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PRESENTATION ON AWP & B 2012-13 MID-DAY MEAL SCHEME Govt. of Assam Education (Elementary) Department Kahilipara , Guwahati-19 email : assammdm@gmail.com. WELCOME TO ASSAM. Profile of Assam. No. of Districts - 27 Sixth Schedule area district – 6
PRESENTATION ON AWP & B 2012-13 MID-DAY MEAL SCHEME Govt. of Assam Education (Elementary) Department Kahilipara, Guwahati-19 email : assammdm@gmail.com
Profile of Assam • No. of Districts - 27 • Sixth Schedule area district – 6 • Total Population - 26655528 (as per 2001 census) • Total child population (Age gr. 6-14 years) – 5879570 • Literacy rate according to 2011 census provisional : Male - 78.81 Female- 67.26 Total – 73.18
No. of Educational Institutions approved by PAB & Serving MDM (class I -VIII) for 2011-12
Average No. of Children Availed Mid-Day Meal, 2011-12 (up to Dec./2011)
No. of cook-cum helper engaged under MDMS, 2011-12 (up to Dec/2011)
Utilisation of foodgrains during 2011-12(upto Dec./2011) ( in MT)
Cost of Meal per child per school day as per State Nutrition / Expenditure norms including both Central & State share
Payment of cost of foodgrains (Class- I to VIII), 2011-12to FCI (up to Dec./2011)
Utilisation of cooking cost, 2011-12 (Central share + State share) (up to Dec./2011) ( in Lakh)
Utilisation of honararium to cook-cum-helpers, 2011-12 (up to Dec/11) ( in Lakh)
Utilisation of Central Assistance towards Transportation Assistance during 2011-12 (class I-VIII) (up to Dec./2011) ( in Lakh)
Utilisation of Central Assistance towards MME fund during 2011-12 (class I-VIII) (up to Dec/2011) ( in Lakh)
Construction of kitchen shed during 2011-12 (class I-VIII) (up to Dec/2011)
Utilisation of Central Assistance towards procurement of Kitchen Devices during 2011-12 (class I-VIII) ( Rs. in Lakh)
PROPOSAL FOR 2012-13No. of Educational Institution proposed for (class I -VIII) for 2012-13
Requirement of foodgrains ,Cost of foodgrains, Cooking cost, Transportation cost for 2012-13 against proposed 210 days (LP), 220 days (UP) Rs. ( in Lakh)
Requirement of foodgrains, Cost of foodgrains, Cooking cost, Transportation cost 2012-13 against proposed 312 days (NCLP Schools) Rs. ( in Lakh)
New Initiative for 2012-13 • MDM logo are being provided in all Govt. & provincialised LP, UP stage Schools, AIE centres, Madrassa & Moqtab and NCLP Schools. • Posters on Mid-Day Meal Scheme are proposed to be distributed in the schools for popularisation of the Scheme. • Annual Calendar with daily menu indicating days on which MDM to be served. • One Documentary film (duration – 15 minutes) reflecting various aspects of Mid-Day Meal proposed to be produced. • One day training for cook-cum-helper. • Apron & hat for cook-cum-helper to be provided. • The scheme to be monitored by reputed retired teachers. • Introduction of IVRS in 4 districts during 2012-13 as pilot project. • Third Party Evaluation is proposed in this year also to study the lapses of the scheme towards remedial measure • Publication of booklet reflecting success stories pertaining to the achievement of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme.
Grievance Redressed Mechanism Cell • Grievance Redressed Mechanism Cell has been formed to streamline the scheme. • 24 complaints so far received. • DNOs have been asked to enquire into the complaints and to submit reports and 14 complaints have been disposed off.
State level Review –cum- Monitoring As per direction of the State level Steering –cum-Monitoring Committee a sub-committee constituted which have been regularly reviewing and monitoring the scheme under the Chairmanship of Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Education (Ele.) Department. The committee meeting was held on 17th March/2012 where representative of FCI, Food & Civil Supply, Co-Operation Deptt., Teachers’ Association, Principal Secretary BTAD and officers of the Education (Ele.) Department were present.