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Emerging and Dangerous Pathogens Laboratory Network (EDPLN)

Emerging and Dangerous Pathogens Laboratory Network (EDPLN). Dr Renu Drager-Dayal, WHO Geneva. EDPLN Network Development. EDPLN successful outcome of two informal consultations, the first in Libreville, Gabon, in March 2008, and the second at WHO Headquarters in Geneva in February 2009.

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Emerging and Dangerous Pathogens Laboratory Network (EDPLN)

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  1. Emerging and Dangerous Pathogens Laboratory Network (EDPLN) Dr Renu Drager-Dayal, WHO Geneva

  2. EDPLN Network Development • EDPLN successful outcome of two informal consultations, the first in Libreville, Gabon, in March 2008, and the second at WHO Headquarters in Geneva in February 2009. • BSL-4/BSL-3 human and veterinary laboratories able and willing to collaborate and cooperate, and share their knowledge, biological materials and experimental research results in real time to detect, diagnose and control novel disease threats. • 25 Laboratories, 18 countries, 6 WHO regions

  3. EDPLN Network Goal Network of BSL-4/BSL-3 human and veterinary laboratories intended: • to support the diagnostic functions for laboratory response to global epidemic threats of new, emerging and dangerous pathogens (Ebola, Marburg and other VHFs, SARS, Nipah, etc.) • to build capacity and transfer technology for safe and appropriate diagnostics to regional networks and countries in the zones of emergence to enhance earlier outbreak detection and faster and better management; • to provide surge capacity in response to epidemic activity that is geographically distributed or has the potential to become a global threat.

  4. Ebola Outbreaks Nature Medicine 11, 720 - 721 (2005)

  5. EDP Outbreak Control Strategy and Functions Barrier nursing Traditional healers Medical Anthropology Clinical trials Triage IN / OUT COMBI * Case Management Death Audits, Funerals Infection Control Social Mobilization Psycho Social support Posters Outpatient Radio - TV Health Education Discussion Risk Communication Water and Sanitation Community Intersectoral Coordination Political leadership Media Information Environment Vector Control Follow-up of cases Lodging alimentation Epidemiological Investigation Surveillance Laboratory Logistics Security Communications Active search for cases Roads police Analysis Samples Results Mobile teams Ecology Human-animal Database analysis Finances salaries Transports Epi + Soc Vehicles (* COMBI = communication for behavior change)

  6. Ebola outbreak response : Laboratory PCR Ebola Heinz Feldmann LCDC Laboratory Congo Mbomo 2003

  7. Ebola HF outbreak response, Mweka, DRC.

  8. Technical Networks coordinated with GOARN COMBI (Health education) EDPLN (BSL4 laboratories) Clinical GOARN • Clinical Network • EDP Laboratory Network • Mathematical Modelling Network • Infection Control Network • Behaviour Change/Social Mobilisation Network

  9. Laboratory Outbreak Response Applied Research Assay and Reagent Development EDPLN International Engagement Technology Transfer and Training EDPLN Structure Secretariat EDPLN Working Groups: • Laboratory Outbreak Response • Assay and Reagent Development • Technology Transfer and Training • International Engagement • - Biosafety / biosecurity • - Shipment of dangerous goods • Applied Research

  10. Laboratory participation in WHO AFRO EDPLN-AFRICA Workshop Cape Town 11 -12 December 2010 Reference BSL4 BSL3 labs with VHF diagnostic capacity BSL3 and BSL2 labs with some VHF diagnostic capacity IP-Senegal Kenema-Sierra Leone International Labs NML/Canada RKI/Germany NIH/USA I-CAR IP-Côte-d'Ivoire UVRI-Uganda IP-Cameroon KEMRI-CDC CIRMF-Gabon INRB-DRC IP-Madagascar NICD-South Africa

  11. Vaccine strategies against Ebola virus. • Different post-exposure treatment options • VSV (50% ZEBOV in Rhesus at 30 min). • siRNA (100% ZEBOV in Rhesus at 30 min). • Monoclonal against coagulation (67% ZEBOV in Rhesus at 24 hours).

  12. Expression of ZGP by Western blot

  13. Acknowledgments University of Texas at Austin Maria Croyle Joe Dekker CFIA Hana Weingartl James Neufeld Greg Smith Kevin Tierney PHAC Ami Patel Kaylie Tran Mike Gray Gregory Schumer Jason Richardson Gary Wong Allan Chand Alexander Bello Anders Leung Darryl Falzarano _______________________________ Jim Strong Darwyn Kobasa National Research Council Amine Kamen Wildlife Conservation Society Ken Cameroun Rocky Mountain Laboratories Heinz Feldmann Hideki Hebihara

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