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This workshop presentation by Juliette Plouin from CEA, France, at the ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF discusses the development of klystron design, including the use of 1D and 2D steady-state codes, as well as 2D and 3D Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes for optimization. The session covers comparisons of code results, including the application of genetic algorithms for efficiency maximization. It delves into the complexities of klystron design, historical perspectives, and the challenges in predicting instabilities. The discussion also emphasizes the importance and limitations of steady-state codes in klystron development. Moreover, insights into PIC codes, including their integration of electromagnetic fields and particle simulations, are explored through examples and considerations for numerical problem-solving. Overall, this workshop provides valuable insights for engineers and researchers working on klystron optimization and design.
Software tools for klystron design optimization Juliette Plouin CEA, France ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF 18/06/2019 Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
SUMMARY • How to develop a klystron design? • 1D and 2D steady state code • 2D and 3D Particle In Cell (PIC) codes • Codes results comparison • Conclusion Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
1. How to develop a klystron design? Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
The klystron – a complicatedobject… Cavities RF propagation RFlosses Focusingcoils magnetostatics Electron gun electrostatics Collector Beamdynamics materials Beam Beamdynamics CouplingwithRF Output wave guide RF propagation The design of klystrons has long been a manualprocessguided by experience... Klystrons have been developedsince the 1940’s, beforecomputers . Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Solvingequations… Fromverysimplified… Small signal Two-Cavity“Bunching” Theory “for the two-cavity klystron, without space charge and with sinusoidal voltage modulation, the maximum efficiency is 58%.” High Power Klystrons: Theory and Practice at the SLAC, Caryotakis, 2005 …to full physics Lorenz force on electrons To each particule… At each position… At each instant… Maxwell equations + Boundary conditions…+ Initial conditions Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
2. 1D and 2D steady state codes Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
1D code : ajdisk RLC circuit • Combination of analytical formulae and electron dynamics • Klystron cavities characterized partly by RLCcircuits • quick assessment of the power and efficiency Time < 1 mn Cavities: R/Q, M, Qext, Q0, fCAV, z Beam: Vk, Ik, rbeam No magnetic field needed AJDISK (SLAC) Freelyavailable beam applegate modulation current Gain and efficiency cavity disksvelocities Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
2d codes : klys2d, klyc, … • Klystron cavities characterized by lumped circuits (f, R/Q, Q0, Qext) • PIC in frequency Time ≃ 1 mn Cavities: R/Q, M, Qext, Q0, fCAV, z and geometry (partial) Beam: Vk, Ik, rbeam Focusing mag. field : Bz0 or Bz(z) KLYS2D (Thales) KlyC (CERN) Klypwin Klys2D KlyC Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Example of optimizationwithgeneticalgorithm Efficiency Maximum Small gain signal GS 18 parameters Defining klystron AJDISK-solver: Klystron simulation based on disk model method Cost function: ~7100 GOSET genetic algorithm on Matlab freely available New set of 18 parameters, Based on configurations with the best cost function already simulated P. Hamel, this workshop Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Optimizationexamples AJDISKwithgeneticalgorithm Optimization of klystron efficiency with MOGA, Feng et al, IPAC2018 Simulation of High-Efficiency Klystrons with the COM and CSMbunching, Baikov et al., IVEC2019 Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Conclusion on steady state codes Whywe use these codes: Theyare fast, and allowoptimizationprocedure They are essential for the development of a klystron Lab and companies tend to developtheirown codes adapted to theirspecificneeds. Theirlimits: Theydon’ttakeintoaccount the wholephysics and geometry of the klystron Some of themweredeveloped for conventionalklystrons and must beadapted to bevalid for new klystron types (COM, BAC, kladistron…) Theycannotpredictinstabilities Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
3. 2D and 3D Particle In Cell (PIC) CODES Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
