sodra-Cell (2,070) 4- Tembec (1,925) 5- Georgia-Pacific (1,815) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ProducersNorth American Market About 46 producers in North America Top Pulp Producer (000s tons) 1- Weyerhaeuser (2,180) 2- International Paper (1,865) 3- Georgia Pacific (1,815) 3- Parsons & Whittemore (1,100) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ProducersEuropean Market About 64 pulp producers Top Pulp Producers (in 000s tons) 1- Sodra-Cell (2,070) 2- Stora Enso (1,565) 3- UPM-Kymmene (945) 4- ENCE (890) 5- Rottneros Bruk (755) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ProducersLatin American Market About 16 pulp producers Top pulp producers (000s tons) 1- Arauco (1,530) 2- Aracruz (1,300) 3- CMPC (950) 4- CVRD (900) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ProducersAsian Market About 20 pulp producers in Asia Top pulp producers (in 000s tons) 1- April (950) 2- Donghae Pulp (500) 3- Kiani Kertas (350) 4- Advance Agro (275) Source: RISI 2001
Affiliate Pulp Producers Total Global Affiliated Pup = 5-10 million metric tons Europe = 1.5 -3 million metric tons North America = 3.5 - 7 million metric tons
Market Pulp ProducersGlobal Market by Pulp Grade Top Pulp Producers for Softwood (in 000s tons) 1- Weyerhaeuser (SBSK = 1,170; NBSK = 985; Total = 2,155) 2- International Paper (SBSK = 1,300; NBSK = 625; Total = 1,925) 3- Sodra Cell (NBSK = 1,500; Total = 1,500) 4- Canfor (NBSK = 1,325; Total = 1,325) 5- Georgia Pacific (SBSK = 1,200; Total = 1,200) Top Pulp Producers for Hardwoods (in 000s tons) 1- Aracruz (BEK = 1,300; Total = 1,300) 2- APRIL (Tropical hardwood = 950; Total = 950) 3- CVRD (BEK = 890; Total = 890) 4- ENCE (BEK = 890; Total = 890) 5- International Paper (SBHK = 470; NBHK = 330, BEK = 15; Total = 815) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ProducersGlobal Market by Pulp Grade Global Sulphite Capacity = 1,440,000 tons Global Unbleached Kraft Pulp Capacity = 2,150,000 tons Global = Mechanical Pulp Capacity = 3,735,000 tons Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ProducersNorth American Market by Pulp Grade Top Pulp Producers for Hardwood (in 000s tons) 1- Weyerhaeuser (SBSK= 1,170; NBSK = 985; Total = 2,155) 2- International Paper (SBSK = 820; NBSK = 625; Total = 1,445) 3- Canfor (NBSK =1,325; Total = 1,325) 4- Georgia Pacific ( SBSK = 1,200; Total = 1200) 5- Tembec (NBSK = 680; Total = 680) Top Pulp Producers for Softwoods (in 000s tons) 1- Parsons & Whittemore (SBHK = 425; NBHK = 250; Total = 675) 2- International Paper (SBHK = 340; NBHK = 330; Total = 670) 3- Georgia Pacific (SBHK = 205; NBHK = 410; Total = 615) 4- Smurfit Stone (SBHK = 255; NBHK = 215; Total = 470) 5- Bowater (SBHK = 175; NBHK = 260; Total = 435) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ProducersEuropean Market by Pulp Grade Top Pulp Producers for Softwoods (in 000s tons) 1- Sodra Cell (NBSK = 1,500; Total = 1,500) 2- Stora Enso (NBSK = 840; Total = 840) 3- Metsa Botnia (NBSK = 505; Total = 505) 4- UPM-Kymmene (NBSK = 360; Total = 360) 5- Iim Pulp (SBSK = 330; Total = 330) Top Producers for Hardwoods (in 000s tons) 1- ENCE (BEK = 890; Total = 890) 2 = Stora Enso (NBHK = 440; BEK = 285; Total = 725) 3- Portucel (BEK = 625; Total = 625) 4- UMP-Kymmene (NBHK = 580; Total = 580) 5- Sodra Cell (NBHK = 470; Total = 470) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ProducersLatin American Market by Pulp Grade Top Producers for Softwoods (in 000s tons) 1-Arauco (Radiata Pine = 1,090; Total = 1,090) 2-CMPC (Radiata Pine = 545; Total = 545) Top Producers for Hardwoods (in 000s tons) 1- Aracruz (BEK = 1,300; Total = 1,300) 2-CVRD (BEK = 900; Total = 90) 3- Suzano (BEK = 410; Total = 410) 4- Votorantim (BEK = 400; Total = 400) 5- CMPC (BEK = 350; Total = 350) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ProducersAsian