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Extremely Large Telescopes Isobel Hook University of Oxford

Extremely Large Telescopes Isobel Hook University of Oxford. OPTICON ELT Science Working Group. OPTICON activity under EU FP5 & FP6 Over 100 volunteers Open to all Parallel to Design Study Recent meeting: Florence, Nov 2004. ELT Projects - Europe. Euro-50. VLT –UT1.

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Extremely Large Telescopes Isobel Hook University of Oxford

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  1. Extremely Large TelescopesIsobel HookUniversity of Oxford

  2. OPTICON ELT Science Working Group • OPTICON activity under EU FP5 & FP6 • Over 100 volunteers • Open to all • Parallel to Design Study • Recent meeting: Florence, Nov 2004

  3. ELT Projects - Europe Euro-50 VLT –UT1 OverWhelmingly Large (OWL)

  4. Science with a 50-100m telescope THE UNEXPECTED

  5. Our Solar System Equivalent to flotilla of spacecraft + Repeat observations *Assuming 100m telescope diffraction limit at 1mm Jovian Satellite Io

  6. ELT terrestrial planet studies – are we alone? Candidate Hot Giant Exo-planet observed with VLT/NACO (Sep 04) • 30m telescope can observe mature gas-giant exo-planets to 10-20pc • To study exo-earths, need: • large sample (~1000 stars) • to reach ~30pc • resolution (~33mas) • contrast ~1010 • >50m • Want to obtain: • Spectroscopy > O2, H2O • Orbits • Whole systems GQ Lupi b – Neuhauser et al (Apr 05)

  7. 0.5” Planet detection models for OWLO. Hainaut and R. Gilmozzi • Simulated eX-AO-corrected psf • Spectra of Sun, Jupiter, Earth • Sky • OWL efficiency simulator • Photon noise • cophasing errors Filter R, t= 10ks strehl=0.5 d = 10pc, D=100m Jupiter: S/N=80 Earth: S/N=10 100m may detect Earth to 25pc Spectroscopy to about 15pc

  8. Factors affecting contrast • Now have quantitative estimates/ simulations - or requirements on control for: • Seeing speckles (differential imaging) • Scintillation • Piston errors (static & non-static) • Coronography • Wavelength difference between WFS and science • Non common-path WF errors

  9. Giant planets Moons Rings Planetary disks gaps Low-mass (planetary?) objects Jets, outflows Planets and Stars Simulation of planetary disk formation – Lucio Mayer HST image of Eta Carinae -Morse & Davidson, NASA Gemini observations of the Orion nebula - Lucas, Roche & Riddick (2003)

  10. Resolved Stellar populations and Galaxy Formation • Measuring age & chemical composition of individual stars > merger history • Colour-mag diagram reveals multiple stellar pops • Currently limited to MW and its satellites • 30-m telescope could extend this to other galaxies in LG e.g. M32 • What about a representative slice of the Universe? • Need ~100m to reach Virgo • Overcome crowding • Collecting area Aparicio and Gallert (2004)

  11. Resolved stellar populations -II • Spectroscopic observations give dynamics (eg CaT) • Intemediate-res measures metallicity indicators • High-res spectroscopy gives abundances • Simulations needed to set requirements on • PSF shape • Stability (temporal and spatial across field) • Optimal wavelength Figure credit: Paul Harding

  12. ELT can resolve sphere of influence of Black holes at large distances from us E.g. a 100m telescope at diffraction limit can resolve 104 Mo BH out to 10 Mpc from us Supermassive 109 Mo BH at all redshifts (where they exist!) Black Holes Artist’s conception of an AGN (GLAST/NASA) M. Hughes et al

  13. Goal: to understand formation of galaxies & feedback processes (SNe, AGN) Want to spatially resolve on kpc scales: Star formation history Stellar mass Extinction Metallicity Ionisation state Line shapes (> winds) Internal dynamics Relate this to galaxy haloes Evolution of galaxies:Physics of galaxies 1<z<5 Velocity fields of distant galaxies from GIRAFFE Integral-field Unit observations (Flores et al 2004)

