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FNAL Contributions to CMS Upgrades. Erik Gottschalk June 6, 2013. Overview. Motivation and scope of U.S. CMS upgrades CMS upgrades and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) schedule U.S. CMS upgrades HCAL upgrade FPIX upgrade Trigger upgrade LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project
FNAL Contributions to CMS Upgrades Erik Gottschalk June 6, 2013 Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Overview • Motivation and scope of U.S. CMS upgrades • CMS upgrades and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) schedule • U.S. CMS upgrades • HCAL upgrade • FPIX upgrade • Trigger upgrade • LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project • Key Performance Parameters • Project Organization • Schedule • FNAL contributions to the “LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project” Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Motivation & Scopeof the U.S. CMS Upgrades Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
U.S. CMS Upgrade Motivation • U.S. CMS Upgrades are LUMINOSITY DRIVEN • Pileup mitigation is the biggest issue • Radiation damage is also an issue • The goal of the upgrades is to preserve the ability to reconstruct all Standard Model objects and Missing Et at higher luminosity than the original design, but which it now seems the LHC will reach. Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
CMS Detector Muon Detectors Magnet Hadron Calorimeter Electromagnetic Calorimeter Si Strip Tracker • Not shown (off-detector) • Muon Trigger • Calorimeter Trigger Pixel Detector Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
U.S. CMS Detector Upgrades Muon Detectors Magnet Hadron Calorimeter 401.02 Electromagnetic Calorimeter Si Strip Tracker • Not shown (off-detector) • Muon Trigger • Calorimeter Trigger Pixel Detector 401.04 401.03 Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
What is NOT included in this talk… • This presentation covers U.S. CMS Upgrades that are part of the CMS upgrades that are referred to as “Phase 1 upgrades”. • This presentation does NOT cover the following: • LS1 improvements – these are improvements to CMS that are occurring now, during Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) • Phase 1 upgrades (e.g. BPIX) that are not part of the scope of U.S. CMS Upgrades. • Phase 2 upgrades – these are upgrades that are being planned for construction in 10+ years • CMS Operations Program – this is the program that receives funding to operate CMS, and will take responsibility for the operation of the upgraded detectors Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
CMS Upgrades andthe LHC Schedule Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
CMS at LHC Point 5 No access when beam is running Can be accessed when beam is running Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Projected LHC Performance • CMS was built to operate up to a luminosity of 1 E34 cm-2s-1 at 25 ns bunch spacing. • After Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) the projected luminosity is expected to surpass 1 E34 cm-2s-1, and will start up at 50ns bunch spacing. • This sets the time scale for CMS upgrades. Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
CMS Upgrade Program • LS1 Projects: in production • Complete muon coverage (ME4) • Improve muon operation (ME1), DT electronics • Replace HCAL photo-detectors in HF (new PMTs) and HO (HPDSiPM) 2018 >2022 2015 LS1 LS2 LS3 • Phase 1 Upgrades • Pixel detector replacement (FPIX) • HCAL electronics upgrade (HCAL) • L1-Trigger upgrade (Trigger) • Phase 2 Upgrades (scope to be defined) • Tracker Replacement, Track Trigger • Forward Region: Calorimetry and Muons? • Further Trigger upgrade? Goal of Phase 1 Upgrades: achieve at least the same efficiency, and hopefully better, than we had at 7x1033 at 8 TeVwith the LHC operating at 2x1034 at 14 TeV for 25 ns or 50 ns bunch spacing. Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
U.S. CMS Upgrades(specifically “Phase 1 Upgrades”) Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Evolution of the Phase 1 Plans • Technical Proposal for the Upgrade of the CMS detector through 2020 (CERN-LHCC-2011-006) • HCAL Phase 1 TDR (CERN-LHCC-2012-015 ; CMS-TDR-10. – 2012) • Pixel Phase 1 Upgrade TDR (CERN-LHCC-2012-016 ; CMS-TDR-11, 9/2012) • TRIGGER Phase 1 TDR in preparation for submission to the June 11-13 LHCC meeting 2011 2012 2013 • TDRs provide a strong physics case • LHCC : “The LHCC endorses the HCAL and pixel upgrade without reservations” U.S. CMS plans and CDR for the Upgrade Project are based on the 3 TDRs in which U.S. groups have a leading role. Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades 13
U.S. CMS Detector Upgrades Muon Detectors Magnet Hadron Calorimeter 401.02 Electromagnetic Calorimeter Si Strip Tracker • Not shown (off-detector) • Muon Trigger • Calorimeter Trigger Pixel Detector 401.04 401.03 Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) Upgrade Hadron Calorimeter 401.02 Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