Market by Pulp Grade Top Producers for Softwoods (in 000s tons) 1- Toyo Paper (SBSK = 45; Total = 45) 2- Nippon Paper (SBSK =30; Total = 30) 3- Daio Paper (SBSK = 15; Total = 15) Top Producers for Hardwoods (in 000s tons) 1- APRIL (Tropical hardwoods = 950; Total = 950) 2- Donghae Paper (NBHK = 445; Total = 445) 3- Tanjugenim Lestari (NBHK = 425; Total = 425) 4- Kiani Kertas (NBHK = 350; Total = 350) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp Consumptionby End ProductGlobal Graphic Paper & Tissue Paper Capacity (in 000s tons) CFS = 28,012 tons CGW = 17,507 tons UFS = 55,703 tons UGW = 14,962 tons Newsprint = 42,737 tons Tissue E = 22,000 tons E Tissue Capacity is estimated from Bank of America Pulp and Paper Quarterly Source: RISI 2001 & Bank of America 2001
Market Pulp Consumers Global Market for Graphic Paper About 500 paper producers worldwide Top Producers of Graphic Paper (in 000s tons) 1- Stora Enso (11,844) 2- UPM-Kymmene (10,452) 3- International Paper (8,307) 4- Abitibi Consolidated (7,733 5- NSI (7,415) 6- Nippon Unipac (6,023) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersGlobal Market for Coated Free Sheet Paper About 20 big producers of Coated Freesheet Paper Top Producers of Coated Freesheet (in 000s tons) 1- Sappi (2,987) 2-M-Real (2,395) 3-Stora Enso (2,391) 4-Nippon Unipac (1,688) 5-Mead/Westvaco (1,500) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersGlobal Market for Coated Groundwood Paper About 20 big producers of Coated Groundwood paper Top Producers for Coated Groundwood (in 000s tons) 1- UPM-Kymmene (3,602) 2- Stora Enso (2,963) 3- International Paper (1,394) 4- NSI (988) 5- Burgo (926) Source: RISI 200? Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersGlobal Market for Uncoated Freesheet Paper About 20 big producers of uncoated freesheet Top Producers for Uncoated Freesheet (in 000s tons) 1- International Paper (5,554) 2- Domtar (2,095) 3- Nippon Unipac (1,574) 4- UPM-Kymmene (1,520) 5- Stora Enso (1,514) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersGlobal Market for Uncoated Groundwood Paper About 20 big producers of uncoated groundwood Top Producers for Uncoated Groundwood (in 000s tons) 1- UPM-Kymmene (2,005) 2 Stora Enso (1,792) 2- Abitibi (1,566) 3- NSI (1,547) 4- Myllykoski (814) 5- Nippon Unipac (657) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersGlobal Market for News Print About 20 top big newsprint producers Top Producers for Newsprint 1- Abitibi (6,127) 2- NSI (4,840) 3- Bowater (3,609) 4- Stora Enso (3,184) 5- UPM-Kymmene (2,375) Source: RISI 200? Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersGlobal Market for Tissue About 10 big tissue producers Top Producers for Tissue 1- Georgia Pacific (7,700) 2- Kimberly Clark (3,960) 3- Procter & Gamble (3,080) 4- American Tissue (880) 5- SCA (880) Tissue production is estimated as the global capacity * market share Source: Bank of America June 2001
Market Pulp Consumptionby End ProductNorth America Graphic Paper & Tissue Paper Capacity (in 000s tons) CFS = 6,112 tons CGW = 5,292 tons UFS = 15,522 tons UGW = 5,465 tons Newsprint = 16,016 tons Tissue = 8,415 tons Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersNorth American Market for Coated Freesheet Paper About 18 top CFS producers Top Producers for CFS (in 000s tons) 1- Westvaco/Mead (1,652) 2- Sappi (1,035) 3- International Paper (1,311) 4- Stora-Enso (784) 5- Potlatch (445) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersNorth American Market for Coated Groundwood Paper About 15 top CGW producers Top Producers for CGW (in 000s tons) 1- International Paper (1,261) 2- Stora Enso (1,183) 3- Mead (615) 4- United Paper Mills (520) 5- Repap (505) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersNorth American Market for Uncoated Freesheet Paper About 40 top UFS producers