  14. Map evolution dark matter from 1<z<5 Understand effects of merging and feedback processes Want to measure: kinematics within large galaxies kinematics of satellites lensing of background objects (halo masses) Evolution of Galaxies:Assembly of galaxy haloes Evolution of dark matter in a galaxy halo- Abadi et al 2003

  15. Evolution of galaxies: Requirements • Similar for galaxies & haloes • Multiple IFUs: 2 types • 10 with 2”x2” • 100 with 0.5”x0.5” • R~ 5000-10000 • 0.5-2.5mm • (goal 0.3-2.5mm) • AO system for resolved studies (0.01-0.05”) • FOV >2’ (10’ goal) • ~ 1 night per field with a 100m FALCON concept (Hammer et al)

  16. z~ 6-7 galaxies have been found Higher-z must exist Old populations seen at z~6 Z~6 QSOs imply massive galaxies at earlier epochs Universe is ionised by something! Find by imaging Use JWST to find candidates? Probably too faint for JWST continuum spectroscopy 60m could reach mH~29 in 100hrs (depending on source size) Spectroscopy at z>10 hard even for 100m The First Galaxies The Universe at z=6.1 (Gnedin 2000) Neutral H, ionising intensity (z), gas density, gas temperature

  17. Probe IGM and its reionisation structure to very high redshift Possible point sources at z>10 QSOs GRBs SNe (Pop III?) Requirements: High R: 1000 –10,000 Single sources Near-IR (JHK) > 30m needed for R=104 in NIR for all except brightest GRBs Re-ionisation history of the Universe

  18. Cosmology and Fundamental parameters • What drives the expansion of the Universe? • What is the Dark Energy? • Primary distance indicators – e.g. Cepheids to z~0.1 • Type Ia Supernovae to z~4 • Type II SNe to z~10 (and get SF history for free!) • Gamma-Ray Bursts as distance indicators • QSO absorption lines • Direct measurement of expansion [e.g. CODEX, R~400,000] • Variation of fundamental parameters? Keck observations of Q1422+231 (Sargent & Rauch)

  19. Started March 2005 Collaboration of 30 participants Awarded Funding under EC Framework Programme 6 + Funding from ESO & other participants Programme managed by ESO Runs for 4 yrs (2005-2008) Focus: Enabling technology European ELT Design Study • 01000 Project coordination • 02000 Science requirements • 04000 Wave-front Control • 05000 Optical Fabrication • 06000 Mechanics • 08000 Enclosure & infrastructure • 09000 Adaptive Optics • 10000 Observatory & science ops • 11000 Instrumentation • 12000 Site Characterization • 13000 System layout, analysis & integrated modelling

  20. Adaptive Optics Simulations of AO, MCAO APE large deformable mirrors Effects of wind Wind tunnel tests Sensors on Jodrell Bank Is an enclosure necessary? Instrumentation Flexure – gravity stable platforms? ADC ELT Design Study

  21. GMT - Giant Magellan Telescope First mirror being made TMT - Thirty Meter Telescope Design study part funded Project office set up Design decision 2007 Aiming for First light 2014/2015 Japan, China, Australia also interested in ELT projects European ELT ESO council : “pursuing an ELT is an urgent priority” European Design Study started Design decision around 2008 OWL (60-100m), Euro-50… First light date depends on funding – 2016/17 (part-filled) to 2020/2021 AURA MOU with ESO to collaborate in some areas ELT Projects and Timescales

  22. http:www.saao.ac.za/IAUS232/

  23. Conclusions A lot of activity Worldwide Full science case recently completed European Technical Design Study has started Developing Science Requirements

