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Digestive System

Digestive System. Digestive System. Digestive System: A group of organs working together to digest. Breakdown food so that it can be used by the body. Digestive Tract: Is a series of tubelike organs that are joined end to end.

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Digestive System

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  1. Digestive System

  2. Digestive System • Digestive System: • A group of organs working together to digest. Breakdown food so that it can be used by the body.

  3. Digestive Tract: • Is a series of tubelike organs that are joined end to end. • Includes: mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. • Also included are: liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and salivary glands.

  4. Types of digestion: • Mechanical: the breaking, crushing, and mashing of food • Chemical: molecules are broken down into nutrients.

  5. Three Major Types of Nutrients • Carbohydrates • Proteins • Fats

  6. Enzymes: • Help break nutrients into smaller particles. • Ex: proteins are made of a bunch of amino acids.

  7. Digestion • Mouth: chewing (mechanical) to breakdown food • Saliva: contains enzymes (chemical) to help breakdown food. • Tongue: pushes mush into the throat • Esophagus: squeezes food with muscle contractions called peristalsis. • Stomach: a baglike organ attached to lower part of the esophagus.

  8. Stomach: • Squeezes the food with muscle contractions • Releases enzymes and acid to breakdown food. • Also aids in killing most bacteria • Makes a soupy mixture called chyme. • Chyme is released into the small intestines • Sphincter: a muscle type valve that opens and closes. • Pyloric sphincter: the valve between the stomach and small intestines. • Esophageal sphincter closes off the esophagus and stomach

  9. Small intestines: • Small portions of chyme are allowed in at a time in order to mix chyme with fluid from the liver and pancreas. • Duodenum: top part of small intestines • Villi: fingerlike projections that absorb nutrients. From here the nutrients enter the bloodstrem • Most chemical digestion takes place here

  10. Pancreas: • A fish shaped organ located between the stomach and the intestines. • Makes juices that flow into the small intestines • Juices contain enzymes and bicarbonate that neutralizes the acid in chyme. Without this the acid would breakdown the intestines. • It also makes hormones that regulate blood sugar.

  11. Liver • A large reddish brown organ that helps with digestion • Makes a green liquid called bile that aids in fat digestion • Store nutrients • Breaks down toxic substances in the blood • Makes cholesterol for cell membranes.

  12. Gallbladder • A small baglike organ that stores bile. • It is squeezed from here and enters the small intestines.

  13. Large intestines: • Organ of the digestive system that stores, compacts, and then eliminates indigestible material from the body. • Undigested material enter the large intestines in a soupy mixture. The large intestines absorbs most of the water leaving a solid called feces of stool.

  14. Rectum • The last section of the large intestines. • Stores feces until it can be expelled • Anus: the opening of the rectum.

  15. Digestion Issues • Heartburn: chyme flows up from the stomach to the esophagus giving a burning sensation. • Constipation: If you don’t get enough fiber or water and you don’t use the restroom regularly. • Diarrhea: bowel movement are frequent and watery. • Colon cancer: colon is the long tubular portion of the large intestines. Could block and limit the function of digestion. • Gastric Ulcer: open sore in the stomach lining. Caused often caused by bacteria.

  16. Fun Facts: • The digestive tact is 9 meters long. • Small intestines are about 6 meters long • It usually takes 24 hours to digest something.

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