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„The Effect of Water on Human Beings”. from 24 to 28 February , 2014 Ráckeve. EFFEcTIVE USAGE OF WATER. Preface This newspaper is the result of the activities , work and ideas of our task : ” How to use water in a more effective way ”.
„The Effect of Water on Human Beings” from 24 to 28 February, 2014 Ráckeve
Preface Thisnewspaper is theresult of theactivities, work and ideas of ourtask: ”Howtousewaterin a more effectiveway”. Itwaspublishedby Hungary, Ráckevei Árpád Fejedelem PrimarySchoolwiththematerial of Turkish, Spanish, Italian, German, Hungarian and SwissschoolswhoparticipateinthisMultilateral Comenius Project: „ The Effect of Wateron Human Beings”. Asweallknowthatthewaterecologicalbalance is under an increasingthreateningby human mankindbecause of unconscious, extravagantuseofwaterathome, atagriculture and atindustry. Withthisnewspaperweaimtoraiseawareness of ourpupils and local peopletousewater more consciously.
They must realizetheimportance of havingpositiveattitudetothisproblem and having interest aboutusingwaterresources more efficiantly, inordernottohavewatershortageintheearth and nottolivewithoutwaterinthefuture. It is alsoourtasktomakepupils, asfuturecitizenscontributeinavoidingwastingwater and getbenefitfromitfortheirhealthanddaily life. Asyoudearreaderwillseeallthe partner schoolshavetremendousmotivationtodrawattentiontotrytosolvethisbigproblem of ourmankind. Ráckevei Árpád Fejedelem PrimarySchool Ráckeve Hungary
The effective way of using water The Boat mill of Ráckeve
Our city has been an importantplaceforwatermillssincethe 17th century, asmillingwasthe most importantindustryin Ráckeve. In 1720 therewerealready 5 boatmillsontheriverDanube.Thelastboatmillin Hungary wasfoundin Ráckeve. Thismillunfortunatelysankduringthehardwinter of 1968, whentheicebroketheboat’ wheel and tookthehouseboatandmill down withit. In 2006 theMunicipalBoard of Ráckeve initiatedthe idea of reconstructingit.„Itwas and again can be oursymbol.
The mill’srebuildingwasbasedonwrittenrecords, photos and drawings. The aimwastorecreatetheoncelivelymillingtraditionsthatexistedalongtheDanube. The project wasdevelopedwanderthrough and seehowallthemachineryworks.Thegrindingprocess is poweredby an electric motor. The main sponsor of theboatmill project was and tothisday is the local RackeveGovernmentboard. Great co-operationamongstthelocalscreatedtheboat-mill. Enterpreneurs, traders, industrialists and residentswereallinon building theBoat Mill.
Fromone of itssistercities; GyergyócsomafalvaTransylvania , Ráckeve receivedrawmaterialssuchaswood. And finally a bigthankstotheChatolic and ReformedChurch of Ráckeve fortheiroutstandingongoingsupport of the project! SoyoucanfindHungary’sfirstreconstructed and fullyfunctioningboatmillin Ráckeve. Youcanobservetheprocess of grindinggrainonce a weekduringscheduleddemonstrations.
Project with the support of the Europian Union Protect water in the Danube Water economic improvevement on the River Danube in Ráckeve.
Toimprovethewater flow intheDanubebed. • Thatmeans an improvement of thequalityofthewaterintheDanube. • Tocontrolthewaterlevel • Torepair and protecttheexistingmonumentsneartheDanube. • Toreconstructthedrainbarrierin Tass. • Todeveloptheshiplocksystemin Tass • To monitor and watchthesurfaceandundersurfacewaterintheterritory.
Report on the activities related to the issue of efficient and eco-friendly use of water resources.
The path related to the agreed theme took over the previously carried out activities of the partnership. For activities , our school collaborated with an association of consumer protection Pupils were led to discover the value of water for life and develop the awareness that water wich can be used by men ( fresh water) is only a small amount compared to that present on the planet , which is, for the most part, salt water or in form of ice. Children noticed the difference between fresh water and drinking water and water purification processes that make it potable. Pupils have pondered about the problems of environmental pollution and contamination of water resources.
