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TOK Year One @ a Glance . Aims. develop a fascination with the richness of knowledge as a human endeavour , and an understanding of the empowerment that follows from reflecting upon it
Aims • develop a fascination with the richness of knowledge as a human endeavour, and an understanding of the empowerment that follows from reflecting upon it • develop an awareness of how knowledge is constructed, critically examined, evaluated and renewed, by communities and individuals
AIMS • encourage students to reflect on their experiences as learners, in everyday life and in the DP, and to make connections between academic disciplines and between thoughts, feeling and actions • encourage an interest in the diversity of ways of thinking and ways of living of individuals and communities, and an awareness of personal and ideological assumptions, including of the responsibilities originating from the relationship between knowledge, the community and the individual as citizen of the world.
Objectives 1. Analyze critically knowledge claims, their underlying assumptions and their implications 2. generate questions, explanations, conjectures, hypotheses, alternative ideas and possible solution in response to knowledge issues concerning areas of knowledge, ways of knowing and students’ own experience as learners 3. demonstrate an understanding of different perspectives on knowledge issues 4. draw links and make effective comparisons between different approaches to knowledge issues that derive from areas of knowledge, ways of knowing, theoretical positions and cultural values 5. demonstrate an ability to give a personal, self-aware response to a knowledge issue 6. formulate and communicate ideas clearly with due regard for accuracy and academic honesty.
TOK – A different sort of class • Subject Study = “What” “When” and “Where” • E.g. in Math, you study specific formulas and procedures (what). In Biology, you study where in the body certain organs are found and what they do. In Economics you may explore when a good time would be to buy stock. • TOK is not concerned with these questions. All we will ask is “How” and “Why”. • We are not concerned with what you know, but how you know it, and why does it matter?
You & Knowledge • Write down 5 things you feel you “Know” (about anything) • What is the process by which you came to know those things? • Are you 100% Certain that you are right? • If not, do you still know?
Three Major Units • Knowers, Knowing, and Truth • Responsibilities • Issues • Complexities • Ways of Knowing • Reason • Perception • Language • Emotion • Areas of Knowledge • Natural Sciences • Human Sciences • History • Ethics • Math • Arts
Assessment • Knowledge Issues! • Knowledge issues are questions that directly refer to our understanding of the world, ourselves and others, in connection with the acquisition, search for, production, shaping and acceptance of knowledge. These will be central to the two main assessments in this course (the EA and the IA).
Assessment • EA (External Assessment) • 40 pts (66% final score) • Each student must submit for external assessment an essay on any one of the ten titles prescribed by the IBO for each examination session. • The titles ask generic questions about knowledge and are cross-disciplinary in nature. They may be answered with reference to any part or parts of the TOK course, to specific disciplines, or with reference to opinions gained about knowledge both inside and outside the classroom. • The titles are not meant to be treated only in the abstract, or on the basis of external authorities. In all cases, essays should express the conclusions reached by students through a sustained consideration of knowledge issues; claims and counterclaims should be formulated and main ideas should be illustrated with varied and effective examples that show the approach consciously taken by the student. • Essays should demonstrate the student’s ability to link knowledge issues to areas of knowledge and ways of knowing.
A Ssessment • IA (Internal Assessment) • 20 pts (33% final score) • Students must make one or more individual and/or small group presentations to the class during the course. • The TOK presentation requires students to identify and explore the knowledge issues raised by a substantive real-life situation that is of interest to them. • Presentations may take many forms, such as lectures, skits, simulations, games, dramatized readings, interviews or debates. Students may use supporting material such as videos, MS PowerPoint presentations overhead projections, posters, questionnaires, recordings of songs or interviews, costumes, or props. • Under no circumstances, however, should the presentation be simply an essay read aloud to the class.
What is Knowledge? • What is the difference between knowledge, belief, and truth? • Can a person be said to know something without believing it is true? • Can a person believe something without knowing that it is true? • Does belief in something make it true? • Would you be better described as a “knower”, “believer”, “meaning maker” or something else? Explain.