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Technical Coordination Unit on Planning and Scheduling for the Web.

Technical Coordination Unit on Planning and Scheduling for the Web. Alfredo Milani University of Perugia, Italy. TCU Goals and Motivations. collecting and co-ordinating PLANET nodes active in the application of P&S to:. web based systems web based services

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Technical Coordination Unit on Planning and Scheduling for the Web.

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  1. Technical Coordination Unit on Planning and Scheduling for the Web. Alfredo Milani University of Perugia, Italy

  2. TCU Goals and Motivations. collecting and co-ordinating PLANET nodes active in the application of P&S to: • web based systems • web based services • relevant components of the new information technologies

  3. TCU Goals and Motivations. exploring and pointing out the potential role of P&S as a key factor in the framework of the technologies for the global new IS P&S convey the flexibility typical of knowledge based technologies in support of: new modalities of work, production, commerce, entertainment and education relevant issues: autonomy, adaptation, distribution, mobility, automatic collaborative support

  4. TCU Goals and Motivations. Web as a Trasparent Media or Information Gathering Systems can use the web as a communication media, they act via the web, Data Mining, Learning, Information gathering Web as an Environment Web entities and interactive services are the object of P&S systems, actions and plans on the web are pursuing goals on web entities

  5. TCU Goals • The TCU aims not only a Web focus but also: • Collaborative systems • Distributed and mobile environments • New media/devices

  6. TCU Memberships : • 12 members • 1 associate

  7. WebTCU Actions promoting nodes participation and support to e-commerce conferences and events: • sponsorship of side events (e.g. workshop, panels, seminars etc.) • short info announces about WebTCU and PLANET • reports from IT and P&S conferences to be disseminated among PLANET members, focusing on what is going on/emerging in the field

  8. WebTCU Actions Actions for involving Web & New IT companies: • target for technology transfer • source of relevant issues from marketplace to research info announces at specialised conferences

  9. TCU Activities & Events ECP Workshop on Automated P&S in New Methods of Electronic, Mobile, and Collaborative Work, with KE-TCU Toledo, Spain, September 2001 TCU on P&S for the Web: Kickoff Meeting Toledo, Spain, September 2001 Int. Conf. Information and Communication Tecnologies and Programming: TCU announcement and presentation Sofia, Bulgaria June 2002 ECAI Workshop on Web-based Resources and Knowledge Interchange Formats for AI Planning and Scheduling, with KE-TCU and WFM-TCU Lyon, France, July 2002 3rdInternational Conference on e-commerce: Panel on AI Technologies and e-commerceHong Kong, October 2002

  10. WebTCU next event Working session on WebTCU Roadmap • the roadmap is the main deliverables of a Planet TCU • P&S for the Web is an hot topic! • forthcoming events • new ideas • looking for active contributions

  11. TCU RoadMap preliminary guidelines: • representing and planning with existing services and web services • development of a semantics for web entities oriented to P&S (XML technologies, PDDL Semantic Web ontologies,WfM) • development of models and techniques in distributed, mobile, collaborative P&S

  12. WebTCU Deliverables • Proceedings of the ECP/Planet Workshop on Automated P&S in New Methods of Electronic, Mobile, and Collaborative Work, edited by L.McCluskey, A.Milani • Report of the ECAI/Planet Workshop on Web-based Resources and Knowledge Interchange Formats for AI Planning and Scheduling edited by L.McCluskey, D. Borrajo, A.Milani • Roadmap Draft, soon after the meeting • TCU Web site at www.planet-noe.org

  13. Technical Coordination Unit on Planning and Scheduling for the Web. Alfredo Milani University of Perugia, Italy

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