They were involved in the search for common use products with low environmental impact and thought about direct and indirect water requirements of every consumer and how you can limit the use and save water. They discovered that each of us can help preserving this precious resource by changing habits and becoming conscious consumers.
Here some tips and suggestion to use water in a more efficient way in every day life: • turn off the tap when not in use • do not run the water while brush your teeth, soap your hands or do shampoo: use running water only to rinse out. • use the dishwasher and washing only full loads • if you do not have a dishwasher , use tap water only to rinse • take a shower instead of a bath
two children can bathe together in the tub • use the water in the bathtub to wash the floor or when you use the toilet • put in taps a small holes in jet- • reduce the jet flushing in the toilet with a discharge with different buttons or put a plastic bottle filled with water to reduce water consumption • wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl rather than under running water , then use it to water the plants
uses water from cooking vegetables to water the plants : the mineral salts contained will serve as fertilizer • collect rainwater and use it for watering plants • use cooking pasta water to wash your dishes , the starch content in this water removes grease and saves detergent • use ecological detergents and in small quantities • when you wash your car use water from a bucket, instead of using the tube.
WATER POLLUTION Lastly, thepollution of water is affectingseas and theriversandaboveall, a variety of wateranimals. Thismay be due: theoilshipsleaks and spotsthesea. Inadditionthepipesgoingintonuclearbreak and thetoxicwastepollutestheoceans. The peoplethrowthefilth, glass, plastictothesea. The seatortoisesthinkthatplasticbagsarejellyfish and whentheyeatthemtheydrown. Thereareradioactivefish and theyareincreasing more and more. InthenorthPolethepolarbearsaregoing out of theirhabitatbecauseofthepollution and theglobalwarming. Wehavetotakebettercare of thewaterresources and worryabouttheanimalsandtheenvironment
The water problems We are writing about the water because is very important for life. 1. The water is drinking and non drinking, the non drinking water is bad.
2.The tsunami is a big problem because it smashes houses and buildings, animals and people die.
3.The contamination is a big a problem because the water is dirty and the animals die. Aroa Garcia, Jan Antón and Stella Luna SPAIN - 10 years old
Comenius water!! In this water project Aina, Javi and Noeliawantto show our comenius with countries. This year we are working with Hungary! We hope you are pleased!
IDEAS TO SAVE THE WATER!! 1-Don’t leave the tap open. 2-Don’t throw so when flash. 3-To take a shower
COMENIUS WATER! We want to write about water because is very important for animals, humans and plants ... Humans pollute the water and die because our beings.
DO NOT CONTAMINATE 1.When webrushteeththewater is closed. 2.Do not play withwater 3 .Donotcontaminate 4. Donotusewaterwhennotneeded.
OnJanuary 29, 2014, the Comenius groupfromJettingenGermanywentbybustotheclosebybreweryTannhausen. The BrauhausThannhausen is a brewerywithagreathistory. More than 500 years, local beer is made inthesmallvillageThannhausen, whichliesinthetrianglebetween Augsburg and GünzburgKrumbach. Today, thebeers of thetraditionalbrands "Postbräu" and "mint" arebrewed. Inaddition, theThannhausen King Ludwig Castle Kaltenberg producestheproductswhicharesoldunderthename of "Thannhäuser" Softdrinksincludingmineralwaterthatcomesfromitsown, 200 metersdeep mountain source.
The brewerwarmlywelcomedthe Comenius groupatthebrewery, and ledthemthroughthebrew house, boilerhouse, thefermentingroom, thestoragecellar, the filter cellartothebottling, actuallytoallthosestationswhicharenecessaryforthebeerproduction. He explainedthatthewholebrewingprocessstartswiththecrushing of thequalityroastedmalt. Crushedmalt is mixed withwater and pumpedintothemashtub. Theredissolveatdifferenttemperatures (45-76 °) duetotheenzymaticprocessesstarch and proteinsfromthecells of maltgrain. The end product of mashing is fermentablemaltsugars, of whichlaterinthefermentationalcohol and CO2 is formed.
