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Krakatoa. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1203028/Will-Krakatoa-rock-world-Last-time-killed-thousands-changed-weather-years-deadlier.html. Magma rising through the crust to form volcanoes. Types of Volcanoes. Shield Composite Cone Cinder Cone.

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  1. Krakatoa http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1203028/Will-Krakatoa-rock-world-Last-time-killed-thousands-changed-weather-years-deadlier.html

  2. Magma rising through the crust to form volcanoes

  3. Types of Volcanoes Shield Composite Cone Cinder Cone

  4. Cinder Cone Volcanoes • Small • Layers of tephra (pyroclastic material)

  5. Cinder Cone Volcano

  6. Shield Volcanoes • Very wide basaltic lava flows • Low Viscosity (runny lava) • Hawaii

  7. Hot Spot Volcano Tracks

  8. How Hawaii Formed – Hot Spot Volcanic Island Chain Basaltic (mafic) lava flows (dark and dense) (pahoo-hoo & ahah

  9. ah-ah pahoehoe

  10. Composite Cone Volcano • Large & powerful • Most common at Oceanic – Continental convergent zones (Andes, Cascades) • Alternating layers of ash and lava • Mt. St. Helens • Mt. Vesuvius

  11. Types of volcanoes

  12. Volcano Types

  13. Caldera type Volcano(super volcanoes) • After an eruption, a volcano may collapse and form a giant crater called a Caldera Volcano. • 1 - 100 km in diameter. • Most explosive of Earth's volcanoes.

  14. Caldera Formation

  15. Crater Lake, Oregon

  16. Parts of a Volcano

  17. Virtual Volcano!!!!!! • http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/pompeii/interactive/interactive.html

  18. Pyroclastic Material (tephra) • Cloud of fragments ejected from a volcano • Ash: very fine • Cinders: little bigger • Bombs: large ejecta Mt. St. Helens eruption

  19. What affects Eruptions? • Dissolved gasses will increase pressure (more gas = more explosive eruption) • Trapped H2O vapor and CO2 • Composition of Lava (granitic vs. basaltic) • Viscosity – a substances resistance to flow • i.e. syrup is more viscous than water

  20. Volcano Eruptions! • http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/pompeii/interactive/interactive.html

  21. Would you survive Pompeii?

  22. Or will you end up like this!!!

  23. Surviving Pompeii • http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/pompeii/quiz/quiz.html • Other video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZCou2qkFKM&feature=related

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