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Class 14 Honors

Class 14 Honors. Objectives. Declare, initialize and use an array of structures Create a union. P. 641 Pgrm.11-5. Array of Structures.

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Class 14 Honors

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  1. Class 14 Honors

  2. Objectives • Declare, initialize and use an array of structures • Create a union

  3. P. 641Pgrm.11-5 Array of Structures struct PayInfo{ int Hours; float PayRate; };int main (){ PayInfo Workers[5];cout << “Enter the hours worked by 5 employees” << “ and their hourly rates”;

  4. P. 641Pgrm.11-5 Array of Structures for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++) {cout << “Enter hours worked for employee” << (Index + 1); cin >> Workers[Index].Hours; cout << “Enter pay rate for employee” << (Index + 1); cin >> Workers[Index].PayRate; }

  5. P. 641Pgrm.11-5 Array of Structures float Gross; cout << “here is the gross pay for each employee”; for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++) {Gross =Workers[Index].Hours * Workers[Index].PayRate; cout << “Employee ” << Index << “ Gross” << Gross; }

  6. P. 642 Array of Structures struct PayInfo{ int Hours; float PayRate; };int main (){ PayInfo Workers[5] = { {10, 9.75}, { 15, 8.62}, { 20, 10.50}, { 40, 18.75}, { 40, 15.65} };// initializing an array of structures

  7. P. 643Pgrm.11-6 Nested Structures struct Date { int Month; int Day; int Year; }; struct Place{ char Address[50]; char City[20]; char State[15]; char Zip[11]; }; struct EmpInfo { char Name[50]; int EmpNumber; Date BirthDate; Place Residence; };

  8. P. 644Pgrm.11-6 Nested Structures int main () { EmpInfo Manager; ….. } EmpNumber Name Residence BirthDate struct Place{ char Address[50]; char City[20]; char State[15]; char Zip[11]; }; struct Date { int Month; int Day; int Year; };

  9. P. 644Pgrm.11-6 Nested Structures struct EmpInfo { int EmpNumber; Date BirthDate; Place Residence; } int main (){ EmpInfo Manager; cout << “Enter manager’s employee number”; cin >> Manager.EmpNumber; cout << “Enter employee’s name; cin.getline(Manager.Name,50);

  10. P. 659-661 Unions are like structures: union PaySource {short hours; float sales; }; main() { PaySource employee1; Either/oremployee1.hours ORemployee1.sales short hours float sales

  11. void main() { PaySopurce employee1;char payType;float payRate, grossPay; cout << “enter H for hourly wages or C for commission”;cin >> payType; if (payType == ‘H’) { cout << “What is the hourly pay rate?”; cin >> payRate; cout << “How many hours were worked?”; cin >> employee1.hours; grossPay = employee1.hours * payRate; }else

  12. if (payType == ‘C’) { cout << “What are the total sales for this employee?”; cin >> employee1.sales; grossPay = employee1.sales * .10; }

  13. Q & A

  14. Conclusion of Class 14

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