HCAL Upgrade • Description of scope of HCAL upgrade • Improve performance by increasing depth segmentation and bandwidth, new triggering capabilities, and reduction of backgrounds. Replace the hybrid-photo detectors in the Barrel and Endcap with silicon photomultipliers. Replace readout electronics to increase the bandwidth. Upgrade the off detector electronics to allow for a higher bandwidth and improved trigger information. BeforeUpgrade AfterUpgrade • HCAL upgrade provides: • Improved separation of hadronic clusters • Longitudinal isolation of electrons and muons • Uniform energy density for hadron showers as a function of readout depth • Minimization of resolution degradation due to radiation damage to scintillators & WLS fibers Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Forward Pixel (FPIX) Upgrade Pixel Detector Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Forward Pixel (FPIX) Upgrade Forward Pixel Detector (FPIX) 401.03 Barrel Pixel Detector (BPIX) Pixel Detector Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
FPIX Upgrade • Description of scope of FPIX upgrade • Provision of two endcap pixel detectors, each consisting of modules of 100m x 150m pixels, organized into 6 half-disks, housed in 2 half-cylinders capable of integration into the CMS services, data acquisition system, and slow control system. • FPIX upgrade provides: • Improved identification of primary and secondary vertices and secondary tracks • Reduction in loss of data due to larger number of tracks at higher luminosity • Reduction of material in tracking volume, reduces multiple scattering and photon conversions Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Trigger Upgrade Muon Detectors Hadron Calorimeter Electromagnetic Calorimeter • Not shown (off-detector) • Muon Trigger • Calorimeter Trigger 401.04 Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Trigger Upgrade • Description of scope of Trigger Upgrade • Layer-1 of the Upgrade Calorimeter Trigger consisting of calorimeter trigger cards in Micro-TCA crates with fiber optics and associated infrastructure and spares. Upgrade EndcapMuon Trigger consisting of Muon Port Card Mezzanines plus Sector Processor Cards and Muon Sorter Card in Micro-TCA crates with fiber optics, associated infrastructure and spares. • Trigger upgrade provides: • Improved calorimeter trigger with higher granularity, better algorithms, and integration of calorimeter and muon data for muon isolation • Improved muon trigger consolidates track-stub finding & better coverage for overlap regions • Improved global trigger with more powerful object algorithms Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
U.S. CMS Upgrade Project Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Key Performance Parameters • Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) define the scope and deliverables of the Project, and define successful completion (CD-4) for the Project. • Threshold KPP – Minimum acceptable outcome for CD-4 • Objective KPP – Desired outcome for CD-4 • U.S. CMS Upgrade Project has 3 KPPs • HCAL • FPIX • Trigger Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Key Performance Parameters • HCAL • Threshold – Completed production of the HCAL Front End and Back End electronics for HF and HB/HE. Installation and commissioning of the HCAL Back End electronics for HF and HB/HE. Demonstration that the Front End electronics can be read out and has the full design functionality. Demonstration that the HCAL Front End electronics is ready to install. Test stand integration of the HCAL electronics and demonstration of the full design functionality. • Objective – Complete installation and commissioning of the HCAL Front End in UXC5 and Back End in USC5. Integrated with the CMS data acquisition and reading out data. Demonstrated to have the full design functionality. • FPIX • Trigger USCMS Operations Review -- Overview of Phase I Upgrade
Key Performance Parameters • HCAL • FPIX • Threshold – Complete four half cylinders, each with three disks. System is demonstrated by read out in test stand at CERN and turned over to CMS Technical Coordination to install. • Objective – Four half cylinders, each with three disks and one spare half disk for rapid replacement. System is demonstrated by read out in test stand at CERN and turned over to CMS Technical Coordination to install. • Trigger USCMS Operations Review -- Overview of Phase I Upgrade
Key Performance Parameters • HCAL • FPIX • Trigger • Threshold – Demonstration of 98% agreement between upgrade trigger electronics and software emulation of the electronics through test pattern injection based on data taken after LS1, followed by demonstration of reduction of calorimeter and endcapmuon trigger rates for electrons, photons, muons and taus with respect to the present system by a factor of two for a reduction of less than 15% efficiency using the trigger emulator run on data taken after LS1. Incorporation of unganged ME1/1a data into the endcapmuon trigger logic. USCMS Operations Review -- Overview of Phase I Upgrade
DOE Project Organization DOE Integrated Project Team (IPT) includes NSF representative. NSF CA PI (assuming the Cooperative Agreement is approved) is Deputy Project Manager. Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Organization Chart to Level 2 Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Organization Chart to Level 3 Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
