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Jan Harding, Chippewa Valley Schools Teacher, Technology Curricular Leader, and MACUL grant winner 2008-09 jharding@cvs.k12.mi.us www.jharding.weebly.com. Making Movies:. The Science Myth Busters. Myth or Fact?. If you kick a bowling ball in space, it HURTS.
Jan Harding, Chippewa Valley Schools Teacher, Technology Curricular Leader, and MACUL grant winner 2008-09 jharding@cvs.k12.mi.us www.jharding.weebly.com Making Movies: The Science Myth Busters
Myth or Fact? If you kick a bowling ball in space, it HURTS. Blue light is always at the bottom of a rainbow. It gets hotter in the summer because the earth is closest to the sun. Some kinds of electromagnetic waves are damaging to human tissue. A penny dropped from a tall building could kill a pedestrian. When waves meet, they bounce off each other and head back in the opposite direction. The primary colors for light are red, blue, and yellow. You can’t make a sound in space, because sound is a mechanical wave.
About Me • Teacher, Chippewa Valley Schools; Seneca Middle School • Seventh grade science and social studies • Technology Curricular Leader, CVS • Attendee MACUL 2008: Making Movies with Joe Brennan • Teacher, MISD summer technology camp (first testing ground for “Making Movies: The Science Myth Busters”) • MACUL grant recipient 2008-09 • MACUL Technology Integration Champion team member, 2008-09 • MACUL Technology Integration Champion coach, 2009-10
MACUL Grant: Project Goals • integrate the use of technology into the science curriculum • create videos using a variety of media and formats • evaluate information from internet sources • use multiple sources to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of “scientific” claims • communicate and defend findings of investigations and observations
Science GLCEs • S.IA.M.1 Inquiry includes an analysis and presentation of findings that lead to future questions, research, and investigations. S.IA.07.12 Evaluate data, claims, and personal knowledge through collaborative science discourse. S.IA.07.15 Use multiple sources of information to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of claims, arguments, or data. • S.RS.M.1 Reflecting on knowledge is the application of scientific knowledge to new and different situations. Reflecting on knowledge requires careful analysis of evidence that guides decision-making and the application of science throughout history and within society. S.RS.07.11 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of claims, arguments, and data. S.RS.07.12 Describe limitations in personal and scientific knowledge. S.RS.07.13 Identify the need for evidence in making scientific decisions. S.RS.07.14 Evaluate scientific explanations based on current evidence and scientific principle • P.EN.M.3 Waves and Energy-Waves have energy and transfer energy when they interact with matter. Examples of waves include sound waves, seismic waves, waves on water, and light waves.
The Myth Busters! • Students work in groups of 2-4 • Pretest students on a list of myths and facts • Select “myth” or fact from this list to study • Research online and in texts • “Bust” or validate the “myth” • Develop a script • Shoot video • Use Windows Movie Maker to produce video • Have a movie premiere party and evaluate
Sample mythbuster videos Videos not currently available for viewing; please contact presenter for more information.
Science Misconception sites • http://amasci.com/miscon/opphys.html • http://www.fearofphysics.com/BadScience/index.php • http://www.livescience.com/bestimg/?cat=myths(note: check all myths for age appropriate material) Misconceptions podcasts: • http://scienceinquirer.wikispaces.com/misconception Myths in science textbooks: • http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/miscon/miscon.html
Storyboards and Scriptwriting • Storyboard: simple boxes with lines nearby to write ideas for filming (example from AFI) • Script: narrative with who says what
Ready to film? • teach camera use and equipment responsibility first • use tripods and/or monopods • quiet on the set: essential! • expect outtakes and giggles • optional but nice: teach camera shots and angles • optional but nice: lighting suggestions (see AFI or other materials)
Where to find Windows Movie Maker • Standard on most Windows based computers • Download Windows Movie Maker: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/moviemaker2.mspx • Download Windows Movie Maker for Vista: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=d6ba5972-328e-4df7-8f9d-068fc0f80cfc&displaylang=en • Cool extras: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/results.aspx?pocId=&freetext=Windows%20Movie%20Maker%20XP&DisplayLang=en#
Using Windows Movie Maker • VIDEO: Getting started with Movie Maker, and sample movies http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/moviemaker/getstarted/possibilities.mspx • VIDEOS: Using Movie Maker http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/moviemaker/videos/default.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/moviemaker/create/1stmovie.mspx • How to save, send, etc. your movie http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/moviemaker/getstarted/default.mspx • General how-tos, not in video form http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/moviemaker/create/default.mspx
American Film Institute • Optional resources • FREE to Discovery Streaming users • Videos that describe filmmaking process • Teacher’s Guide • Fantastic resource for student handouts • Describes shots • Provides storyboards • Glossary of film terms • Lighting suggestions • Parent release forms • Can use for beginner or advanced filmmaking • Great for clubs or a video “class”
Working with Movie Maker • Download the software that comes with the cameras (takes very little time) • Let kids “practice” and “play” at first • Understand the difference between a “project” and a “movie”—avoid “Red X Syndrome!” • Upload videos to a file folder (and remove camera) before opening Movie Maker.