InLautertunthehusks of cerealgrainsareseparatedfromthemashbymeansof a sieve-likebottom. Theyremainatthebottom of thetub and becomelaterfodder. Butthedrainingclear fluid is pumpedintotheSpicepan and marketed forcooking. Duringtheapproximately 60-minute cookingprocessdifferenthopsgiftsare made (ie, differentqualityvarieties and quantitiesaccordingtotheparticulartype of beer). Byboilingtheliquid is sterilized, ontheotherhand, the protein is precipitated. The excessfromthewashing out of thelauteringwater is evaporated. Sothewortforeachbrew is fixed. Afterboiling, thewortintheso-called hot tub is initiatedinwhichtheprecipitated protein is excreted. Thenthewort is cooled.
Thenthetimelyrequiredyeast is addedtoconvertthesugarsfromthewortintoalcohol and carbonicacidinthefermentation tank. Nowthegreenbeerseveralweeks of storagesubjected (at 0 to - 1 ° C), beforefinallythelastpendingoperations: protein particles and yeastsareremovedbythefiltration of beer. Nowit is so far: The finalproduct is bottled and barreled, and is readyfortheconnoisseurs. Inthelaboratory of thebrewery, thestudentswereallowedtopenetrateaswell. The chemicallaboratorytechnician of the local breweryexaminedthere, whetherthefinishedproductsmeetthequalitystandards.
The breweralsoexplainedthat back inadditiontotheeconomicobjectives of thebrewery more and more environmentalissuestothefore. Untilthefinishedproduct 20 hectoliters of waterwerenecessaryforonehectoliterofbeer. Nowadays, oneneedsonly 1.5-2 hectolitersforit. This saving can be achieved, bywaterrecoveringwatervapor, separatingper-treatment and implementingadditionalmeasures. Finally, eachstudentwasallowedtotake a still of thehomemadelemonade and enjoy.
For he Comenius School newspaper students wrote an anticle describing ways people can conserve water and why it is imporrant. Before they had written the article, they made an activity and a survey on their families. In our “ Effective Usage of Water” activity students were told to design to be aware of how much water individuals and families use on a weekly basis. They were given a sample story about water usage, They conduct the survey at home for a full week. They were explained how to fill out the survey and how to make tally Marks each time the activity takes place. After they had completed the survey we could discuss the results .
In this process, they were asked to consider what their families could do to reduce the amount of water they use, How much water would they conserve? If everyone in the class followed that practice, how much water would it save in a year. The results that weekly total water used for a four people family.
Toilet Flushing : 300 liters • Short Shower (5-10 minutes) : 600 liters of water • Long Shower ( > 10 minutes : 1800 liters of water • Tub Bath :--- • Teeth Brushing : 100 Liters • Washing Dishes with Running water : -- • Washing Dishes Filling a Basin : -- • Using Dishwasher : 300 liters of water • Washing Clothes : 150 liters of water
As a result water consumption is high in the bathroom and toilets then cleaning and less cooking. So we should be careful at homes while using water.
Analysis of Questionnaire Within the scope“Comenius School Partnerships Project” the questionnaire about the importance of water in human life, water shortage end water saving was completed by 16 students from our school. 10 of the respondents are female and 6 of them are male. 4 fifth-grade students and 11 sixth-grade students have answered the questions These data are given as a chart.
Question 1: I drink 2-3 liters of water daily. “I Agree” 15 students answered, 1 student answered “I partly agree” Question 2: 750-1500 liters of water from the tap is wasted per month. 2 students answered “I agree”, 14 students answered “I partly agree” Question 3: You shouldn’t use water to melt the frozen food. 3 students answered “I agree”, 4 students answered ‘I partly agree’,9 students answered’I disagree’ Question 4: You can reduce water consumption 25 % by taking a shower instead of having a bath. 10 students answered “I agree”, 6 students answered “I partly agree”