  24. OWL simulation ESO

  25. THE END

  26. Comparison with JWST • JWST above atmosphere but many times smaller • ELTs outperform JWST in many regimes: • High-res spectroscopy to 4mm (25mm for a 100m ELT) • Imaging mode to 2.5mm (3.5mm) • High spatial resolution • Low-res spectroscopy: 100m is more sensitive up to J band for resolved objects unresolved resolved From GMT science case Detectable star formation rates from Ly a emission-line spectroscopy with an AO-fed near-IR spectrometer on the 20m GMT and NIRSPEC on JWST (10 hour integrations). For this case, a 20m telescope is able to reach about a factor 4 fainter than JWST

  27. Exo-earth Detection Comparison (Angel, 2003) Telescope wave (mm) mode S/N* (earth@10pc, t=24h) space interf 4x2m 11 nulling 8.4 Darwin, TPF space filled 7m 0.8 coron 5.5-34 JWSTAntarctic 21m 11 nulling 0.52 GMT 0.8 coron 5.9 ground 30m 11 nulling 0.34 Celt, GSMT                        0.8    coron 4.1 ground        100m 11 coron 4.0 OWL                        0.8 coron 46Antarctic 100m 11 coron 17 BOWL=better OWL                        0.8    coron 90 S/N is for detection of an Earth twin at 10pc t=24hrs, QE=0.2, bandwidthDl/l=0.2 100m has ~twice the REACH of TPF Surveys ~1000 stars cf 100

  28. Context for 2010-2020 • Maturity of current generation telescopes • AO  /D performance, 2nd gen instruments • Interferometry • IR: “Faint object” regime (K~20), astrometry (as) • ALMA mm, sub-mm “equivalent” of optical facilities • New space telescopes • JWST, XEUS, TPF/Darwin precursors… To obtain spectra of the faintest sources from HST need 30m To obtain spectra of the faintest sources from JWST need 100m JWST Gemini VLT Subaru Keck

  29. Planet Detection from the GroundLardiere et al 2003 • Assumes • System at 10pc • S/N =3 in 10hrs in the J-band. • Mauna Kea site

  30. Point Sources at z>10Detection limits estimated by J. Bergeron & M. Bremer • GRBs at R=104 • 30m could do very bright GRBs and/or within ~1 day • Bulk of GRB population at +10d need 100m (KAB=27.4) • Population-III SNe at R=104 • Massive stars (140-260 M) should explode as very bright supernovae: e.g. K=25.2 at z=12 (extrapolated from Heger et al 2001) • Detectable from the ground out to z~16 for ~one month • For z>10 this needs ELTs of 70-100m size • High-z QSOs • Bright QSOs are rare. More typical QSOs cannot be observed at R=104 even with 100m • R=2x103 could be done: e.g. to explore the metal-enrichment of the IGM at early times from CIV forest. GRB NASA / SkyWorks Digital Need R=104 NIR spectrograph

  31. Imaging Expect rest-frame UV at 8 <z<14 = 28-29 mag (vega) Redshifted to J-K Feasible with 100m and AO Feasible at lower z (e.g. in J band) with 30m Are they resolved? half-light radii 0.2” at z~6 Are they “knotty”/more compact at higher z? Instrumentation should match the scale of objects Spectroscopy Ly-a in near IR from z = 8 to 19 EW 100-200A expected Detectable with 100m Asymmetry a challenge Require 5-10 arcmin field for multiplex Could be used as background to study IGM on 1 arcmin scales (but resolved) Detectability of z=8-20 galaxies Hubble UDF image

  32. ELT Projects – N. America CELT GSMT Giant Magellan Telescope GMT (21m) TMT: Thirty Meter Telescope VLOT

  33. 100m ELT AO-8m ELT performance - Spatial Resolution 0.5 arcsec Starburst region WM WL 0.3 0.7 0.0 0.0 Giant HII region 0.6 arcsec Compact HII region VLT Globular cluster + dramatic improvement in point-source sensitivity

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