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XA19- Plasma screens A20- LHC (Large Hadron Collider) A21- Higgs Boson XA22- Laser rays

KMUTT July 13th 2009 – SECTION D. XA19- Plasma screens A20- LHC (Large Hadron Collider) A21- Higgs Boson XA22- Laser rays XA23- LCD screens A24- Atomic fusion XA25- Nuclear Fission XA26- Properties of Nanotubes A27- Spatial lift XA28- Black Holes XA29- Dark Matter

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XA19- Plasma screens A20- LHC (Large Hadron Collider) A21- Higgs Boson XA22- Laser rays

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KMUTT July 13th 2009 – SECTION D XA19- Plasma screens A20- LHC (Large Hadron Collider) A21- Higgs Boson XA22- Laser rays XA23- LCD screens A24- Atomic fusion XA25- Nuclear Fission XA26- Properties of Nanotubes A27- Spatial lift XA28- Black Holes XA29- Dark Matter XA30- Doppler Effect XB31- Interferences XB32- Teleportation XB33- Principle of Hologaphy XB34- Space Time XB35- A new exoplanet XB36- Tsunamis XB37- Gravitation XA1- ISS XA2- Hydrogen Cells A3- Bionic Man XA4- Big Bang theory A5- Gravitational waves XA6- Tomorrow' s computers A7- After the silicon XA8- A man on Mars XA9- Nanotechnologies and Cancer XA10-Nanoprocessors XA11-Parallel Universes XA12-Life in computers XA13-How a flash memory works? A14-Terra forming on Mars A15-Nanoparticles and Therapy XA16-Meteorological Satellites XA17-Search for Life in Space A18-STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope)

  2. KMUTT July 24h 2008– Group A D39- Nano-transistors D40- Nano-processors D41- Biologic computers D42- Genetic computer D43- Future Screens D44- New Science D45- Inert and Live D46- Tomorrow’s TV D47- Biotechnologies D48- Nanorobots D49- Travelling in Space D50- Genetic Therapy D51- The future of clones D52- Image storing D53- Tomorrow’s world D54- Tomorrow’s transports D55- Tomorrow’s sound D56- 3D imaging D57- Antimatter D58- Isotopes D59- A day of a 2050’s couple D60- Computers in 2025 D61- e-paper, e-book D62- Drones D63- 3D Printers D64- String Theory D65- E8 Theory D66- Loop Quantum Gravity D67- Supraconductivity D68- Matter-anti-matter in Therapy D69- What remains to be discovered in Science? D70- Robots in the Future + XC70 bis D71- Worm Holes D72- Go back in the Time D73- A Bionic Man D74- Gravitational waves D75- Tomorrow’s gagets D76- Artificial Man D77- Silicon in Brain D78- Neurons on a silicon chip

  3. KMUTT July 24h 2008– Group A C79- The Life of a couple in 2050 C80- Live 150 years C81- When fiction becomes realty XC82- Intelligent computer XC83- Future Screens XC83 bis C84- New Science C85- Inert and Live XC86- Tomorrow’s TV XC87- Biotechnologies XC88- Nanorobots XC88 bis XC89- Travelling in Space C90- Genetic Therapy XD91- Principle of Holography XD92- Application of Holography XD93- Robots in tomorrow’s life D95- Management of catastrophisms D96- Prevent catastrophisms D98- Drones for fire detections XD99- Tsunamis prevention XD100- Submarine robots D101- When fiction becomes reality XD102- How a Hard Disk works? XD103- How a flash memory works? D104- How a laser works? XD105- How a LED works? XD106- Airplanes in 2025 XD107- Cars in 2025 XD108- Robots in a house XD109- Cryptography XD110- A human clone? XD111- Bionic man D112- STM applications XD113- Robots in tomorrow’s life D114- Spatial lift D115- Neurons on a silicon chip XD116- Big Bang theory D117- Continental drift D118- When fiction becomes realty

  4. KMUTT July 24h 2008– Group D D119- Tomorrow’s sound D120- Biotechnologies D121- Image storing D122- The future of clones D123- Parallel Universes XD124- Teleportation D125- Inert and Live

  5. The micro-projects will be done by team of 2 students 1° Chose the topic 2° Make a POWERPOINT (10 to 12 slides) + document to explain briefly each slide (Few word pages) information: pdurouchoux@hotmail.com sanan@cpe.kmutt.ac.th Micro-projects to be given back to Sanan at CPE office up to 5:pm: A good work corresponds to: A17.ppt + A17.doc - a choice of an original topic - a subject nicely treated - an original powerpoint presentation (clear, attractive, images + videos) - very clear explanations in the word Good work! PhD KMUTT, July 2009 Monday July 26th, 2009

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