Top Producers for UFS (in 000s tons) 1- International Paper (4,578) 2- Domtar (2,309) 3- Boise Cascade (1,579) 4- Willamette (1,410) 5- Weyerhaeuser (1,385) 6- Georgia Pacific (1,349) Recently announced asset sales between GP and Domater and NSI and Pacifica have been incorporated Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersNorth American Market for Uncoated Groundwood Paper About 22 top UGW producers Top Producers for UFS (in 000s tons) 1- Abitibi (1,677) 2- NSI (746) 3- Bowater (683) 4- Stora Enso (631) 5- Kruger (431) Recently announced asset sales between GP and Domater and NSI and Pacifica have been incorporated Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersNorth American Market for News Print About 21 top Newsprint producers Top Producers for Newsprint (in 000s tons) 1- Abitibi (5783) 2- Bowater 3,692) 3- Kruger (1,084) 4- NSI (1,043) 5- SP Newsprint (950) Recently announced asset sales between GP and Domater and NSI and Pacifica have been incorporated Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersNorth American Market for Tissue About 10 top Tissue producers Top Producers for Tissue (in 000s tons) 1- Georgia Pacific (2,964) 2- Kimberly Clark (1,466) 3- Procter & Gamble (1,165) 4- American Tissue (375) 5- SCA (368) 6- Kruger (275) Source: RISI 2001 Bank of America June 2001
Market Pulp Consumptionby End ProductEurope Graphic Paper & Tissue Paper Capacity (in 000s tons) CFS = 11,511 tons CGW = 9,759 tons UFS = 12,900 tons UGW = 7,053 tons Newsprint = 14,022 tons Tissue E = 5,800 tons Source: RISI 2001 & Bank of America
Market Pulp ConsumersEuropean Market for Coated Freesheet Paper About 20 top CFS producers Top Producers for CFS (in 000s tons) 1- M-Real (2,395) 2- Sappi (1,960) 3- Stora Enso (1,610) 4- CVC Capital (1,184) 5- Burgo (970) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersEuropean Market for Coated Groundwood Paper About 17 top CGW producers Top Producers for CGW (in 000s tons) 1- UPM-Kymmene (3,130) 2- Stora Enso (1,890) 3- M-Real (1,135) 4- Burgo (926) 5- NSI (790) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersEuropean Market for Uncoated Freesheet Paper About 20 top UFS producers Top Producers for UFS (in 000s tons) 1- M-Real (1,480) 2- Stora Enso (1,442) 3-UPM-Kymmene (1,170) 4- Portucel (823) 5- AWA (651) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersEuropean Market for Uncoated Groundwood Paper About 20 top UGW producers Top Producers for UGW (in 000s tons) 1- UPM-Kymmene (2,000) 2- Stora Enso (1,220) 3- NSI (800) 4- Myllykoski (550) 5- Holmen (425) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersEuropean Market for News Print About 17 top UGW producers Top Producers for Newsprint (in 000s tons) 1- Stora Enso (2,995) 2- UPM-Kymmene (2,375) 3- NSI (1,990) 4- Holmen (1,115) 5- SCA (555) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersEuropean Market for Tissue About 7 top Tissue producers Top Producers for Tissue (in 000s tons) 1- SCA (1,276) 2- Kimberly Clark (928) 3- Georgia Pacific (870) 4- M-Real (464) 5- CartoInvest (406) Source: Bank of America June 2001
Market Pulp Consumptionby End ProductLatin America Graphic Paper & Tissue Paper Capacity (in 000s tons) CFS = 508 tons CGW = 259 tons UFS = 3,356 tons UGW = 227 tons Newsprint = 1,410 tons Tissue E = 60 tons E Tissue Capacity is sourced from Jacobs Sirrine Source: RISI and Jacobs Sirrine
Market Pulp ConsumersLatin American Market for Coated Freesheet Paper About 18 top CFS producers Top Producers for CFS (in 000s tons) 1- Votorantim (155) 2- Suzano (75) 3- Celulosa Argentina (45) 4- Kimberly Clark (45) Source: RISI 2001
Market Pulp ConsumersLatin American Market for Coated Groundwood Paper About 8 top CGW producers Top Producers for CGW (in 000s tons) 1- International Paper (190) 2- Klabin (50) 3- Carton S. A. (10) Source: RISI 2001