401.02 HCAL WBS USCMS Operations Review -- Overview of Phase I Upgrade
401.03 FPIX WBS USCMS Operations Review -- Overview of Phase I Upgrade
401.04 Trigger WBS USCMS Operations Review -- Overview of Phase I Upgrade
CD Schedule • CD-0: Approve Mission Need (Sept. 2012) • Director’s Independent Conceptual Design Review (May 14-16, 2013) • Cost and Schedule Assessment (May 15-17, 2013) • Director’s CD-1 Readiness Review (July 16-18, 2013) • DOE CD-1 Review (August 26-27, 2013) • CD-1: Approve Alternative Selection and Cost Range (FY13) • CD-2: Approve Performance Baseline (FY13) • CD-3: Approve Start of Construction (FY14) • CD-4: Approve Project Completion (FY18) Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
FNAL Contributions to LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
U.S. CMS Upgrade – Preliminary Cost Table • FNAL is contributing to Project Management (401.01), HCAL (401.02), and FPIX (401.03). • FNAL is not contributing to the Trigger (401.04), but is assisting with the effort needed to prepare for upcoming reviews. • The following cost table is preliminary. Costs will change in the next 2 weeks, but the table provides a rough estimate of FNAL involvement in the Project. Fermilab Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
FNAL Roles in the Upgrade • Project Management (401.01) • Project Manager and Deputy • Project Controls and Finance • Project Risk Manager, Project Mech. Engineer, Project Elec. Engineer • HCAL (401.02) • QIE ASIC • Most front-end electronics • Work with others on SiPM R&D and production • FPIX (401.03) • L2 Manager • Engineering design • Electronics readout chain • Module testing calibration • Integration center for disks and half cylinders Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
FNAL Involvement in HCAL • QIE ASIC engineering (Tom Zimmerman, Jim Hoff). FADC chip for HCAL upgrade. • Expertise developing front end cards based on QIE (Sergey Los, Teri Shaw). Design front end card for HCAL upgrade. • SiPM system design (Sergey Los). Based on HO Upgrade, focus into central HCAL environment and specs. • Firmware programming (Tom Fitzpatrick). Firmware for front end card FPGA (replaces CCA ASIC in new upgrades). • ASIC automated testing (Al Baumbaugh, Scott Holm). Test QIE among other new chips. • Thermo-electric system design for front ends (Sergey Los). Power management and cooling design for HCAL upgrade. • Large scale front end system design and integration (Terri Shaw). System engineering for HCAL front end system. • Optical fiber polishing (Eileen Hahn). Polish ODUs for HCAL upgrade. • Vacuum deposition (Eileen Hahn). Mirroring fibers, depositing exotic materials like PTP and ZnO for R&D for HCAL Phase 2 upgrade. Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
FNAL Involvement in FPIX • Electrical/electronics: • Al cable testing, port card design: Sergey Los • HDI design and testing: Mike Matulik and a layout technician in PPD. For testing, a postdoc or graduate student and technician help from SIDET will be needed. • DC-DC conversion testing: Simon Kwan, LalithPerera and Ryan Rivera are working on prototype testing. Jeff Andresen will be needed to work on layout for pilot detector board. • Pixel Opto-hybrid: Alan Prosser, John Chramowicz and Jeff Andresen working on design, testing, and review. • Pixel ROC and TBM wafer probing: CristianGingu will work on probing and ask for a postdoc or graduate student to help with testing. • Mechanical: • Operation of the CO2 cooling plant: Erik Voirin • Design, prototype fabrication, and testing of the C-C ring and TPG: Cm Lei, David Butler, Eileen Hahn, Bert Gonzalez, and a designer. • Lead mechanical engineer: Greg Derylo • Installation of pilot system at CERN: David Butler and a second technician. • Consultation on mechanics for pilot system: Joe Howell. • Sensor testing: • Support from SIDET: Bert Gonzalez, Tammy Hawkes. Sensor testing: Lorenzo Uplegger. • System test: • Support from SIDET technicians, Mike Roman and his team. Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Conclusion • PAC Charge: • The U.S. contributions to the CMS upgrade continue to be better defined and developed. We ask the PAC to comment on the proposed contributions, and what will be needed from the laboratory to make the upgrade successful. • The LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project is well defined and developed. A resource loaded schedule is being developed for the next Director’s Review (July 2013) and subsequent DOE CD-1 Review (August 2013). • Quoting a statement fromthe final report for the May 14-16, 2013 Director’s Independent Conceptual Design Review: • “The designs are in all cases judged to be well advanced and in most cases are beyond the conceptual design level. They provide a good basis for establishing the cost and schedule range and are therefore a good foundation for proceeding to DOE CD-1.” • To make the upgrade successful, we encourage the Lab to support the Fermilab contributions that are identified in the Project’s resource loaded schedule. Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades
Additional Slides Fermilab PAC, June 2013 Meeting -- CMS Upgrades