Saving your work PROJECT: Allows further editing of your video • Save videos before starting a project • Make sure you know location of videos • Can add music, audio (voice), images, transitions, and effects when reopened MOVIE: Renders video as a final project • No further editing (possible, but harder) • Creates an WMA file; can be converted • Movie can be “dropped” into a new project.
Equipment used • RCA EZ200 Small Wonder Cameras (10) • Tripods and Monopods Kodak 68" "Go Anywhere" Professional Monopod Tripods from Sunpak –one for each camera • Rechargeable batteries and battery chargers • Video carrying case for storage Vidpro VID-200 • OPTIONAL: mini SD cards for additional storage All materials purchased through the REMC bid http://www.remcbids.org/ and Amazon.com
Can you do with less?? Absolutely! Cameras and tripods are inexpensive! You can build a collection gradually. One camera/one tripod ideas: • Class project: each group prepares a section • Rotate camera use through groups • After school “video clubs” • Possible equipment checkout for student use • Substitute student owned equipment • Cell phones • Home video cameras • Digital cameras • Apply for a MACUL (or other) grant! http://www.internet4classrooms.com/grants.htm http://www.macul.org/page.php?pid=8
Costs • Grant total: $1364 • Cameras: approx. $80-90 each (10) • Tripods: approx. $10-30 each (10) • Monopods: approx. $10-15 each (4) • Camera bag: $30-40 (1) • Rechargeable batteries w/charger $16-18 (4) • Mini SD cards optional
Is video worth the time? • Time needed decreases with practice • Hits the standards in several areas • Using multiple modalities for learning • Creative endeavors = better long term learning • Video can be posted/archived for review • Involves both “underdogs” and “overachievers” • Intrinsically motivating • Integrate subjects to cover multiple objectives • Plus, it’s FUN!
ISTE Standards addressed • Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation “create original works as a means of personal or group expression” • Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration “interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media” “Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems” • Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency “Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media” “Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks” “Process data and report results” • Standard 4: Critical Thinking and Decision Making • Standard 5: Digital Citizenship • Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts This project hit all six ISTE standards in at least one category!
Assessment • Pre and post survey • Survey Monkey • www.surveymonkey.com • Zoomerang • http://zoomerang.com/ • Blackboard • Rubric for video production
Created by Jan Harding, Chippewa Valley Schools May be reproduced as credited
Publication options • Classroom websites • Blogs • Wikis (pbwiki.com; wikispaces.com) • NINGs • Blackboard or Moodle • Teacher Tube or School Tube www.teachertube.com ; www.schooltube.com • Classroom learning celebrations • Parent nights/Open House
A Little Advice for Beginners… • Start small (see “Easy Ideas”, next slide) • Train a handful of students to be “technicians” • Central storage place • Have check in/out procedures • Devote one class period to camera instruction • Use rubrics for grading • Have due dates along the way • Consider alternate times for videotaping • Enforce proper equipment use (contracts) • Expect “speed bumps”; build in extra time
Easy ideas for starting with video • Act out the definition of a vocabulary word • Videotape a lab for absent students • Do a weather forecast or class news • Tape students giving presentations; post on your website • Jigsaw and videotape for the “big” picture • Game show “reviews” • Video interviews (biography research, living history, etc.) • Video surveys (ex.: current event questions, opinions, etc.) • Field trip work • Record steps in a procedure (classroom procedures, science, etc.) • Other digital storytelling activities
Other Ideas for Video • Windows Movie Maker Project ideas http://www.emints.org/ethemes/resources/S00001585.shtml • Introduce your class with Windows Movie Maker http://www.microsoft.com/education/moviemaker.mspx • Classroom ideas http://edcommunity.apple.com/ali/story.php?itemID=210 • Resources http://www.misd.k12.mi.us/technology/dig-video.html • Sound effects http://simplythebest.net/sounds/ • Royalty free music, images, etc. http://www.royaltyfreemusic.com/free-music-resources.html
Lights, camera, action…HAVE FUN!! Jan Harding Seneca Middle School Chippewa Valley Schools 586-723-4042 jharding@cvs.k12.mi.us www.jharding.weebly.com www.misd.net/camp08 (Making Movies)