2. Agenda Company & PVPP
History of ISP
History of PVPP
PVPP Function / Key Effects in Wine
Regulations, Certificates, Approvals
3. History of ISP ISP, a premier specialty chemical company, serving 500+ specialty
chemicals to 6000+ customers from 67 locations and 3,300
employees worldwide.
Privately Held: Business was founded in 1842 as a photographic supply house.
After a series of acquisitions and reorganizations, the business was renamed General Aniline & Film Corporation (GAF), a subsidiary of the German Chemical concern IG Farben.
Government Run: In 1942, the US government seized control of 98% of GAF under the Trading with the Enemies Act.
4. History of ISP (cont’d) 1965-1989:
Publicly Held: In 1965, GAF stock held by the US government was sold.
GAF grew through diversification and expansion.
Between 1980 and 1982 GAF divested many of its non-chemical and non-roofing businesses.
Largely Private: In 1989, management took GAF private. In 1991, GAF held an IPO for common stock of ISP, its Specialty Chemicals business. ISP common stock was listed on the New York Stock Exchange until 2003 when the company went private again.
5. History of ISP (cont’d)
6. History of Polyclar PVPP 1939
Patent for synthesis of PVP filed by Reppe
1950s and 1960s
Brewing scientists discover polyphenol adsorption capability of PVP
Solubility of PVP an obstacle for wider application in beverage industry
ISP is first patent holder on crosslinking PVP
and first to market with PVPP
Polyclar AT launched to the market
7. History of Polyclar PVPP (cont’d) 1965-1989
Polyclar approval in most European countries for beer
Launch: Polyclar 10, specialised grade for single use application
Launch: Polyclar R (later Super R), specialised grade for regeneration purpose
Polyclar approval by OIV (1980s)
Launch: Polyclar V & VT, specialised grades for wine application
Patent on ultrasonic and post-treatment of PVPP to improve filtration characteristics
Global spread of Polyclar PVPP applications in various beverage applications
Development of a pyrolysis-GC method to proof absence of PVPP in treated beverages by Cheng and Malawer, ISP
8. History of Polyclar PVPP (cont’d) 2000
Launch: Polyclar Brewbrite, improved wort settling combined with brewhouse stabilisation
Launch: Polyclar Plus, combined protein and polyphenol stabilisation
Start up of second Polyclar plant in Texas City
Launch: Polyclar XG, micronised PVPP for membrane filter application in brewing
Launch: Polyclar Granule for beer application, low dust and easy wetting PVPP granules
9. History of Polyclar PVPP (cont’d) 2009
Launch: Polyclar WINE (granule) for wine application, low dust and easy wetting PVPP granules
Development of a titration based method to measure pinking & browning potential
Development of further Polyclar granulated blends for preventative and curative must and wine treatments
10. Marl, Germany
11. Calvert, Kentucky
12. Texas City, Texas
13. Polyvinylpyrrolidone – the ‘building block’ Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is an analogue of the amino acid proline
? strong affinity to complex haze-producing polyphenols and
precursors of colour and off-flavours, such as adstringency
14. Production of Polyclar PVPP Chemically crosslinked polymer of poly (vinylpyrrolidone) manufactured at Calvert City (Kentucky, USA) and Texas City(Texas, USA)
Linear polymer chains grow by a free radical mechanism in the presence of high monomer concentration
Localized flux, creates physical chain entanglement and chemical crosslinking (by interaction with crosslinking agent and chain branch points)
Macroradicals become trapped and, due to generation of osmotic pressure, rupture yielding high concentration of new radicals
Resulting material has low swollen volume
15. Outline of manufacturing process PVPP
16. Crosslinking agents Ethylidenevinylpyrrolidone
17. PVPP manufacturing process
18. Crosslinked PVP (PVPP)
19. EM photo of Polyclar PVPPEM photo: 400x / 1000x
20. Polyphenol adsorption by Polyclar PVPP Adsorbs tannoids & haze polyphenols
Interaction based on p-orbital overlap, H-bonding and polar and hydrophobic interactions
More possible binding sites than proteins - thus PVPP is favoured by beer polyphenols
21. Key function Polyclar PVPP in wine
22. Polyclar PVPP health and safety Hazard identification: No known hazards
Eye contact: Possible irritation
Handling and storage: Avoid breathing dust
Personal protection: Dust mask when dusting cannot be avoided
Skin irritation: Not a primary irritant
Toxicity: No effect level greater than 10% of total diet
23. Safety of PVPP PVPP has a long history of use in pharmaceutical, medical, agricultural, and food industries
Extensive studies to demonstrate human & animal safety
PVPP is chemically inert & lacks biological activity
PVPP cannot bioaccumulate:
crosslinked polymer cannot cross cell membranes
hydrophilicity prevents concentration in adipose tissue
24. Approvals & certificates PVPP is a highly regulated product in a highly regulated market.
Safety first.
Compliant to
FDA regulations
Food Chemical Codex (FCC)
OIV regulations
German beer purity law (Reinheitsgebot)
New (2010) Japanese standards of food additives
Note: Polyclar currently the only approved product!
25. Approvals & certificates (cont’d) According to
EU Directive 95/2/EC (on food additives other than colours and sweeteners)
EC Regulation No 1622/2000 (laying down rules on … establishing a community code of oenological practices and processes)
EC Regulation No. 1935/2004 (materials and articles intended to come in food contact)
EC Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on the safety of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone residues in PVPP when used as food additives (April 17th 2001)
Fully aligned with HACCP principles
26. Approvals & certificates (cont’d) Certified ISO 9001:2000 for Calvert City and Texas City plant on
Design, development, manufacture and supply of
solvents, intermediates and polymers including
Marketing, sales, customer service, purchasing, corporate quality insurance and logistics
Certified ISO 14001:2004
27. Approvals & certificates (cont’d) PVPP is a highly regulated product in a highly regulated market.
Safety first.
Toxicity tests carried out to gain approvals
Acute oral toxicity
28-day feeding study (rat & dog)
90-day feeding study (rat)
180-day feeding study (dog)
Toxicity to marine dwelling organisms
28. Approvals & certificates (cont’d) Other available certificates and statements
Free from plasticisers (DEHP, NPE, PAH, …)
No use of heavy metal catalysts
PVPP produced in GMP environment
Halal & Kosher (regular Rabby visits required)
29. OIV compliance requirements
30. Polyclar PVPP A highly regulated product, produced and marketed by specialists.
ISP was
first to market with PVPP and
leading above regulative work for registration and approval
ISP holds a track record of four decades of
meeting above specifications, regulations and quality principles and
can provide comprehensive traceability of all PVPP
produced at either of the two existing PVPP plants
31. Polyclar PVPP (cont’d) A highly regulated product, produced and marketed by specialists.
Polyclar is a true processing aid:
insoluble (not partly insoluble like other polyphenol complexing reagents)
completely removable (not like enzymes, that remain in beverage)
physically interacting (hydrogen bonding, no chemical reaction)
Polyclar is marketed
by highly technical sales teams
with a strong background in the respective markets
brewers, wine-maker, food technicians, chemists
who understand needs of customers and requirements of markets
32. PVPP –
A safe product from ISP