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1. Put the latest versions of the NASA IMS on the wiki as they become available – Hilary Smith Callis SOFIA IMS is available on Windchill – L1 and L2 milestones distributed at monthly SI telecons .
1. Put the latest versions of the NASA IMS on the wiki as they become available – Hilary Smith CallisSOFIA IMS is available on Windchill – L1 and L2 milestones distributed at monthly SI telecons . 2. Coordinate the plan for loading PI and CWRs onto the plane – Martin Ruzek, Scott Horner, Eric Becker, Ed HarmonSee presentation by Charlie Kaminski this afternoon .3. Create a “web tree” of all the SOFIA websites and how they relate to each other … – Dana BackmanIncluded in presentation by Scott Horner this afternoon .4. Obtain information on power cleanliness from Jonathan Barraclaw and send to Scott Horner – Eric Becker Pending .5. Download Dryden airworthiness guidelines documents from NX and post to the SI wiki – Hilary Smith CallisAvailable at https://wiki.sofia.usra.edu/twiki/bin/view/SIDevWeb/AirworthinessInfo .6. Talk to telescope staff about G load requirements and report back to SI teams – Eric Becker Pending .7. Provide existing ferry flight vibration data to Scott Horner – Steve Jensen Pending .8. Provide overview of aircraft power budget to Scott Horner – Steve Jensen Pending .9. Prepare requirements to support a request for EMI monitoring and mapping on the aircraft – Tom Roellig Pending .10. Provide a presentation … that shows roles and responsibilities of QA people … – Angela WrayPending Action Items from SITR #22 – April 28, 2009