PARTICLE IN CELL CODES The particle-in-cell (PIC) solver, which works in the time domain, can perform a fully consistent simulation of particles and electromagnetic fields • Integration of the equations of motion. • Interpolation of charge and current source terms to the fieldmesh. • Computation of the fields on mesh points. • Interpolation of the fieldsfrom the mesh to the particle locations Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Pic codes : cst and magic CST (Dassault Systems) MAGIC 2D (Orbital ATK/Northrop Grumman) Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Cstexample Time: tens of hours Amplitude RF output power Time • To do list • Cavitytuning to getexpectedfrequencies • Mesh adaptation for results convergence • Numerical noise: must bedampedwithartificial absorption • RF signal injection: antenna, waveguide… • Find input power giving maximal efficiency • The klystron calculated performances canbevery sensitive to all theseparameters… Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Numericalproblemexamplewithcst RF output power 2,0x106cells Mesh size increases… and klystron stabilityislost! This was due to a numericalproblemwich as now been solved Time RF output power 3,8x106cells Time • Check and re-check the validity of yourresults. • Discusswith code developers! Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Magic 2d examples Time: few hours Particlevelocity Position RF output power Good stability Unstable klystron… Time Time Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Other pic codes GDFidL: workwasdone on klystron but doesn’tseem to have been continued Warpis an extensively developed open-source PIC code designed to simulate charged particle beams with high space-charge intensity. It has been developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA. It’s a free and open source code. Klystron class developed at CEA for Warp (interfaces withsuperfish and AJDisk) Conclusion in 2015: “Warp shows high potentiality to simulate the klystron as built without any assumption, but a deeper knowledge of the code is still needed.” Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Conclusions on pic codes Whywe use these codes: Theiragreement withgeometry and physics of klystrons ismuchhigher. Theyallowverification of the klystron performances afteroptimization These codes are developed and sold by privatecompanies, are maintained, and propose technical support (CST people are very active in the microwave tubes community) Theirlimits and difficulties: They are time consuming, and are not fitted for optimizationprocedure. Theyrequire good knowledge of theiroperation to avoidfakeresults. Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
4. Code results comparison Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Comparisonbetween codes - 1 Thales TH2166 klystron - 6 cavities TH2166 intermediate cavities output cavity and window input cavity • During EUCARD², a kladistronoperating in the C-band (5 GHz) has been designed and manufactured, from the design of the existing Thales klystron TH2166 in view of increasing efficiency. gun collector solenoid CEA/Thales kladistron - 16 cavities Kladistron intermediate cavities output cavity and window input cavity gun collector Same elements solenoid Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Comparisonbetween codes for th2166 A. Mollard PhD thesis Magneticfield KLYS2D MAGIC Efficiency spread [45-55%] depending on code AND configuration Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
Comparisonbetweencodes - kladistron CST P. Hamel courtesy • Efficiency spread [50-60%] depending on code simulation • The measuredefficiencyislowerthanexpected • thispoint ispresentlyexploredwithretro-simulations • spurious oscillation has been observed Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
How to predictspuriousoscillation ? • Spurious oscillation in klystrons canoccurwhen: • Backstreamingelectronsturn in resonance in the interaction lines • Monotron oscillation isexcited • In principle, thesephenomenacannotbesimulatedwith the steadystate codes (even if the conditions – high gain for example- canbepredicted). • In principle, thesephenomenacanbesimulated in PIC codes • However, the conditions leading to such oscillation canbeverytricky • Up to now, I didn’tfind a papershowingthat a spurious oscillation measured in a klystron wasproperlygenerated by a PIC code. Stillthisis an issue. Example of dedicated simulations of electronsreflectedfrom a collector, responsible of spurious oscillation Instability caused by backstreaming electrons in klystron, Fang, APAC, 2001 Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF
conclusion • No code willbe a perfectrepresentation of a klystron reality, and this has neverstopped the fabrication of good klystrons. • The development of codes has allowed the study of more complicated, subtle interaction lines. • Those last years, new efficient bunchingmethodscouldbedeveloped (COM, BAC, kladistron,…) and start to give good experimentalresults • Systematicoptimization techniques, in particularwithgeneticalgorithms, are probably a promisingtool for the future • The complete simulation of a klystron in 3D isnow possible, and helps a lot for checkingsome issues, but is not a turnkey solution. Juliette PLOUIN– ARIES Workshop on Energy Efficient RF